- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
"Quote" - Character
Another alt from the LaviList.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vehicula condimentum pellentesque. Maecenas a sapien ullamcorper, condimentum est sed, finibus lectus. Curabitur pellentesque sed ante eu congue. Mauris fringilla, velit sed porta egestas, nibh odio hendrerit magna, mattis malesuada libero dolor maximus justo. Pellentesque sit amet dignissim mi. Sed id vehicula metus, sed varius enim. Ut placerat viverra facilisis. Maecenas rutrum urna dui, at dictum dui luctus sed. Vestibulum lobortis auctor magna, vel accumsan lectus suscipit rhoncus. Proin eu leo ut felis mollis dignissim a vitae nunc. Pellentesque finibus cursus aliquam. Praesent convallis libero diam, vel efficitur ex mollis id.
Click the sections below to learn more!
As PredAs Prey
Being PredBeing Prey | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Pred lean switch. |
Soft Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Digestion | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Fatality | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | In scene. |
Reforming | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Out of scene. |
Oral Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Unbirthing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Think of it more as pussy vore than unbirth. |
Cock Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Can't. |
Anal Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Clean. |
Breast Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Unconventional Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Not sure what. Absorption. |
Rough | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Generally lean this way, but fine with both. |
Gentle | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ^ |
Sex | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Mood dependent. Ask first. |
Pain | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Combat, and a byproduct of some roughness. |
Blood | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Combat. |
Bondage | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Love it! But not required. |
Magic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Unwilling | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Dubcon is good too. |
Micro/Macro | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Slight size diff is fine, up to double. |
Same Size | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Male Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Female Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Verbose Posts | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Depends on the type of scene. |
Quick Posts | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ^ |
Evolving Character | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | My characters tend to retain some sort of memory from the incident. Not required. |
Staying In Character | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Though always feel free to use (( these )) if there is something we need to discuss mid scene. |
Surprise Me | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | If it's in my prefs it's free game. |
Whisper | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Always open! |
Public | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Either one. |
Private | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ^ |
Insertion | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | The process of being devoured is what I like to focus on. Digestion is a bonus, and disposal will be implied at most. |
Peril | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | The predator hopelessly subduing the prey, no matter how hard they try the efforts made are futile. |