"Death is but the beginning of a second life, one that I can show you..."
What does one think of when they consider the mighty undead known as a lich? Those who have grown their arcane powers to the level that they are capable of transcending the inevitability of death is the most common answer, rotted corpses that can barely contain the powers that brought their wielders the immortality that they sought. Others think of lost souls beholden to the cairns that they protect from those that seek to desecrate the bodies held within. However very, very few even begin to think of a girl like Lichette could possibly be the creature feared by so many adventurers and mages the world over but it's that very underestimating that has lead more then a few souls to ruin when they thought her merely a pale-skinned purveyor of mystic arts. Could anyone really blame them either? She's hardly the picture of an arch-mage with her haggard cloak and the large silver cross she carries around on her back, the arachnid inspired clasp and bracers she wears augmented by amethyst gems that glow even when the light isn't on them. Beneath the cloak she's elected to not wear a single scrap of clothing to cover her surprisingly supple, curvy body that doesn't bear any sign of decay or rot and the only thing that mars the soft skin is a tattoo on the outside of her left thigh. And always, no matter what other articles of clothing she may be lacking at the moment, she carries a heavy leather-bound book with a creepy skull set in the front cover with it's mouth open in a howl. This book's ancient yellow pages bear the accumulation of Lichette's entire unlife's worth of knowledge and is her most valued possession next to the phylactery that holds her life essence that was carefully hidden away so many long years ago that a few have begun to wonder if Lichette herself knows where it has been hidden away...
So just who is Lichette then? It obviously isn't her name and sounds more like the title an arrogant person has given to her, a mockery of the achievement that she has accomplished and yet that is how she introduces herself now. In all honest she's completely forgotten the majority of her previous life, including the name given to her by her long-dead parents, over the course of her rather ancient undeath but mourns it little honestly. After all, she learned a long time ago that there is little worth in a name that doesn't mean anything to the people using it and now the only name she has that meets that description is 'Lichette'. Her previous life may be forgotten but her un-life has been extensively recorded within her tome and is the source of much pride for the potent undead creature. Unlike many of her kind who view themselves as nascent godlings, unholy abominations, conquerors of all living or dead, Lichette thinks of herself as a simple scholar of as many subjects as she can possibly get a hold of. A keeper of knowledge and lore that, while a little greedy with letting other people get access to what she knows, bears no ill will for the majority of the living or dead. So long as she can safely add a new topic to her tome, she's perfectly content with the course of her unlive and views things like kingdoms or attaining godhood as just gilding the lily that prompts others to set about tearing down all the things that one has achieved. Just seems sort of pointless, right?
In either case Lichette has made it a policy to move on to a new region of the world once she has learned all things she deems of value in one, and this was how she eventually ended up in her current location. It's a little more dangerous than she had anticipated, prompting her to delve into 'practical application' of magic once more to call forth a small horde of the undead to protect her, but otherwise she finds this Park to be a suitable place for study at the current point of time. However, with her not unimpressive control of magic and a higher then average understanding of necromancy (including the capability to control other undead!), Lichette is confident that she'll be able to weather this new research location!
A certain Queen seems intent on rutting the lichette and taking her to bed, keeping the lichette as her plush and well-bred queen. For her part, the lichette seems confused but content as her new role in life settles over her.
It was inevitable that
Victoria_Rose would succeed though and claim her prize, the luscious Queen Adeline~. As the lichette was trapped inside of her own mind, Adeline was blushing and beaming through her
wedding ceremony~.
And later that night as her King
consumated their union and gave Adeline the first of many heirs, the lichette bucked with unnatural pleasure in her
marital bed as Victoria's passionate needs reshaped her body into a more..motherly figure~..