

Likes warm rocks!

Welcome to my profile!

Please press the button of your interest to find out more about me!

TL;DR / Readme

Confident, teasy lizard girl who will totally try to eat you. Especially if you try doing the same to her >:3

Hard 'NO's

  • Prey Only Characters
  • Human Male Prey Characters
  • Underage Characters
  • Super Overweight Characters
  • Micro Characters

  • Special Likes

  • Deciding Pred/Prey via Dice
  • Realistic(-ish) Cooking and Prepping
  • Realistic(-ish) Smells / Gross Guts
  • Casual Vore
  • Pre- and Post-Vore Teasing
  • (Public) Humiliation
  • NPC Predators / Feral Predators / Pet Predators

  • Role Overview

    See 'Show Sliders' on the very bottom of the profile for more details

    Playing as Switch - loved

    • Enterring the scene not knowing who will end up as lunch
    • Dice-rolling to decide pred/prey (BO5 !1d20, or variations)
    • Gambling or daring settings
    • Being overly teasy and bratty
    • Being a sore loser or boastful winner (the second one is more likely to happen >:3 )

    Playing as Prey - enjoyed

    • Enterring the scene as Prey
    • Being cocky and unwilling
    • Getting some sort of (public) humiliation
    • CV, OV, AV, UB in that order
    • Species Pref: Ferals, Anthros, Demis, (female) Humans, in that order
    • Disposal very much adored!

    Playing as Pred - sometimes enjoyed

    • Enterring the scene as Pred
    • Preferrably with friends or traditionally attractive characters
    • OV, UB, AV in that order
    • Species Pref: Demis/Anthros, (female) Humans, in that order

    A Lizard Visit - an Introductionary Sketch

    Grey text as: Lizzy
    White text as: Disembodied voice
    *White text with asterisks*: Sounds! Wow!

    Hey, thanks for inviting me over! Been a while since I visited some...
    Oops! Sorry, it's a little hard getting through these tiny doors with that huge thing following me everywhere, he he. Okay, veeeery careful now...
    Argh, darn it! Stupid tail!

    Hot dang, here comes one hell of a girl! May I introduce to you: the living proof that hot and cool do in fact not exclude one another, it's ... Laaaaaa-riiiizzzz-aaaaa!

    W-What was that? Why is there a disembodied voice coming from your ceiling? And why is trying to hit on me?!

    Coming all the way from the sunny shores of a nameless tropical island, this 5'6" scaled señorita packs a punch, knocking you out just by looking at her!

    Seriously, ceiling, stop! You're embarassing me in front of my new friend, and that's not a-ok! So shut it before I call the local demolition company. Or the ghostbusters. Disembodied voices nowadays, sheesh. No decency!"

    ...? Nothing? Did it go away? Finally, that was really weird. Your house needs to learn some manners. What, take a seat? Oh yeah, sure, thank you!


    Huh? Oooooh! It's a kitty! Hi there kitty ^_^. Didn't know you had a cat... hey! Stop chasing my tail you little furball!

    About me? Well, thanks to Mr. Ghost over here you already know my name and where I'm from. Oh yeah and you probably noticed the whole scales thing... and the tail, sorry about that again, hehe.

    In my free time I like to relax by the lake, sometimes even at the beach in summer, oh, and I love indoor pools. Heated water, mmmhhh~. I also love the colourful leaves in autumn, hazelnut flavoured ice cream, dice games which totally don't involve the loser, aka you, getting eaten, and I also like not nearly falling to my death because I am too stupid to properly use a handrail. Not like that ever happened or anything!
    Oh, and I also like cats, even though your little rascal is trying its best to change that. Stop. Chasing. My. Tail!

    Aaaand it is my time to shine again! This wonderful Lizard-Lady is out for grabs both as Predator and Prey, albeit there is a slight preference leaning towards the latter. She can be played in modern day or high fantasy settings and will be happy to recieve whispers from anyone who fits the very generous preferences, and is interested in this hot piece of tail! Do mind that she's also a terrible tease, so be warned. You will be teased!

