Name: Jaelza Khen'zass.
Age: Three hundred and twenty eight.
Height: Five foot four.
Weight: Hard to gauge.
Race: Elfkind - Drow
Occupation: Trophy wife.
Hobbies: Eating, flirting, snuggling, getting new families, ending new families, dance, classical music.
Ever wonder what happens when a drow settles down for 'happy' domesticated life? Sometimes it goes exactly how most people would expect marriage to go, white picket fence, two-story home, etc. etc. Anyone who knows anything about drow though should know better and Jaelza is a living, breathing example of the true motives usually behind such actions. See, this large and very snuggly drow is like certain species of birds, the cowbirds in particular.
See, Jaezla would rather not go through all of the effort and pain of having a family the normal way, not even a husband to be frank. Sometimes she just sees a partner that she desires and worms her way into their life, makes herself the center of it, and drains them dry of everything she desires from them. Then, usually, the unfortunate partner is disposed of and she moves on to the next family! Sometimes she finds soemone who is already taken...well..lets just say her body is padded by wives and girlfriends that have gotten in the way of her goals.
Big WIP! Not..uh...not a pun, I swear.
Recent Developments:
Hello! I felt I should say a word on the kind of play I'm expecting. Obviously sexual is a part of it, a big part of it, considering Jaelza's build but vore is too. Mostly of the decidedly 'soft' variety. With that said, I definitely have a love for descriptive and well written scenes and try to return the very same when it's given to me. Short and poorly written posts just...don't do anything for me at all. Sure, a mistake every so often is fine but if nothing is capitalized where it should be or punctuated, etc, then I'm likely to want to stop playing. OOC is fine though.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to whisper me them and I'll do my best to answer them. Keep in mind this profile is STILL being worked on and is not a finished product yet, this just gives a good idea of what she's about.
SugarySweetAlts production and another member of the Khen'zass family.