Gula is Gluttony, a demon who represents one of the seven deadly sins, albeit in her own odd ways.
Taking the form of a six foot three purple and cream rabbit with dark crimson hair and shiny amber eyes, Gula's form proves a little incosistent at times. Her colors may change, and she may change shape to partake in slightly more bizarre acts of gluttony, or things she can't handle in a simple lapine body. But in the end it's down to cosmetics for her, though she's quite happy the way she is, right down to her dark grey furred hands and twitching cotton-tail. Gula has kind of a thing for leather, and typically wears leggings, armlets and 'gauntlets' made of the stuff, letting it creak with her movements to entice a little. A simple black thong usually keeps her 'decent', if you can really call it that, and her chest is often left bare, her upper clothing consisting of little more than a black leather collar.
On a blue moon she can be found in leg hugging jeans and a sleeveless top, however, though these would usually fail to cover her flat, smooth tummy or a fair portion of cleavage. She tends to keep her collar, too, so she needn't go a day without leather. As to what other physical shapes she might take, well, you could ask, but maybe it would be wiser to keep her looking completely lapine and not at all demonic.
For the short time poeple come to befriend her she may be called Gul or Gula, or even Gluttony, if addressed by another demon or one of her sisters. Despite being a demon, and thus having a perfectly complacent respect for the sinister, power mad and rather evil ambitions of kin and others, all that Gula really wants to do with her life is devour anything and everything that looks even remotely pleasurable to feel struggle and sink away inside her. If Gula had represented Greed, perhaps she'd be taking things in order to own them, but Gluttony dosen't work quite the same way. Not to say that Gula can't be possesive about her food!
Having been born or at least shaped to her particular sin, Gula's body is unique. The first and most obvious features that may stand out about her is the rabbit's flesh, it can stretch, it can swell, it can take a beating, but it never seems to tear or bruise, and attempts to pierce prove futile. A band of warriors might endure the traumatic experience of seeing one of their comrades poke a sword at her belly from the inside, doing nothing more than creating a long, pointed stretch, eliciting nothing more than a smile and a sensual noise from the tall rabbit beast. Her body seems to process everything, nothing leaves her body unless she wants it to, in which case she might belch up bones, especially skulls, thinking it makes for quite a show. Gluttony never seems to put on an iota of fat, seeing as it dosen't seem to be what she wishes (assuming her body can do anything but process everything perfectly and leave not a trace), and this is despite how lewdly and loudly her belly digests her victims. Often the noises emanating from within her body, be they belches, gurgles or rumbles sound demonic and monstrous rather than befitting a pretty lapine creature. Although it sometimes seems Gula digests things so quickly that her belly simply shrinks and fades, sometimes it seems like the inside of her body is far bigger than the outside - showing off an ability to push things past her thighs and have them simply dissapear! A hint as to one of the bigger, more alarming quirks of the demoness' body.
Apart from her hunger, Gluttony is fairly calm and in check, and unlike some of her kin, be they close or simply other demons, she can lead normal conversations, tease, and simply wander on occasion. Though of course, if she waits too long, hunger might strike her a little less negotiably. Gula often dreams of devouring everything piece by piece, person by person, city by city, world by world, a demonic wet dream of sorts, but she seems to have no interest in bringing about apocalypse, far more interested in lounging, relaxing, and picking her pleasures. It made her less enemies, and allowed her to take her time, something akin to a very messed up gourmand with no intention of clearing the buffet too quickly (or the chef who refills the table, for that matter).
Gluttony has a runic tattoo over her navel which represents her sin. But it's just for show, another brand decorates her right shoulder blade. Neither seem to have any special purpose.
Ooc: Gluttony is, obviously, almost entirely predatory, even then, devouring her would likely require her willingness, and she likes keeping the status quo! What does the unconventional vore slider stand for? Well...I'd say some things in her profile count towards it. The vore battle moves make some of them more obvious but hey - don't think I rely on vbattle. It's just fun to do sometimes. So don't think you need to engage me in that just to interact with me! Sliders that aren't 100% no may sometimes be taken with a pinch of salt. For example - on Macro/Micro, I like size differences, but tend to enjoy stretchyness, and how much of a size difference I like is limited. So the slider really just indicates my tendancy rather than my preferance. Hope that makes sense. I guess the point is don't count me out of something if a slider isn't full negative (or is a lower 'like' than another slider), or ask if unsure.