    Hey! I have warned you, disembodied voice. Stop talking about me like I was some sort of video game character. Gimme something to throw... hmmm... here! Flying cat attack!


    ...ahem... Oopsie-daisy... I might have gotten a liiiittle carried away there, he he... I, I'm just gonna be leaving now, okay ...

    Scene Ideas

    As Switch:

  • Vore Fare:
    Come join Lizzy to a wonderland of vore-themed challenges, which may or may not end with the loser getting churned. All right, it's very likely gonna end exactly like that.

  • Vore Poker / Blackjack:
    Did you know Lizzy is great at playing cards? She likes high stakes though. Dare to sit at her table?

  • Truth or Dare:
    You know it, you love it! A spin of the bottle opens up so many chances at voracious and otherwise enticing mischief!

  • Way too Realistic Fantasy RPG III:
    The latest VR superhit is out! It's even got a multiplayer mode! Care to play a round?

  • Gym Locker Wrestling / Vore Wrestling in General:
    Everybody knows, there's no better place to do things unseen than a gym locker. The lizard might get sweaty, and you might get churny. If you're lucky, maybe things even go the other way round ...

  • Drinking Game:
    Reptiles and alcohol don't really match. That doesn't mean Lizzy won't try to drink you under the table though. The fact the loser will be incapacitated might serve as an advantageous bonus.

  • Pred Contest:
    A true fan favourite, in which you can show your predding prowess and reward yourself with a competitor snack-prize. Or become one, if you don't bring your top game!

  • Restaurant Visit / BBQ Party:
    What's that? Looks like we're all out of meat! Well, fortunately, you came along with Lizzy, and you surely have no problem with being the stand-in main course, right?

  • Lizzy's Favourite Steakhouse:
    An odd place the lizard girl likes to take her friends out to. There's a special sort of ... deal there. Flip a coin. Heads, you get free access to the restaurant's all you can eat menu for the day. Tails, you become tonight's all you can eat menu...

  • The Game Show:
    It's Saturday night again and hundreds of thousands of curious viewers click in to the country's most famous game show hosted by the lovely Sandra de la Mia! And look at that cute lizard girl candidate! She'll take on tonight's opponent, and hopefully win, since the loser of this little game show traditionally meets a rather unfortunate fate, under the eyes of the live audience...

  • Vorelympics:
    Once every year, there is a rather special tournament held in the unassuming little hamlet of Your Town Here. The participants, your favourite lizard being one of them, engage in different well-known disciplines, like 100m dash, pole vault or even some swimming races. The catch is: all these disciplines have been ever-so slightly altered to feature rather dangerous creatures, ahem, I mean 'helpers' to make losing all the more undesirable... Pole vault over an alligator pond, free style swimming in a shark tank, or no-rules-wrestling, which disciplines will be chosen this year?~

  • Uni-vore-sity:
    Lots of young adult (18+!!!) creatures of all kinds learning about all facets of life in a vorish world, on a campus that has everything from farms, over dungeons, to an oversized cafeteria kitchen. What could possibly go wrong?

  • As Prey:

  • Stablehand / Zoo Worker:
    Lizzy's gotten an odd job at a barn or zoo, which happens to house the more voracious sort of animals...

  • Mighty Adventurer Lizard:
    It's a world full of dungeons, and dragons, and wizards, and vore! What a splendid time to be an adventurer! Just don't forget your arrow-proof knee protectors!

  • Late for Class:
    Biology, PE, Cooking class: All these and more can be taken at Nexus Predatory Community College ... and none of their teachers are great fans of students being late! Welp, at least they make for good lesson material...

  • Free Diving:
    Swimming is fun! And so is diving! Especially in the unexplored waters of the oceans, pools, sea world knock-offs, and other not so safe places. But hey, who cares for those "No Swimming" signs, anyways?

