

I spent a lot of time developing this character, and I'd really love if you would read the whole profile (or at least the bio, special scenarios and my sliders) before you contacted me for roleplay, sq-weak~ Thanks for being a cool person, nyaa~

Oh, and I did all this HTML by myself! If you want HTML help and I liked our roleplay, I'll format everything as you like, no charge! Call it being friendly, ehehe.

Kit Cheese

Kit Cheese is a... mouse cat. Groan. With a bit too promiscuous of a mother and a daring father, Kit was born with a mouse's tail, a kitten's teeth and a two clashing ears. For someone so cute, you'd think that he'd be eaten by now-- were it not for his pudgy figure or his distended belly. Nobody gets that big without eating a few kits along the way.

Table of Contents

Fancy skipping to the good stuff? I can't say I blame you, but I hope you get around to reading everything! This section is mostly for those who are mid-rp, ehe.