Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons
Do we need to put an explanation here? This is Daenerys from Game of Thrones. She is here (with or without her dragons) to get into a sex/vore scene. Let's talk details!!
Scene ideas:
-Prey: Daenerys has been captured by the opposing force. She is brought to her knees, made to service her conqueror sexually, and then devoured.
-Pred: Upon conquering a new kingdom, Daenerys decrees that a sacrifice must be made. To her (or her dragons).
-Prey: The great Khaleesi takes a new handmaiden. Little does she know that the new girl (or herm) has an insatiable appetite.
-Pred: Daenerys has to exercise her hunger every so often, so she will frequently visit the market and find some nubile young girl. Impressing the girl with her wealth and power, she lures them back to her private chambers, where they make love. Sex gives Dany an appetite, however.
-Prey: The dragons would never hurt their mother! Until one of them gets hungry and horny (intended for someone to play one of her three dragons).
I will (almost) always be willing to play with other GoT characters
Daenerys can be played at any point in the GoT timeline, from Season 1 (or even before) up to the current point of the show. Please let me know if you haven't finished the books and/or series, so I can avoid giving you spoilers.
Daenerys does not have to be played in the Game of Thrones universe, player is perfectly willing to adapt her to match any setting or scene.
In_Your_Dreams production,
Dream_Alts division. See Dream Alts for preference sliders.
We've all thought about this scene, admit it.
Giantess Khaleesi. Because why not?
The Mother of Dragons becomes their plaything
A royal alliance doesn't have to involve sex.... Wait, yes it does..
Khaleesi visits a strange land... and immediately regrets it
The former Queen Regent is made to service her new Queen
Danaerys is put into her proper place as an obedient cumslut
Restored to her rightful throne
Sansa has been looking forward to this meeting for a long time......