  • Involuntary Participant:
    Everyone loves a good game show! And what wouldn't you do to be part of one? Too bad this particular broadcasting service runs a more ... dangerous entertainment programme, and the participants aren't always volunteers...
  • Daily routine:
    Getting gulped by your not-so-friendly neighbourhood lamia is already bad enough. But slowly digesting away while she goes around her day with you as a perfectly conscious bulge, showing you off to her friends and casually minding her daily business ... now wouldn't you hate it if that happened?
  • Shark Tank
    Lizzy has signed up for the great TV sensation 'Shark Tank', and would you believe it, has actually been picked! Her excitement's so big, she doesn't even notice the name of the production company on the letter is somewhat ... suspicious...

  • As Pred:

  • Hot Tub Snack:
    Lizards do not only enjoy hot rocks or heat lamps, but also hot tubs and springs! They often come with free food, too! Just great!

  • Dinner Date
    Sweet, you've scored a dinner date with a smoking hot lizard girl! Too bad you're just perfect to play both roles: the date, and the dinner...

  • Debts to the wrong kinda people...
    Sometimes, life's tough, stuff happens, and the money well starts running dry. That's when you need to looks somewhere for quick money. Maybe making a deal with those shady guys from the underground casino wasn't the best idea you had though ... oh, what's that? Did someone just knock on your door?

  • Stats

    Lizzy has nommed...

    • Catgirls x18
    • My Favourite Cute Lamia x6
    • Other Hot Lamias x1
    • My Favourite Anthro Wolf x1
    • Anthro Wolf x1
    • Demi Wolf x2
    • Feral Wolves x3
    • Tons of Humans (Seriously, a LOT of them!) x25
    • Hot Fox Girls x5
    • Demi Dragons x5
    • Anthro Doggie x1
    • Anthro Bunnehs x2
    • Gryphon x1
    • Anthro Lizards x3
    • Demons x1
    • Vampires x1
    • Smelly Sharks x2

    Burps: 77

    ... and got nommed by:

    • My favourite Anthro Wolf x1
    • Anthro Tiger x1
    • My favourite Cute Lamia x2
    • Other Hot Lamias x2
    • Naga x1
    • Carnivorous Jellyfish x1
    • Giant Lizard-eating plant x1
    • Cute Mermaid x1
    • Pokémons x1
    • Catgirls x3
    • Sea Serpent Demi x1
    • Hot Fox Girls x3
    • Anthro Gator x1
    • Demi Dragons x3
    • Feral Komodo Dragon x1
    • Feral Snake x1
    • Feral Dragon x1
    • Anthro Panther x1
    • Demoness x1
    • Big Smelly Anthro Lizard x3
    • Humans x2
    • Feral Wolves x1
    • Anthro Fox x1
    • Smelly Sharks x2

    Gurgles: 36

    Events & Friends

    • Through multiple meetings, has become good friends with the lovely Brielle_Lamia - although they still like to unexpectedly try to turn the other into a pleasantly squirming bulge from time to time~

    • After a few meetings and back-and-forth belly trips, has established a blossoming friendship with Agent_Kaori.

    • Has entered a terribly tease-heavy, voracious friendship with Trainer_Sarah , whom she keeps trying to send down gullets in a variety of ways, of course always putting her own life on the line, too. No risk, no fun~. Somehow Lizzy almost always comes out on top, though~

    • Has found a new friend in Rhaya_Khuja, who happens to have a slightly unhealthy amount of desire for lizard bellies~

    • Found an equally fearsome as well-spoken friend and hunting partner in the large black wolf Lupines_Bane. Their shared love for dice-games got them both to experience the highs, and the oh so low lows of living in a world of vore. Also has an irrational fear of bunny girls now. Don't ask.

    • Gotten a new fan of sorts in Lernie, who adores the lizard very much. Perhaps Lizzy will train her to become a dangerous switch herself one day?

    • Found a super hot fox lover in Lilly_vixim with whom she engages in all manners of behind-closed-doors shenanigans~

    • Found someone who spoke her language and had a crazy good time with Blacky_Jacky and many a adventure with her friend ThomasT and his many incarnations.

    • Has started regularly engaging in whacky little adventures with the brick-headed brute Gulloth.

    • Very embarassingly consumed Rideaux right in front if her girlfriend, and little Red's never gotten over it~

    • Enrolled in a magical school for witchcraft, wizardry and ... certain other things alongside Lannissa_Marteigh, with whom she engages in ... well, mostly those other things~

    On Statuses

  • ONLINE - I am on my PC. Feel free to say hi!

