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A story-arched Cata-alt. Catanautical

Name: Retaline
Age: 30
Height: 6'2"
Race: Human

Retaline. A name that once passed town to town as a bringer of ill fortunes, death, and desparity around her, the was the bearer of a curse long forgotten to her, bringing misery upon herself and others. Weak, disheveled, ruined, one might say, that she would never find anyone to put a stop to the curse. Then came her saviour, though in a form she wouldn't have expected. The woman who placed the spell upon her, all those years ago, twenty to the day. They met, she stared her stories of her misfortune, and so the Witch took it upon herself to care and nurse the woman back to health, albeit whiles he still carried the curse deep in her soul. Luckily, for the both, the Witch's magic was enough to dispell it, as long as Retaline stayed close. And so, began Retaline's new career as an apprentice Magess/Witch.

Six years have come and gone. Retaline still follows the Witch everywhere, while practicing the art of magecraft as well as battlecraft. The two founded a school of mages soutside an industrious city in the middle of an ever-expansive forest. Retaline, taking those six years, honed her skills in the blade as well as the mind, her body becoming a stout fortress as well as her mind becoming impregnable. She grew from ehr misfortune, becoming a shining beacon of a battle-magess. The curse still resides within her, however, meaning she has to stay close to her teacher and mistress at all times. Retaline, after this transformation over the years, has come out with a strong sense of predation due to her newfound confidence and body. She has become what she had wanted to be since she was little, and she has the person who started it all to thank for it.