A a former human turned nyuudou user who was converted to the Buddhist faith by one
Hijiri_Byakuren. Ichirin herself is a rather spunky lass who holds Byakuren in high regards thanks to the history she has with her. However, even Byakuren hasn't spent as much time with her as the pink nyuudou, Unzan, has. Having met his defeat by Ichirin's hands a long time ago, Unzan devoted his life to protecting Ichirin but, at the same time, he is also rather shy and only seems to confide within Ichirin and no one else. Naturally, the two make an increadibly tenacious and formidable fighting pair, Unzan usually being the medium for Ichirin's attacks. Despite being a pink cloud, Unzan's infamous for hitting harder than he looks...
A buddhist nun summoned forth by the
Circle_of_Jermod. Nooot done.
Nyuudou...butt? I dunno, I'm outta ass puns.