  • - I am not on my PC, or have been put into auto-away due to inactivity. Say hi and I will respond as soon as I come back.

  • - I'd like to play. Please, feel free to approach!

  • - I really want to play! Please, do whisper me if you're interested!

  • - I am currently in a play. Yay for me! :3

  • - I don't think I've ever used that. If I got this in it's probably been a misclick ._.

  • - Oh no! I am being eaten!

  • - I am eating someone, oh no for them! >:D

  • - I am either in a play that requires my full attention or am working on RL stuff. Expect delayed answers! D:

  • - I only use this in the utmost emergency, please do not whisper me right now. Wait a bit or send me a PUB, please! c:

  • Alternate Lizzy Art

    AI Lizzies and Stuff by me

    Cutiepie Lizzerd

    Stronk Dommy Mommy Lizzerd

    Comic Lizzerd

    Japanese Comic Lizzerd

    RPG Character Portrait Lizzerd

    Alternative Reality Friendly open hair Lizzerd

    Young Lizzerd

    (Almost) Hooman Lizzerd

    They really do let everyone join the battle, don't they?

    Less scaly, evil dommy bedroom lizard by Lucian_K

    Beach Lizzerd pics by Peckish_Programmer

    Feral Lizzy by Catcher


    Fun Tidbits

    Vore Personalities

    (via the Voresonality Test)
    • As Pred: 'The Bully' ('I'm going to find out what makes you tick, and keep you ticking all the way down~')
    • As Unwilling Prey: 'The Closeted' ('No I'm not blushing, it's just really hot in here!')
    • As Willing Prey: 'The Flavourful' ('Does something smell delicious around here, or is it just me?')

    Vore Tier List

    Also, I have made one of those funny

    Vore Tier Lists

    if you're interested in that :3

    Current Lizard Time

    It's currently in Lizard-Land :3

    Lizard Click Counter

    The lizzerd has been clicked Free Website Hit Counter times! Amazing!

    Flag Counter

    The Lizard Watchlist

    The Lizard has a secret(ish), crudely written list that reads something along the lines of ...

    Characters will be removed from the list after first contact, or on request.

    Can play in and :3

    Show Sliders

    Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

    As PredAs Prey

    Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "You're in trouble now!""You mean 'take me out for dinner', right?"

    *Officially a switch now*
    Soft Vore Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Okay, let's see if I still got the hang of that...""Beside the fact that this is an actual literal stomach and I should be freaking out right now, it's pretty warm in here."
    Hard Vore Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Okay, that's it, you have just lost spleen privilege!""Want a bite of me, huh? Well, well, I'm afraid you're gonna have to work for it if you want... oh wait, you're serious!"
    Digestion Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Not so tough now, huh? Hehe, it's funny, because you are literaly a soft pile of mush now. Ah yes, I love humor.""Tail? Tail, where are you? Ah over there, right next to that leg that looks suspiciously scaly ...wait a second!"
    Fatality Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "He he, I guess you were dying to get to know me, hehe. I should really consider becoming a comedian!""Wait ... this ISN'T VR!!"
    Editor's note: "Fatality" refers to in-scene. For "Perma", see below.
    Reforming Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Urp~ ... Oh, what's that? 'Coupon for one free reforming'... welp, looks like that's mine now >:D"Damnit, I HATE the reformers and their stupid public logs!"
    Endo Always/Love
    Never/Dislike My understanding of Endo: Safe Bellies with NO DIGESTION happening in the entire scene at all. I don't like that :o
    My understanding of NOT Endo: Talking to prey in-belly, having a chance of getting out again (e.g. rolling dice), staying in the belly for a while before digestion kicks in, etc.. I am fine with those things :3

