
Age: 20
Fur Color: White with hair dyed red
Hair Length: Past Shoulders
Physique: Tall and Lithe

Personality: Carefree and quite the air-head, May lives everyday like it doesn't even matter. She trusts nearly anyone and treats strangers as though they were old friends. No matter what happens, she tries to keep an optimistic attitude. Even when she is walking by herself, she does so with a smile.

Background: Born and raised by a human father, May never knew her own mother. In order to keep her feral nature stable, her dad agreed to allow her to test various medicine. This had led to some... very interesting side effects. Shrinking or growing, being able to eat much more than anyone else can, and many more.



Woah! You're Tiny!: Can increase her height depending on location. If out in the open, like the country, than she grow to a silo's height. If the city than a Pro Basket Ball Player's.

Gah! You're Gigantic!: Can decrease her height without any limit.

I'm Never Full: Able to eat a large amount of food without feeling stuffed or slowed down.

Why Are My Pants So Tight?: Able to gain male anatomy, but also keep her feminine form.


(( Cool People I've Met Here; check them out sometime. ))



(( Open to Anything. Don't be afraid to just let it all out here. ))
(( Permavore as Pred/Prey: Very open to this. Would love to try it out either way. ))
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike ((I'm fine with most fetishes, all I want you to do is ask first.))
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike ((Take as long as you need to, just be sure to return the favor.))
Evolving Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike ((Will most likely happen if we RP again.))
Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
Never/Dislike ((If you have a question mid RP, don't be afraid to ask.))