This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
Last of Teutonic Crusaders "Listen to this horrid story o'brave you warrior you who swored to give Lord thine arm to let him direct your blade through thick darness doing to vilest of all the most harm... For this is a tale of man's willingness of eternity in passion - and in this he saw fight an endless struggle with unholiness so codemned he his body with vampiric delight So by taking the curse of eternity he pledged to hold the words of promiss dear to be the obscure knight of fraternity that under sign of cross once wished to spread fear" ![]() |
![]() Name: Heinrich of Loarna, son of Jurgen de'Loeve Taken Surname: Doppelhertz - "Two Hearts" It is said that to uphold his Lord's grace and not to loose it due to Caine's curse, he had to inject himself a fragment of relic - a bit of Ulric's von Jungingen heart and drink his blood, to uphold the tradition of fighting pagans with who, unfortunately, his Order Master lost a battle and died. Heinrich himself stole the body of order master from hands of pagan king, giving it all honors after long ceremonies that eventualy turned his body into what he is now. Age: He was born in year 1388. Ever since accepting vampiric gift his age doesn't matter. Race, Origin: He is a Vampire in his true form, very hungry and very desciplined! But once he was a knecht in service of sacred Teutonic order, a simple son of German nobility who went out on journey to seek redemption and new path in life. He isn't but a normal vampire... he swore his oaths to God and to upkeep his grace that helps him fight monsters and sinners, he has to kill them a lot, exactly 222 every year! He can't harm a good man, despite his craving for blood, he knows that if he will feed upon innocent mortals he would loose his chance for redemption, thus his hunger is stronger and his real natue struggles with bounds that he put on himself, not knowing if he's still the man or already the beast?! Abbilities: he can use all kind of Relics and is immune to crosses, holy water - due to his servitude. Altho it is a type who desires slaughter! He fights strongly! Oh he fights so strong not to harm anyone during those long seven centuries... with exception of sinners, other vampires, dragons, monsters and so on.
Look: Nowdays he tries to mask himself under black clothes, wearing cape and cloak on his black armor that is tightly fit to his body. His skin is pale and marked with mystic tatoos bounding him to both holy and unholy powers. His eyes are red, hair - white, his build is relatively slim yet muscular as he is 6'23" tall. He has a burn-mark on his forehead, made by silver bullet he was once shot with by a vampire hunter... It luckly never pierced the skull - making him even more sure that Lord watches over him. Armament:
"Why have you followed that way of love where nothing awaits but pain and damnation your skin is white now as plumage of dove, but soul you got dark for hell is your nation... this is where you step towards, o'galant knight yet claming dear Lord has written your lore, you fight and become one you swore to fight and simply... you serve him, no more..." ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ...still a human. Heinrich began his adventure in Loarna, a small town somewhere in German Empire, he was the only son left and heir to father's fortune. But his ancestors de'Loeve family wore long a legacy of shame as against strong calling of Pope they tried to convince pagans to peacefully join christian civilisation. They were openly criticized as unworthy of noble rank and had to proove their claims going on crusades. His father lost all other sons in Jerusalem and simply wished to save Heinrich sparing him same fate... but young mind devoted to the will of church never wished forget who his brothers were! He was proud of them, that they bravely fought fighting saracen scum! He saw his father as a coward that would rather multiply his fortune built upon trade than to serve Lord almighty whole Europe believed in! His father send him to the monastery where he was suppose to live as a monk, till they day he was suitable to get married and take over his family fortune. But instead of joining fraternity of St. Bernard, he lied to have different name and instead he joined very popular that time armed order of Teutonic Knights. He well blended in society of those proffesional warriors who sacrificed their lifes on endless strugle with slavic pagans of the East, also Turks and Tatars, converting them with fire and steel. He quickly