    "Did you know my lizard half belongs to a carnivorous species? Yeah, take a guess how long you'll make it in there.""Yaaaaaaaawn, boooooo-ring!"
    Oral Vore Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "My guess is you taste like frosted cereal. Time to find out!""Oh-oh! Problem. Big problem. Very big-hmph!"
    Unbirthing Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Restricted to friends"Do no try to sway me with your womenly vice! It will absolutely not work! Not a chance. Definitely."
    Cock Vore Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Herm lizard? Herm lizard.*sniff sniff* ... what's that smell? "*sniff* ... oh, what's that BULGE?!"
    Anal Vore Always/Love
    Never/Dislike *covers her butt*"Hey, you! Nice butt!"
    Tail Vore Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Stop. Chasing. My. Tail!""Uuuuh, you got a tail too! We're tail-pals now!"
    Breast Vore Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Ignoring that what you just proposed is absolutely crazy, I cannot do that. Like literally. I can't, it's physically impossible.""I love your rack, but not in that way"
    Vampiric Vore Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "If those little reptile fangs work, you ask? Well, let's give it a try, shall we?""I'm cold blooded! 'Refreshing drink'? Very funny..."
    Soul Vore Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Uh-uh, you stay right here! Shllllllurp~" You've chosen the warlock class!
    Unconventional Vore Always/Love
    Stretchy Always/Love
    Realistic Always/Love
    Never/Dislike I very much LOVE some sort of believability / coherence within the scene. E.g. getting eaten being a pretty gross and unpleasant experience >:D
    Cooking Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "I call it 'Roast á la Chef Larizza'""Lizard...steak? You got reeeeal weird ideas of a nickname. And also a huge oven." Note: If you'd like some bratty lizard on a prepping table, please do apply! In the mood for this. But don't tell Lizzy, or I'll be in trouble! ;)
    Food Related Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "I like ice cream, I like you, why not combine the two?" "Ahem, why exactly do you have a giant tin can labelled "Lizard in a can"?"
    Rough Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Rule #1 of the Larizza-code: never make a lizard girl mad!""Ouch, ouie, aie, pain, it, hurts, stop, it, ouououwwww...."
    Gentle Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Aww, such a cutie.""Mmmhhh... you know how to make a lizard purr... I know, tecnically, we don't purr, but you get it, right?"
    Sex Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Hmmm... mayyybeeee~"
    Vore must be the main focus though :3
    Pain Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Stop screaming, I don't have a 'turn off digestion'-button!""Muffled displeased noises"
    Transformation Always/Love
    Blood Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Come closer, I don't bite. Well, okay, perhaps sometimes.""Oof, wow, that's a LOT of blood!"
    Scat Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Can do implied for you, if you enjoy having 'real' disposal.Disposal only, preferred way to end the scene.
    Disposal Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "You're not gonna look a lot less cute when you come out again~""'Fertilizer' is not a very nice nickname!"
    Watersports Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Don't judge ._.
    Bondage Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "You're moving too much, hun. Let's fix that ...""I... I can't move. I... kinda like it, but I can't move. Wait did I say that out loud?"
    Now canonically has a box with naughty leather straps and collars and the likes under her bed. But don't tell anyone! Shhhhh ;)
    Magic Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "A friend from the Mage's Guild taught me that one! ๒๏ภ๔คﻮเ๏!*poof* "H-hey! They didn't tell me the rope spell could backfire!"""A friend from the Mage's Guild taught me that one! ๒๏ภ๔คﻮเ๏!*poof* "Theeere you go, all nice and wrapped up~"
    Willing Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "It's you lucky day~""Nggggg... okay, okay, you got me!"
    Unwilling Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "What? Look at me, don't you wanna become part of that? No? Well, tough luck for you!""Wait, no, let me down, you brute!"
    Micro/Macro Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Micro/Macro as in you're just big, like a dragon or an Anthro twice my size? Full yes!

    Micro/Macro as in one of us is as big as a pinkie toe? Full no!

