

In times of antiquity, the Nymphs heralded the turning seasons. Thus to the tune of tradition, Heort dutifully embodies the spirit of Spring. The latest in a long, proud line of heralds, the young Naiad prides himself as vital to the function of the natural world. However as civilization encroaches, wastefully destroying every acre of green it encounters, Heort and his fellow spirits have grown wary and suspect. Regardless of his animosity towards humanity though, Heort is a fair judge of character at his center. To this end he often takes pity on humans, helping lost travellers find their way or blessing drought-striken farmlands with rain. But with the same breath he'll trouble the avaricious with grave misfortune, cursing whosoever takes more than they're due.

[OOC: Milk_Alts made a fairy(?), kind of. His height is whatever I feel like at the time, and his age goes on for miles]