Oh, also, the player can often be a little lethargic and tired, not always desperately running around for a scene either, please don't be needy! Talk all you want, though, talk gewd.
Nayru's vore battle related stuff, not mandatory for the character.
Passive Abilities:
Demonic Belly - Gula handles digestion a little differently than normal. When an opponent is in her belly, she rolls too! If she ever rolls 14 or more, Gula's belly floods and swells with extra acid and churns and rumbles loudly, causing an extra point of damage per turn. If she rolls 18 or more, her belly swells further, almost submerging and/or squishing her hapless victim, dealing 2 extra damage per turn. The latter effect can continue so long as every proceeding roll is 14 or higher. If the roll is ever less than 14, normal digestion resumes until she manages a 14 or 18 again.
+Overload: If Gula ever rolls a natural 20 while an opponent is in her belly, she can pick between two variants of this special move.
- Crush and Belch: The instantaneously gratifying choice. In a sudden show of demonic abdominal strength, Gula crushes her opponent with her belly, and then belches them from her body with force. This ends digestion but deals 5hp crushing damage and stuns for one round.
- Crush Tour: Less instantaneous, but the potential damage is higher. Gula begins shoving her victim through her body towards her rump. She has a remarkably clean set of pipes, but they will be crushed three times depending on her success! Gula rolls three times. Every time she rolls 10 or higher, the opponent receives 2hp crushing damage and -1 to their rolls for three turns.
Note: If Gula rolls a 20 during Crush and Belch, it's fatal. If she rolls 20 during Crush Tour, she deals the full 6hp damage regardless of enemy traits and applies the full -3 to rolls for three turns.
Avatar of Hunger - As a physical representation of Gluttony, Gula has some special body traits. Her body can take a lot of punishment, especially from acid - she takes 1 less damage from digestion than normal, and begins the game with 15hp instead of ten to represent her tough, stretchy, nigh-unpierceable hide.
Non-Passive Abilities:
Bone Spit - God knows where she keeps them, but Gula may use the bones of long digested victims as projectile weapons. Gula rolls twice, and must at least win the first roll. The first roll determines her aim as she belches up miscellaneous bones, ribs, legs, arms, fingers, these damage. If Gula rolls 10-14 they only cause 2 damage, 10-14 they cause 3, and 17 and up deals 4. This is crushing type damage. Less than 10 and she misses. The second roll determines how well she aims the skull, which stuns instead of damaging, 14-16 stuns for one turn, 17 and up stuns for two - anything less than 14 and the skull misses.
Glutton Gain - Gula attempts to hold her opponent by the cheeks in a seductive gaze and drain energy from them, allowing her to grow in size. Gula needs to win the roll to gain 2 points, if she wins with 12, she gains 3 points, if she wins with 17 and up, she gains 4 points and her opponent is left reeling from life-force drain, giving them -1 to their rolls for two turns.
Benefit Chart:
Starting Height - 6ft
2 points - 8ft, +1 to rolls
4 points - 10ft, +2 to rolls
8 points - 15ft, +3 to rolls
12 points - 25ft, +3 to rolls, plus access to giant finishers.
Glutton Grab - Gula attempts to grab and stuff her opponent into her maw in a fit of hunger. If she wins this move, Gula's opponent may move a certain number of vore phases with added chewing damage. If Gula wins with 12 or more, she shoves her opponent into her mouth and chews at them for 1 crushing damage. If she wins with 14-17 she shoves her opponnent into her throat, with 2hp combined crushing and constricting damage. If she wins at 18 or higher, she devours her opponent in one fell swoop and they land in her belly, with the same 2hp damage.
Bunny Hop - Using her powerful thighs and calves, Gula leaps over her opponent with the intention of landing on them and beginning or fully AVing them. With this move Gula has her own rules for AV for reasons that will be explained. The phases go partial AV, deep AV, and swallowed. Three phase, much like Oral Vore, and the results are different. If Gula wins with a 12 or more, she partially AV's her opponent, if she wins with a 14 or higher, she sinks her opponnent deep. If she wins on 17 or higher, she fully Av's them in one go, after which rather than being sent to her stomach for digestion, they enter her 'real' stomach. For explanation of this, see 'Paradox Stomach'. If Gula does not swallow her opponent whole with this move, the players roll as if engaged in oral vore until the prey either escapes or Gula swallows them, following the phases stated.