attracted eye of his supperiors, being a good fighter and skilled swordsman who handled blade with deadly precission! He advanced to become a knight, received his own horse and two servants - and not because of his money, but thanks to his deeds what was a kind gift those days and really a sign of gratitude. When his father died, Heinrich returned to Loarna, just to sell all the welth and fund dozen of cannons to his order, 40 fine horses and crates of gold imperial Marks. His order Master was so proud of him! More of that! Everyone discovered he was son of Jurgen de'Loeve, and valued him even more, that despite being of such unwelcomed home, he prooved to be devoted and good knight, obediant worshiper and perfect model of christian. ![]() "Kill fire with fire - before it consume what dearest is most and what you hold close so burn it yourself or deeply inhume... ...before it's used to taunt you by those who have lost already last conscience's scraps and will put you through trials of thine Faith and Hardness emotions in heart left are but of worst traps So, get rid of them, Knight! ...Regardless!" ![]() After loss of his master and battle of Tannenberg, Heinrich swore to get back body of his mentor from pagan hands. To do that he had to reject thick armor and expensive tunics to wear black clothes, to wrap himself in world of lies, plots, treasons... It was the only way to overcome pagans. He saw nothing wrong in cheating those unfaithfull beasts, as they worshiped wood-creatures more than Lord... they lived peacefully with warewolfs, slicky lizzard-men that emerged from swamps to help them fight with knights of god! They must have sold their souls to hell-ruler to dwell among his creations freely and in good relations... what of course awoke his disgust and hate towards them more and more, justifying all the horrors he did and he was suppose to do. After lerning how they willingly submit to those beasts, Heinrich took sacred oath, he will become one, a vmpire, to hunt them down till the end of time, leading warbands to impale and burn those who never welcomed Lord in their hearts. He became a respected leader as he moved foreward to conquer and fight in Jerusalem, where once more his masters send him, dispatching more and more suqdrons to his command, soon making him leader of 22 battalions. He fought saracen forces, legendary entities they summoned, women that looked like cats, weilding scimitars better than many of humans, half man-half birds who attacked their camps at nights, giantic snakes of femine features, that emerged from sea devoring those who stood beside him... but never managed to get Heinrich himself. ![]() ![]() ![]() -So... I heard you like Vampires. ...and Deamons? ...and Monsters? But have you ever seen a 'Monster'? Heinrich continued his work over ages going deep into crypts and catacombs, hiding from civilised world in desolate underground sanctuary where he prays, keeps relics, books full of ancient spells, weapons, armors and when he tortures his captives, iterrogates them... Long and bloody years were aheade of him, full of sorrow, routine, psychotic mania of wicked fanaticism in which he learned to draw pleasure of suffering, he loved to hear people scream, to hear them gurgle with hot fresh blood from their ripped throats... ages of deviation, of lusts and power, of orgies in bloodbaths, rapes. It was a strange age lately... when his lusts for power grew, making him explore new dark aspects of his own inside... he had a sport even, of mating with female vampires, seducing them and playing a nice lad, just to backstab them after night full of delights! More... more... MORE! -he wants! ![]() Philosophy: "Only real force is brutal force... if brutal force don't work - it's not brutal enaugh!' "Violence is last resort of stupid people... Wise people use it much earlier." "When you're running out of supplies, out of men, out of strenght and morale... congratulations, you've just found a battlefield." "It's better to kill in the name of Lord than your own... If you were wrong judging one you've killed, at least it's not you who'll have to apologize." "Peacefull religion - isn't..." "Honorable people - aren't...' "The only unfair battle is one you loose." "Never share a foxhole with someone braver than you..." "Always organise yourself a team, fight in group. More people arround you means more people your enemies will target instead of you." "Rape? Fun..." "She says no? ... wait, since when she can talk?!" "Tolerance and Equality - example of how to write a fairy tale with just two words."
