
Behold, the new face of fe...bwahahahaha, sorry sorry! I-I can't even say that with a straight face. Hahaha, I'm no good at this 'terrifying summoned being' schtick, can we skip the intimidation part and get down to business?" ~ Lizip, impette.
So, who is this devious little creature and what are her infernal plans? Well the first is easily answered while the second is a bit of a letdown once one finds out the truth about the matter. Lizip is an infernal denizen of minor power and even less influence that is commonly referred to as an imp(ette) that often finds herself at the not-so-tender mercies of her betters. The Netherworld is a demon-eat-demon kind of place after all so it is little surprise that Lizip prefers the overworld and the denizens of the sunny, less threatening world that she often finds herself dwelling in. How does she get summoned so often when most demon wranglers are often after more potent servitors? Turns out that paying off scholars to alter the records of demon histories to replace the names of important and powerful demons lords with her own doesn't actually coast that much and means that she gets a lot of sun-time as she refers to it!
Before anyone asks, yes that has made her quite a lot of enemies among her own kind who view her methods as the most crass and offensive thing that one demon can do to another. Another reason to avoid going home, huh? So why go to all the trouble to get summoned all the time and spend the majority of her time in the overworld? Does she plot world domination? The damnation of entire mortal spheres to eternal suffering? Here's where the cleverness fades and most people end up incredibly embarrassed about just whom they managed to summon after all their hard word. ...Lizip likes boobs.
...Yep, that's the extent of it.
Sure there are plenty of stacked she-demons out there, but most of them are seriously dangerous and have no time to put up with a handsy little perv like Lizip where-as mortal women are much safer to be around. Plus, what little magic she does possess, can easily fulfill the desires of the self-conscious to give them figures more in line with what she prefers. Win-win, right? There is still plenty of danger for a grope-happy and somewhat bratty demon like Lizip (Liz for short) but compared to the trouble that she could get into at home, she's more than willing to take the risks here rather than in the netherworld.
Belongs to Sybilia. Shut up! Its none of your business!
A cute little alt idea that I had and thought I would explore. A fair bit of OOC alt is here though so please don't take it the wrong way if I say that I don't feel like playing at any given moment. I come on Impette to relax and have good and sometimes silly perverted fun considering she's a demonic serial groper.
A SugarySweetAlts production.~
~An Impette's Desires~
What does this particular impette want out of life?

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