Voracious - Almost specifically made to allow Gula to get her opponent to 'Paradox Stomach' explained below. Gula only has to win this move for her navel and stomach to split open and turn into a demonic maw, with a big, slathering tongue. If Gula does not manage to cram the opponent into her new bellymaw on the first roll, but did manage to beat the opponent's roll and summon it, she will get a +1 to subsequent attempts to devour the opponent this way for three turns. Her first attempt does not receive this bonus. This follows the oral vore phases scheme, more or less, it goes maw, in throat, swallowed. If Gula wins with 12 or more her opponent is in her belly-maw. If Gula wins with 15 or more they are partially swalowed, if Gula wins with 18 or more she swallows them whole and they go to 'Paradox Stomach', for every turn spent in this maw without being fully swallow the opponent is chewed for 1 crush damage. As with Bunny Hop, if Gula does not swallow her opponent whole with this move, the players roll as if engaged in oral vore until the prey either escapes or Gula swallows them.
Love Me, Be Me - Gula chooses to seduce rather than force. This is a four stage vore method which goes 'Attached' 'Partially Melded' 'Deep Melded' 'Engulfed'. The stage the sequence begins in depends on how sucessful the first roll is. Once this is 'engaged' the rules for escape follow oral vore, with phase 3 being as hard to escape from as the stomach. Once engulfed, the opponent rolls for escape as if inside the stomach, taking 2hp damage per turn but with every failure the damage increases by 1, and the opponent's rolls drop by -1, up to a maximum of 4 for both. The more you meld with Gula, the less you can struggle! If Gula rolls 12 and wins, it begins at Attached. If she wins with 14 to 16, it starts at Partially Melded, 17 and above and it begins at Deep Melded. A natural 20 starts at Engulfed.
Paradox Stomach - If Gula swallows her opponent using Bunny Hop or Voracious, the opponent and Gula both end up here. In this dimensional space Gula is forced into her demonic form, which is bigger, stronger, and sports two red eyes and curled ram horns. She gains an unconditional +3 to her rolls so long as her opponent is trapped in the dimension with her. The results of Bunny Hop and Voracious change in this form - if she swallows her opponent using either, they remain in the Paradox Stomach and take damage from the experience. 3 for Bunny Hop and 2 for Voracious. Both will also cause a -1 to opponent rolls for two turns due to disorientation, why? You'll see why if this happens. :3
+Escape! - This is actually for Gula's opponent to use. They can spend a turn trying their luck at finding a way out of Gula's belly. This is dangerous, however, as Gula's real belly is a massive place - a labyrinth filled with acid pits and trap rooms. Failure may be costly, but progress towards an escape can be kept.
The opponent rolls twice, first time for escape progress, second time for avoiding dangers.
Progress Rolls:
10+ - 1 points
14+ - 2 points
16+ - 3 points
Natural 20 - Escape
As soon as 9 points are accumulated, opponent escapes. In case of escape the opponent still rolls for avoidance, but they ignore all effects unless they roll 1-3, in which case they run into a trap room and the escape is foiled. It should also be noted that trap damage is not fatal, and can only drop opponent HP to 1.
Avoidance Rolls:
13+ - No Damage
10-12 - 1hp from stepping or running into a bone spike.
7-9 - 2hp damage from falling into an acid pit.
Less than 7 - trap room, the entrance closes behind, and Gula gains early access to her finisher.
If the opponent actually manages to escape, they crawl out of Gula through an opening of their choice despite her attempts to push them back down. The shock of being bested this way deals 3hp damage to her and deals -2 to her rolls for four turns.
Glutton Drain - Similar to Glutton Gain, but used to sap her opponent whilst in demon form, instead of grow. If Gula wins the roll she deals 1hp damage, if she wins at 14 she deals 2hp damage, at 16 and up she deals 3hp damage. A natural 20 deals 5hp and heals Gula for 2hp.
As PredAs Prey
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Oral Vore |
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Unbirthing |
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