When you come from something with basically no mind, and overtime you actually develop into a being...you can really appreciate what sentience has to offer."
Meet Kisei Hiru, a parasite that still has yet to be properly discovered, and even categorized. Even if 'she' was categorized, she'd probably be hunted to extinction, or attempted to. Because when she infects something-it has a 100% mortality rate-albeit, over a long course of time.
Kisei's kind first appear as an ordinary leach. Typically 'vermin' people want to avoid, right? or maybe not if some child mistakes it for just a very large tadpole....
Turning Sentient
Kisei didn't even have a name in the beginning, nor an actual though process..it was just do this, do that, reproduce, survive, not get reduced to a bloody pulp. Then some (un)lucky girl happened upon chance to stumble upon her in a pond one day, mistaking the parasite for a large tadpole she lifted it up and proceeded to pet it, and take it home even for a pet.
Now kisei isn't evil, nor was she when she was animalistic, but to her the girl was a host. Albeit a friendly host, who fed for her, cared for her-and petted her..even kept her from danger a few times. However, her 'master' fell ill one day-it was a terminal illness. Kisei, who had actually began to develop her mind around this time did what she was supposed to eons ago, she burrowed into-and they both became one entity.
The girl, who's name was Levia magically got better, all thanks to her friend Kisei..but since they were one now, Levia knew now what Kisei was-and knew that she was going to be engulfed, and her dear friend kisei was thankfully going to do it slowly to let her enjoy her few years of extended life.
But eventually, all good things must come to an end, Levia was completely consumed by her dear pet, and friend when she hit the middle of her sixteenth year. All of her memories, experiences, emotions, thoughts, became one with Kisei-who will cherish them forever. but they both knew this was what kisei's nature dictated.
Kisei now had a body of her own.
Kisei's body
The absolute
entire of Levia is consumed, there is only Kisei now-her larva leach form was only for protection. As the years passed, organ after organ of Levia's failed due to her illness, and was promptly consumed and her life prolonged until Kisei reached the brain. Her entire inner anatomy is composed of nearly a giant stomach, and a large, active reproductive system where the uterus should be, every bit of her body is manipulative to some extent. She can stretch beyond any normal body would dictate, the insides of her mouth to her esophagus downwards are all coated in soft, fleshy tentacles, tendrils and villi-made to slather whatever goes down in heavy lubricants, pry foreign objects from them..and make their descent..pleasant.
She is entirely carnivorous, her stomach has acids fit to break down even metal and her 'intestines' are capable of absorbing practically -anything-usually. There might be the occasional thing she has to pass, but otherwise, if something goes into her stomach-unless she dictates it, its not coming back out the same, and most likely alive either.
Her kind, when matured-aren't easy to kill either. Nearly impossible, as such-as if even one strand of living cells can regenerate..albeit, over a decade or so...pretty long to the point where everyone will have forgotten about them by then. The sure-fire way is..well, Lots. and lots of fire, or absolute submersion in acid to a extremely high PH-to the point it'd melt into the ground. She's a parasite, so acids usually won't affect her too much.
Hunger-wise, she usually tends to eat, when she deems it necessary. And she usually eats whatever nearby and convenient, it doesn't matter if its a close friend, or a complete stranger-she'll see it merely as natures demands, and while she'll definitely feel remorse and guilt about it, she'll be going through with it anyway..because they'll become a part of her, just like her dear friend became.
I might add more about her anatomy later, but for now inquire within!
Random stuff about Kisei:
Her favorite food, is, funnily enough-humans. the first thing she ever ate.
She adores her hair, and is a pretty vain creature in the sense that she will try to look her 'prettiest'. She doesn't see her tentacles as obscene entitites.
She is known in the community as someone very odd-but not reported, even for the..'oddities' sprouting out of her body. Many have tried, many have failed..and mysteriously disappeared as a result. So they merely accept her for what she is.
if nude, tentacles tend to sprout from various orifices, usually, if shes naked its either to bathe, admire herself, or..to breed-or prepare for a very large meal. The tentacles that come out, are meant to assist her in doing such.
The natural ageing process doesn't affect her, her kind live indefinitely until destroyed.
Her body can split open entirely to accept someone into it.
more will probably be added later.
Kisei's Body:
Age: 26, (Looks not a day past 18~20,)
Personality: Gluttonous, accepting, kind, social, curious.
Skin color: Pale
Hair: Velvet black
Eyes: if shown, Red.
Height: 5'10
Weight: Light, unless shes eaten something.
Bust: 42 D
Hair Length: Down to back, it can vary.
Attire: It varies, can be whats shown above.
Player is very open minded, willing to do most things, and most vores, Even bear in mind most will end fatally unless dictated otherwise. Willing to do, in order of most liked. OV, UB, Absorption(as described in the 'random stuff' section), AV, BV. Willing to do Post vore Scat/watersports, not Required. Willing to do guro.
Also shy, so if interested..please poke! The worst i can say is no. Please talk to me like a person, and no Ic approaches. thanks!
Too lazy to put all sliders up, but, 100% to all.
alt of
Emuko..it should be easy to see my profile style by now.
Levia enjoyed becoming a part of me, Why won't you?~ Ahn~...