
a baron and emassary to the tower from the house of trade, and a former house of judgment baron ithaax is known to be cold and caculated, open minded and possably zavalas rival as hes found in the last city and the tower, calmly telling the vanguard and any guardian that will listen the consiquences of their actions, as well as ideas he thinks would be better, and a bit of a religious man, usually found near ikora, on her left with his carpet, some fallen items, and at times, praying to the great machine, but on the rare occasions hes found around the earth hes known as the fallen of the hunt, offering rewards for guardians huntring animals that he deems worthy, forcing them to discard their armor and abilities and fight anbear or wolf head on, the dallen baron keeping some animals he deems too pure with him, such as a few pigeons that saint 14 feeds, and a small white bird he keeps around with him
a baron of the House_of_Trade