A small town mouse with big city dreams. One day, he wants all of Nexus to know who he is.
Problem is, he doesn't really know how. All the other famous mice have a talent - something they're known for.
Danger Mouse, known for bravery and crimefighting. Deadmau5, awesome spectral DJ slash record producer. Who's dead.
Even the Three Blind Mice, well they did wonders in the charity sector for mice with visibility issues.
But Jinji...well what did he really have?
He could finger tut with the best of them. Finger Mouse?
There was that one time he ate a whole normal sized pizza. Gluttony Mouse?
Could touch his elbows with his tongue. Flexi-Mouse?
All he needs is that one big moment, one big break, that will define him forever.
Preferences for Roleplay? Let's talk! Only rule is no males. Sorry!