    Might eat shrunken friends tho!
    Same Size Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Also applies to similar size!
    Male Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike !!!READ CAREFULLY PLEASE!!!
    Male Feral: You're in.
    Male Anthro: You're in.
    Male Human Pred: A little iffy with that, would you like to play as an anthro version?
    Male Human Prey: No. Never.
    Female Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "I like girls. Like, you know how I mean it~"
    Herm Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Yush!
    Human Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "You taste like chicken"Plot twist: RL picture profiles preferred! I know, crazy right?
    Disclaimer: Lizard is NOT interested in male preys!
    Demi Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "You taste like... wait, you're me!""Ooooh..ooh ooh ooh, hi there!! I-I mean, ahem, hi there B)"
    Fur Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "You taste like cinnamon rolls. Fluffy cinnamon roles. Plus for cuddles :3""What big teeth you ha-*chomp*"
    Scaly Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "You taste like cookie dough <3""'How to get eaten by your dragon', by Larizza"
    Feathered Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "You taste like pasta! What?""It's a bird eat ... lizard world, apparently?"
    Plants Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Do I look like a vegetarian to you? Well, they do tell you to eat your greens all the time, might as well try!"Man eating? No problem, it doesn't say lizard eating, I'll just...hmmmph!"
    Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "This song is called: I love ferals. Iiiiiii looooovveee feeeeraaaallls. The end." *applause*"I don't really get off off'a eatin' your cat, babe."
    Underage Character Always/Love
    Never/Dislike ────────█████─────────────█████
    Verbose Posts Always/Love
    Never/Dislike I do enjoy writing up to 7-10 sentences. I am a second language English speaker, so I need longer to type than a native speaker, please do keep that in mind :3
    Quick Posts Always/Love
    Never/Dislike I prefer writing 3-5 sentences.
    ((And I mean 'sentences' sentences. Not "I grab you. Then I eat you. Nom."))
    Evolving Character Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Might get over her anger issues. Might choke you half unconscious with her tail. You never know.
    Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
    Never/Dislike I will often mix 'I / You' and 'My Char / Your Char' when having fun OOC talk. And when teasing you. Mlem!
    Staying In Character Always/Love
    Surprise Me Always/Love
    Multi-Session Always/Love
    Never/Dislike The greatest plays I've had were multiple days long. Happens every once in a blue moon though.
    Grab and Gulp Always/Love
    Never/Dislike I vastly prefer starting and finishing a scene on the same day.
    Group Roleplay Always/Love
    Vore game Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Checkmate! What do you mean, 'we're playing poker you idiot lizard'?"
    Whisper Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Pspspspspspsps"
    Private Always/Love
    Feet Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Call em feet, claws, whatever fits you. On top of your face, that is.""Get those things outta my face!"
    Humiliation Always/Love
    Permavore Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Giving: Ask if you like to.
    Receiving: Never. This is like, you can't even imagine how much I'm not gonna like you if you try.
    Dragons Always/Love
    Never/Dislike You're the bestestestestest <3
    Seduction Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Come, just follow the tailswing~""You ... cannot ... break .... lizard mind!"
    Note: If you want willing: This is a good idea!
    Hypnosis/Mind Control Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Uuuuuhh.... youuu will giiiive me aaaaall of yooour friiiiies~ ✪ ω ✪" "Y-you're gonna get copyright struck b-by Disney for those e-e-eyes!"
    Petplay/Slaveplay Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Awww, look at you! Not so big and scary now, are ya? Let's see what tricks you can do! "Stupid leash! That was a stupid game and a stupid bet! And no way I'm calling you Master, for---get---it!"
    Sharks Always/Love
    Never/Dislike My current great white weakness °_°
    Snakes Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Serpents and Lamias always have a special place in my heart <3
    Smothering Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Wanna be "close to that "sexy tail", Huh? Sorry, can't quite understand you, honey. Can you speak up a little?"*suffocates happily*
    Teasing Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "What was that, were you talking to me? Sorry, I don't speak lizard chow~""You? A pred? You couldn't eat a bunny with its legs tied!" Love 'playing with fire' on this side, too!
    ((Note: I will do this a lot. Like: A . LOT . Don't get distracted by it, it's all good fun :3))
    Post Vore Teasing Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Yup caught another one. Was an easy catch to be honest. Hey! Quiet down there. You're food, food doesn't talk."Hey, I still have a name! No, it's not 'food'. It's not 'fertilizer' either!"
    First Person Always/Love
    Third Person Always/Love
    IC approaches Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Read prefs? Fits your character? If both of these are a yes, feel free to come at me :)
    OOC Approaches Always/Love
    Never/Dislike The standard. Happy to have this. :)
    Being kind Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Probably the most important of all sliders! :3
    Dogs Always/Love
    Never/Dislike There are way too few of you around here. Come here, you good boys and girls, you!
    Pregnancy Always/Love
    Public Humiliation Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "I'm SO uploading this on gurglegram! Oh look, your sister liked it already~!" "Wha- wait, let me go! It's broad daylight, and everyone's looking at us already!"
    No Pictures Always/Love
    Never/Dislike This makes me a sad lizard. If you are a new profileand haven't found your perfect pic yet, please consider a quick google images search to provide me a rough reference, please :3
    Leash and Collar Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Looks at a very certain someone
    Reptiles Always/Love
    Never/Dislike I need you in my life!
    Lip smacking / Chop licking Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Mmmmhhh... yum-y!" "Stawp! Don't do this! >﹏<"
    Which means TOTALLY do this! :P

