
Why jog exquisite bulk, fond crazy vamp
Daft buxom jonquil, Zephyr's gawky vice?
Guy fed by work, quiz Jove's xanthic lamp--
Zow! Qualms by deja-vu gyp fox-kin thrice!

Name: Jonquil Dhalia
Height: 5' 8"
Age: 23
Girlfriend: Christy LustHeart (bonded)

Appropriate Header Title

Jonquil's childhood was uneventful. She grew up in a stable home, with friendly, not-too-overbearing parents, who supported her in whatever she did, within reason. She never really got into the whole pred/prey thing, though her father tried multiple times. The closest she got was eating a few micros at a party when she turned 21. She prefered, instead, to work on her studies, and make friends, with preds and preys alike.

She currently is going to university, studying mathematics. She's pretty shy, but really friendly, though not very outgoing. She prefers having a few really good friends to having a lot of shallow acquaintances.

Sometimes she'll feel flirtatious and dress more skimpily than usual, showing off her curves and fur, simply because she knows most people are too shy to approach her like that. And although she's introverted, on such days she can usually conjure enough willpower to tactfully, and teasingly, deny those who do approach her. If her mother knew she did this, she'd probably be worried sick, since that's a good way to get eaten or worse. The thing is, although she'd never admit it to anyone, she's always kind of hoping that does happen. When her eyes linger on a cute femboy, she's always fantasizing about them domming her, maybe even ingesting her in various lewd ways, or merging her with their cute cocks. But then she looks away, and continues with her life.

When not prowling around, she can usually be found at home with a thick tome-of-a-math-book, or messing around on her computer, or even just lounging on a remote park bench staring at a tree because, well, it's pretty. On clear night's she'll often take a half-hour to just stare at the moon, and the sight of her standing just off a side-walk, head cocked at a distant mountain-range backlit by a glowing cloud is not uncommon.



To find out my preferences, you'll have to get to know me. Or rather, her. This'll take a bit of RPing, often voreless and maybe even sexless, to get her to warm up to you (unless you're her secret kink, in which case, it probably won't take that long). I'll lay a few ground-rules, though: No masochism, or dismemberment or excessive blood. Beyond that, it's pretty hard to out-kink me~