
Below, links to stories involving Katsumi I've written:
Doctor's philosophy, Problematic eve, Wasted chance, The not-so perfect crime, Digestive treatment, What if... married, Conspiracy 1, Conspiracy 2, Conspiracy 3, Worst idea, The Encounter, Blackmail, To a head, Great Need, Break from Routine, Horace

Name: Katsumi Del.
Age: 31 yrs.
Gender: Female.
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 168 lbs.
Species: Human.

"Don't worry, I'm a Doctor.. No use, she's beyond help. *gulp* tasty though."
"But she only suffered a common cold!!"

Katsumi Del's profession is that of a Doctor. Though question remains if she's an unorthodox doctor, or a radical one. She worked hard throughout her school years to gain an astounding expertise within the medical studies and the anatomy of both Humans and non-Humans alike. However, despite said considerable expertise.. patients that enter her clinic tends to not leave the building again. Mostly because of her views. Inspired with the belief of benefitting the greater whole of civilization. Which leads to the one simple fact;

She's a predator.

And the criteria about at which point which her patients are doomed is hair thin. Even the slightest injuries and simplest sicknesses will land the subjects of her attention into her stomach. And she is very dedicated to her job, so she commonly does it even when off-duty. And people who appreciates their work are extra productive at their jobs. She sometimes do work at hospitals, and empties them within a day's work. The list of victims gone through her digestive tract so far easily outnumber the population of a small country.

She wasn't always like this though. Katsumi once worked with the desire to cure all those suffering under the heavens of both pain and disease, genuine with the belief that she should help all those in need. But that was until she met and became the apprentice of a very prominent Tigress Doctor named Vilina during one of her school trips - who saw potential in Katsumi, despite her being Human. Vilina was the latest in an order of professionals older than many civilizations who are renowned for a nearly flawless medical history to the point of mythology - only to discover personally that the order utterly rejects the Hippocratic Oath and that her teacher as well as those before her have eaten countless people over the centuries. The basic philosophy of theirs being to treat society. The 'patients' are merely infections that burdens society - often selfishly. And this philosophy Vilina deeply instilled into Katsumi in turn.

And to aid in that process Katsumi wasa made to join the medical corps along with her teacher during times of war - most often as a medic on the front lines or behind enemy lines. There, she saw just how expendable people are, and saw both the best and worst of people. Knowledge and wisdom that was kept close to her heart after, much to the satisfaction of her teacher. And after this experience, patients were no longer someone to help in her eyes, but trash to dump into her own body for civilization's benefit.

It however has very little to do with malice though she is to a great extent ruthless and cold. But she does it with a deep desire to aid society at large, carving out the cancer that blights it with not a scalpel, but her own digestive tract. Thus she places little value in individual lives - for the greater good of the community comes first.

To avoid bad attention. She maintain a journal over her list of patients, past and current and lists their condition. Although in this case, cured might as well mean digested.

Her personal clinic is a rather humble one, though well equipped. Consisting only of four rooms; A waiting room, the doctors office, the toilet and the break room. The office got sound isolation in order to keep her practises strictly secret. The office was filled with all manner of medical equipment required for her profession, including a sonograph.


Despite her modus operandi, she is quite soft-spoken, though blunt. She usually doesn't act very socially due to her belief that she should not form any bond with her charges, which she will inevitably eat anyway after a quick examination. Gentle to a point, but extremely strict and adamant when she comes with the diagnosis, though it would be more accurate to call it a verdict.

Even off-duty, she maintains her job-like attitude. Critically analyzing the people around her for what she and those before her and her teacher would call anomalies.

Sufficed to say, she is a no-nonsense kind of person who takes a hard line to things. Though there is also a measure of softness and playfulness if one digs deep enough.

When she finds time for herself, trains quite often to maintain her physical fitness. She'd have a bit of a weight problem due to the titanic number of meals per day otherwise. She isn't adverse to going out to have a drink or doing something amusing if possible - but her work remains the heart of her soul.

-See image for illustration-. She possesses quite an average physical build. Though her more feminine assets are quite pronounced, an odd side effect of her rather protein-heavy diet. but despite her looks, she's strong enough to overpower most people. Beauty outside, strength within. An effective deception. She typically wear a somewhat tight dress (adjusted with folds that are loosened when the stomach expands to maintain her modesty) that extends all the way past her knees, leaving her calves exposed. And wears a white labcoat above it, typically wearing it wherever she go to help back up her Doctor-credentials alongside her ID. She also wears black crocs (a type of shoe).

Setting suggestions: (Note: Examples for where rp's can take place.)

At work:
- Clinic.
- Hospital.
- School.
- War zone.
- Accident downtown.
- Sport event.
- Journey/Expedition.

Freetime: (though technically she can easily bring her job there as well)
- Bar.
- Training center.
- Downtown in general.
- In the wild.
- At home.

