
KiyoWinters but a lamia, because I wanted to have fun with snek tails.

Slider can be found there

Husband: Thomas_Lamia
Tail scale coloring: Grey with red and black diamonds
- "Standing": 4'11"
- Head to hips: 2'6"
- Tail Length: 24'7"
- Head to tail: 27'1"
Weight: Sounds like someone's asking to be put inside a special sleeping bag.

For those of you who wish to help me with my flower bed, and keep the flowers growing strong, totally not some list of those I ate and voulentold to help.

"So uh, apparently I work for Boss_Melinda despite never applying for any postion to her company. She ate me, then after ruining my garden she hands me a bunch of papers saying I work for her. I certainly don't want to work for her, and I keep getting refered to a complaint box. Ugh, work sucks."
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike More detailed sliders on the main profile.
Pred on Pred Action Always/Love
Cats and Nekos Always/Love
Eating Preds Always/Love
Kitsunes Always/Love
Nagas/Lamia prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sneks do eat other sneks in the wild ;)