
Height:"I-i'm f-f-four feet all!"
Weight:"I-I'm not that..u-um...h-heavy" *blushes*

A Brief History

There was a(n) organization dedicated to finding and capturing all sorts of creatures mythilogical and special in order to preform tests of uncalled detail to further understand and learn form its species as a whole. This agency was from the very top any organization could get. Having acess to any location and a world-wide international web of science, all countries of the world aided in the support of this new type or research. Due to brink of extinxtion in her world, humans needed to find a new way to live. After several tests with different varieties of monsters grew a project known only as: Project Rebirth. A family chosen out of the few on earth to be used as lab rats in an experiment to help futher the idea human evolution. Day in and day out they were forced to work, placing the family members in separate locations to inject needles, injest pills, even forced sex was done over and over until they collasped in exhaustion. After a few years the family was on the brink of insanity and started to drop like flies under such harsh and cruel treatment. The mother giving out first and so the father followed soon after. The family consisted of a mother, father and three sibling all of which had type O+ blood and were perfect, healthy candidates for their desparate research. This being needed as the world was curling over from varieties of disease killing faster than it was able to be cured.

However out of the ashes and flame of pain the scientists had an idea, gatheirng the very life from all three they created a special cell that would create life when injected into any organisms egg. This had began working weilding successful trials, only the problem was that because of disease and the weakened immune systems given by the rare family, they new creations were born to die immeadiately if not within a few weeks of birth. Only live births seemed successful or one done in shells of any type. Breeding a host of new monster girls and guys that were resistant to the disease, the researches sent them out into the world to learn and grow after reaching the appropiate age. It was a special incident however, that changed everything...

As the last living relatives of the family where dying, all that remained after twenty long years of continued stress and torture, was the youngest sister and elder brother. He formed an idea that would set everyone free form this pain they had endure for so long. He took just about every once of blood that he could from his body and gave it to the youngest. Telling her to place the rest of what she could into the animal of her choice, releasing that animal in hopes that one of the children could live a happy and safe life beyond our world. She did so and with the last remaining bits of breath and conciousness she had, before succumbing to the loss of blood and the disease as her brother did, injected it into a fox and opened the cage. The now pregnant fox stared at the girl as some tears formed from her eyes, mouthing her last words as the light faded from her eyes. The fox traveled beyond this world o fulfill this dying wish, nurturing her young when the time came and leaving her child when it was time aswell. It was all part of the balance of life..

( ----This story is well, rather dark. Kit's story needn't be so..harsh, she isn't even tha type of character, in respect of that, and the love I have for such, I will change the story to be more deserving of her ^.^. If you wish to read the old story you may, but i'll need time to come up with a new one but warn you this story is abit dark ^.^. I suppose it shows my writing potential? O.O *tries to grab bait to use for future rp's* well, i'll leave this sign here to let'ya know anyway~ ------- )

[Revised Story]

Kitaria was originally born as a normal wolf, her mother and father being the one's who led her pack. He father sported a pitch black pelt with cold black eyes, he was larger than your average wolf and being sparated from his own pack, he had learned as a young teen to grow strong and independed, naturally this gave him unwanted attention, pushing him to rise to new challenges of the world as he simply tried to survive in the forest. Respecting the laws of the forest, the will of Gaia along with the natural order of the forest. He dared not challege those above him and commanded those who were lowly. A true leader, he challeged many strong packs in an act of domincance and defense, coming out ith only a few and his life in tact. He opposed humans so, seing than as unnaturral monkeys who threatened the very essence of nature and sought to bring its end he held no sympathy towards them, nor did he show mercy, even to their cubs, killing without batting an eye. He didn't care for names, having many etched into his name over the years, but many called him Noir out of respect.

Her mother had white fur, and blue eyes that flowed like a stream. She was very cunning and smart, learning how to survive by guiding others into a false sense of security, often using misdirection, ambushing and womanly charm to get her way. She was a loner, never really seekng more from a pack, she enjoyed a life on the run, on her own and she made sure all the males knew of this. As word spread of a knew alpha coming along through the forest, she merely ignored the idle talk, the whimperings of fools and cowards, she scoffed, though she did have a gentle side too. She loved the solitude. The quiet of the forest, the nature all around her, the whisperings of the forest, the rustling of the tree's as the winds blew by. The cool feeling in her fur as it rustled slightly in the wind. The sounds of running waterand the fish that darted about, it was all so...enchanting to her, the forest was her home, she loved it more than anything, more than a pack, more than a mate, she wouldn't ever give it up and would die before she was forced to.

He wansn't quite sure what it was about her, but something drew them together, he felt as if, gaia itself were calling him, but their meeting together was by no means an accident, and when all was said and done, they made love and fell alseep under the vast sea of stars in the sky, waking up, they found themselves in a world not their own. Wolves running wild and packless, the order of the world unlike their own. However they quickly got used to this new world, the forest if anything, upon learning about a child to be, N had made the choice to become a pack leader with his beautiful wife at his side. He didn't like the idea, but better to protect the child if anything. After gethering his pack, they wandered and roamed the forest, fending off a number of odd and unusual being the liek they have never seen. Telling the pack together any wolves and bring them to him, that he was to right path to follow and that someday he would right this rediculous new world. After a time, on bright full moon a new cub was born. She was gven a name to signify strength and her place in the pack and se she was called Kitaria, the daughter of Yin...

For a long time, Kitaria had no name and to this day she still knows not of her true origins, though she mainly stays in her wolf form, only knowing her pack mothers teachings that she was given though it was slim at best. Learning how to do the bare basics in life, she could hunt small to mid sized prey, she could injure large prey though was unable to kill it without assistance. She learned how cerain packs worked and how the chain of command was established, she learned about what revenge meant, she learned loss, grief, the heart of the pack along with other things like certain plants that were poisonous, which ones could make you itchy, where not to go and where to go, there was so much more she could have learned before the incident happened that eould change her life forever.

Kitaria is very timid, shy girl who can speak her mind when she is comfortable around you, but is usually quite quiet nd hard to open up most of the time. Being more so detatched from the moe modern lifestyle of the nexus, preferring to remain ignarant of the people and new technologies the world had in store for her that she wasn't quite fully aware of yet. However she is fully aware and knows that the world is a scary and dangerous place to be in and that it's not impossible for anything to happen if she can see it happen!

The young lass is fully capable of using magic but has absolutely no idea on how to do it. She can turn turn into her demi form if she tries hard enough however, this isn't the full extent of her abilities. Because she isn't a natural born she's abit special in the sense she can use abilities that aren't restricted to a typical kitsune, however she is ignorant to this. Unaware that the more souls she consumes she was grown tails awell, because she isn't a true pure blooded kitsune however she can only grow four tails as a result and each tail grants her different types of abilities or magic she can use to help herself or others. But until she learns the bare basics, this knowledge will be forever closed..

(( Wip, add more later ^.^ ))  
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Soft Vore Always/Love
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Reforming Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Tail Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Transformation Always/Love
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Unwilling Always/Love
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