RP suggestion: (Examples, it goes without saying.)
- Typical visit at the clinic, or house call. (Goes without saying that this one's the most frequently suggested one. Creativity's a plus since it can get pretty tedious.)
- Assisted suicide. Katsumi can offer that service.
- Inspection. A new disease is spreading. Very contagious, and yet some species are more resistant to it than others and end up being plaguebearers without knowing. Solution? Thin the herd. (Anthros mostly)
- Native consumption. Similar to the one above, except Katsumi joins a relief expedition to some poor country. Unfortunately, there's no consistent solution to people's starvation. The Doctor decides to help a bunch of malnourished children by having them for lunch. After all, overpopulation is one of the reasons they suffer food-shortages.

Different scenario RP suggestions: (Examples primarily.)
- Rp's involving Katsumi as part of a family:
-- A scenario where she finds out that her husband have been cheating on her. She devours him after confronting him about it. She also ends up eating her children afterwards. (Prefer the former to be unwilling, while the latter are more willing prey.)
-- Her son coming back from school, telling his mother about other kids that have been bullying him. Ending with Katsumi eating the bullies, and receiving belly rubs from her son.

Other notes: (Not described in profile that this player also enjoy)
- Humiliation. Not everyone reacts to being eaten by a Human gracefully, especially the big and tough typical predator types who probably looked forward to a dish consisting of a certain Doctor after examination.
- Rough prey. I both love and adore the chance of more mean bad-spirited pred-style prey. Good-spirited prey are alright, but I love the former the most.

Doctor's medical journal:
Looking towards her desk. A journal can be seen, quite a new one at that. She got a large box filled with older journals stuffed to the brink with the names of past patients. The vast vajority of her patients having ended up in her stomach. The number of those eaten being hard to count even with the collection of journals. But over the course of her career, she has devoured about thirty thousand to fifty thousand patients.
(This list includes special mentions from her newest journal)

Kindergarten x10.
Mr. Colson Archibald's 6th' grade class. (On-going)
LaraCroft and Amanda Everett.
Voerman_Twins - Velvet_Velour
Ice_Cream_Stand (Tasha, Adree)

"You say all of my patients vanished? If it helps, I provided them with offers for special treatment. I can show you the prescription if you may come over here."
- The last words heard by a Private detective before he was eaten by the Doctor.

MySpace Profile Counter at TweakYourPage.com

Usually no one has time to take her advices in situations like this to heart, for that the offending party is too busy being digested.
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Pred

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Entirely pred. Though occasionally she could end up as prey.
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Blood leaves such a mess. So victim goes in whole.
Hard Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sometimes though, there's no other choice. (Implied only)
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike She digests all that goes in. Letting people out goes against her policies.
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike People that end up inside her will die.
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike This is the only way she can eat others. And she would not want it to go any other way.
Unbirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike Only sometimes when prey.
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Maybe.
Stretchy Always/Love
Never/Dislike Big belly filled with squirming prey; Loved!
Realistic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Won't be much space to move, stomach constricts and thus the prey won't get much room to move. Can go all the way to crushing if desired.
Cooking Always/Love
Never/Dislike Maybe. Depends on the idea.
Food Related Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sure.
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike Rough is preferred. She isn't gentle once she begins. Preferred in the romantics/sexual department.
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sex is becoming more acceptable, though I have a preference for clothed sex. Nudity isn't much of interest.
Pain Always/Love
Never/Dislike Yeah, treatment can be pretty painful. Consumption can be discomfortable. Digestion much more so. Compression especially. Not to mention having to manhandle the occasional patient that does not agree to the treatment. And so on. (Not a must though)
Scat Always/Love
Never/Dislike What goes in, must come out... one way or another. Not required.
Disposal Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Never/Dislike Maybe.
Willing Always/Love
Never/Dislike Willing is good. Best suited for the gentle side of the spectrum that agrees that doctor knows best or are weak of will. Though there are exceptions.
Unwilling Always/Love
Never/Dislike In no way accepting the doctors advice, argue with her or trying to resist getting eaten. But most suitable for the more rowdy and rough type of prey. (pred-types loved)
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Never/Dislike Maybe. I don't enjoy prey less than one feet tall, or at least not just one alone.
I like prey up to a few feet taller though.
Same Size Always/Love
Never/Dislike Preferred. Most filling.
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Either gender works with me.
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Any species goes.
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Dragons especially.
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Underage Character Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike I usually like to avoid one-liners. Three to four or five lines at average. More if given much to work with.

If your post length average at one-liners, my interest in the rp will die very fast. Manage two or three lines at the very least.
Quick Posts Always/Love
Evolving Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike Hm, maybe.
Staying In Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike Staying fully IC during rp. Not when outside it.
Multi-Session Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can be quite fun with the right idea.
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike I like.
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike Same with this one.
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike Free to whisper. If not answering, then I'm either afk or not able to answer at the moment. Please try again later by all means.
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love
Never/Dislike Preferred place to rp.