
Age: 22
Height: 5'1
Weight: 93 lbs
Pred/Prey: 30/70

Irin's one of the rarest cases of a living being. She has no parents she can remember, no life beforehand, simply remembering the day she was shot out of a vortex at the age of 16. Not a memory remained in her head. She simply existed, and took to the culture about her quickly. She managed to get a job working as a secretary for one of the many small game-development companies that littered the area. It is there that she discovered a love for gaming, and took to it quite quickly. And so, gamerbirb moved in to a small apartment, and lives out her days accordingly!

Personality wise, the best way to describe Irin is to say that she's a short-fused bomb. She can be sitting down, doing her job or enjoying some food, only to have soemthing set her off. She will be in your face in moments, her mouth a constant blue of motion as she speaks. This birb is also very easily distracted, particularly by shiny things. She's known for keeping a lot of positive energy around her, and if you want anything possible for her to do done, just ask her. She'll do it in a heartbeat.

She's extremely comfortable with vore, doing it casually almost always. It's just a part of life for her, and naturally, she's prone to both eating and being eaten. Reformers are commonplace around her hometown, so why wouldn't one indulge in a bit of squirming meat on occasion? Keep in mind that this is only willing prey. She doesn't have the heart for unwilling.

Random notes:
-|Mains Reinhardt, Vulcan, and Fiddlesticks in Overwatch, SMITE, and League respectively.
-|Favorite food is pepperoni pizza
-|Favorite drink is Mountain Dew
-|Perpetually smells like warm milk, for whatever reason.
-|Has extremely soft feathers.
-|Probably has ADHD.