    [[Lupines_Bane]] gave me a thing for this! It's his fault! Bad dog! :p
    Multiprey Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Vore's too intimate for me to enjoy this.
    Casual Vore Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Ah, I love the locker rooms! Uuuurp!""pant pant ... I'm never ... going to THAT bar ... ever ... again!"
    Throat Bulges Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Hot!
    Recognizable Bulges Always/Love
    Never/Dislike e.g. visible hands pressing out from the inside, or general recognizability that there's someONE, not someTHING inside that belly~
    Bone Snapping (In Belly) Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Uh, you sound like a little bundle of fire crackers in there!""Ugh, O-OUCH! ... I feel that was more than just a little pain relief pop..."
    Mice / Rodents Always/Love
    Never/Dislike They happen to be micro prey in about 99% of cases, which is something I simply do not enjoy. (Except for one person, you know who you are :P)
    Gross Guts Always/Love
    Never/Dislike It's not a super hard must by any means, but it's a big plus! The more realistic, the better. And you can ask any gastroenterologist, they are gross in reality!
    Recognizable Disposal Always/Love
    Never/Dislike I don't mean shaped brownies, I mean like, a bag of fertilizer with your photo on the back, people knowing that flush next to them was you, a condom with your name written on it, stuff like that.
    Prey Only Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Sorry, I have lost interest in these completely.
    Slime Girls Always/Love
    Never/Dislike If everything is a mouth, nothing is a mouth. Too gimmicky for my taste. I need real moufs :3
    NPC Pred Always/Love
    Never/Dislike This! This is so cool!
    Tinies Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Nope, sorry.
    Vore Selfies Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Say cheeeese ... *grrrrrrgl* I'll SO kill you if you DARE posting that!
    Cocky NPCs Always/Love
    Texting in Belly Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Texting from the belly, sending pictures and selfies from the outside, maybe getting some texts from friends who got wind that you/I just got eaten... SO many great options!
    Labels / Name Tags Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Literal labels being put on the prey, such as this:
    Name tags on collars are also super loved!
    Taking Trophies Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Is it one or two 's'? I want your name spelled right on the plaque over my fireplace!""Yes, the horns are part of the skull. No, they don't make it a 'rare collectible'! "
    Teacher/Student Scenes Always/Love
    Never/Dislike I've started to like this a lot!
    Also accounts for in-class-scenes.
    Be aware, all characters have to be fully adult still!
    Two Stomach Demis Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Lamias, Taurs, Driders etc. having one (relatively safe) human and one (absolutely unsafe!) anmial stomach in their respective body halves <3
    Brat taming Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Your 'training' programme can go suck my tail!""Unfortunately, you have chosen to disobey ... punishment time~"
    Disposal Teasing Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "You'll look a LOT less cute once I'm done with you~""I think It's 'scumbag', not 'cumbag'... oh ..."
    Dolcett Always/Love
    Role Reversal Always/Love
    Never/Dislike "Aww, what's wrong? Did the beeg, scawwy dwaggon bite of more than it could chew?""Gbwah! What the hell?! I... I was just kidding when I called you weak and pathetic! Really! HELP!"