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OOC - yummy stuff ![]() OOC Note: ((I am not a native English speaker, so please have mercy ;) )) -This is a character that represents will of survival and will gladly fight to tease predators. He is a crusader rised by Holy Teutonic Order and he roams the world seeking out vile monsters, deamons and restless spirits to send them back where they came from... he won't go down easily that I guarantee. It doesn't mean my character will do much harm if you don't want yours to be harmed, wounded or so, we can nicely RP that out, but I see most people here willingly submit to be eaten and few really try to fight. Hence this character that is suppose to give you bit more realism. But! that doesn't mean I can't play willingly, it all depends on the agreement between you and me ^^ If you wish to lay with willing prey i'm happy to make an exception. -Though I do play a pred for a certain type of characters I find appealing - If I am in mood that is. Am quite charmed by beautifull witches and would love to bite them! He he. -Random Scenario Idea: Describe me the place your character dwells and I shall make a nice introduction to how this galant knight is sent on a mission to find and kill the monster, obviously not expecting his foe is much, much bigger than he presumed (I love size-play ^^ But on reasonable scale. Being an atom next to Goddess's toe don't really leave much space for interaction, right? ^^) -IMPORTANT weaknesses! As a blessed knight he regenerates his body. Sewered off arm will grow back in a half an hour in painfull process. But he will regenerate. Only way to defeat him permanently is to destroy his celurar structure, with stomach-acids for instance... or making him brake his oaths - what would demand seduction and a lot of convincing, braking his will with sensual 'tortures'. (if you know what I mean ^^)) Beside that he is vulnerable to all vampiric weaknesses. -Kinks:
Slider's definition
Fav Vore: 1)AV 2)OV - altho I enjoy them both as much, but my curnet greatest turn on is AV to be honest. 3)Unbirthing - love it, but I know not all of you do :P Ahh! Feel free to whisp me any time, when I'm logged and no DnD tagged, than I always look for RP ^^ When I'm DnD you can also whisp me, to ask something or so, but that means I'm currently busy RPing or doing some chors and can't spare you too much time. Write me OOC note first before we start - it's imporntant we deiscuss some things first Atencione! Gorlami! Si... eemmm... correcto! I can very strongly devide my personality and personality of my character! Don't you even dare to think that being a nice guy on whisps means I may be nice IC. I have this talent to play different personalities really Realistic way, to the level I start to think the way of my char. It's hard to explain, but you'll have to experience this playing with Heinrich and chatting with me. I assure you that after we start you'll have impresson like you deal with compleetly different person. Whole text ebove is rather cheery, dont you think? Exactly, and was written that way to remind you I may be a nice guy, but I also may be a cruel cold bastard what you shall surely experience while playing with me
Here I'd like to talk a bit about what possible scenarios can we play and show that I'm flexible with most of themes, providing vide choice of experiences. |
As PredAs Prey
Being PredBeing Prey | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | I can be pred towards more gentle characters, and prey to those bigger 'uns. Hey if you wan't I can be even Jesus, but what's the point? |
Soft Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Gulp - win! |
Hard Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Nom nom, oh shit! Gore! ... oh, wait, I love that! - win! |
Digestion | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | You can't have a good RP scene if you do not digest what you've just eaten, right? Without it it's incompleete! |
Fatality | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ... to loose your life, while realising your deepest fetishes and fantazies? Can there be a better way to die? |
Oral Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Yes please! |
Unbirthing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | It's a fantasy of every male on planet, to experience beloved pussy with whole boddy. One who says it's not... must be gay, or something, srsly! |
Cock Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | In case oh herms it's ok. |
Anal Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | In a way, that's a fav one :3 |
Tail Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Tail? Can you even vore anyone with a tail? That's bit strange, honestly, thing is I can't even picture that in my immagination. |
Vampiric Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Hell yah! I'm a vampire, I just loooove that! Blood, Blood, More BLOOD! |
Stretchy | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | It's ok, untill your character starts looking stupid, I mean, when you are a random schoolgirl with elefant inside your belly... you know ou look ridiculous? |
Realistic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Puritan win! Goes well with size-play. |
Food Related | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Not really. It's either I or my prey that's gonna get eaten, not a substitute representation of mine in form of a cookie! I like cookies though... |
Rough | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Of course! it's suppose to be almost a battle of characters and boddies in there! |
Gentle | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Is fine from time to time. |
Sex | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Yes, please! With a coke and large fries! |
Pain | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Make love, not war... and love is PAIN ^^ |
Blood | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | You srsly think I got to explain that? |
Scat | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Watersports | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Magic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Micro/Macro | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Sizeplay is best, period. |
Same Size | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Same size also :P surprise... |
Male Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Nope, straight only... |
Female Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Hello there, would you like a snack? |
Herm Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Hello there, too... |
Human Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Fur Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Scaly Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Plants | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | A plant? Guys, how can you... with a plant? I mean, Ivy from Batman - sure, but a... tree? |
Animal / Non-morphic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Verbose Posts | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Evolving Character | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | negotiable |
Staying In Character | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Surprise Me | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Multi-Session | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Grab and Gulp | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Whisper | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Public | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Private | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas! |