On the Left:
Name: Lisa Brewer
Height: 6'0"
Bust: DD Cup
Cock: Erect 2'1" long, 2.5" wide
Lisa is the younger of the two Brewer sisters and is rather shy about her assets and is actually really embarrassed that she had a larger cock and a bigger bust than her older sister. She loves her older sister and looks up to her. She also loves getting fucked by her sister while she has sex with another person. She wants to find some way to make her sister's cock bigger, she loves it as it is, but it would certainly be better if it was bigger right?
On the Right:
Name: Marie Brewer
Height: 6'2"
Bust: C Cup
Cock: Erect 16" Long, 2.5" wide
Marie loves to tease her younger sister about how big her boobs and cock have become in such a short time. She loves to watch her sister fill someone up with the massive amounts of cum that she shoots. Its actually the only thing her younger sisters does that makes her jealous.
You could play with one or both sisters, Lisa is on the look-out for anyone who could make her swap bodies with her sister "freaky friday style" and Marie is looking to try and bed her super shy sister and will take any help she can get to do it. Both girls love filling people to bursting with their near endless amount of cum or just covering people in their cum. Both sisters are also want to be able to cum more, they love to shoot out huge amounts of love juice and want to be able to shoot even more out which basically means absorbing people with their cocks.
((Vore Battle Stats))
Lisa Brewer
Cum: 150 (Max 650)
Shyness: Lisa automatically loses any ties but gets a +2 anytime they fight her for control as she is very good at pulling away from people.
Cum Factory: Lisa generates 40 Cum every turn and gains a +2 to use any more that releases cum when she has over 200 Cum.
Well endowed: She gets a +3 to any attack that uses her huge cock.
Special Move:
Cum Cascade: Lisa works up a huge deluge of cum that uses up 300 Cum and positively covers her foe it thick sticky girl cum. They take a decaying -6 to their rolls that shrinks every round and they can only roll a d18 on each of their rounds as long as the cum cascade debuff is on them.
Marie Brewer
HP: 12
Cum: 50 (Max 300)
Cum Brewer: Marie generates 10 Cum every round and as long as she has over 90 Cum she gets an extra +2 to all her rolls. If she has less than 40 Cum she gets a -1 to her rolls.
Over Confident: Marie automatically loses all ties but gets a +2 to all her rolls otherwise.
Control issues: Marie doesn't like it when another person has the upper hand on her, she gets an additional +1 to her rolls whenever her foe is in control.
Special Move:
Quality stuff: Marie cums all over her foe using 100 cum, sticky thick ropes of cum giving them a permanent -2 to their rolls until they roll a natural 20 on a d20.
Either sister attacks:
Kissy Face: The sister decides to have a little make-out session with her foe which gives her a +2 to her next roll and generates an additional 10 Cum.
Happy Herm Time!: The chosen sister fucks her foe's pussy or ass giving them a -1 to resist another Happy Herm Time attack while the sister gets a +2 to perform another Happy Herm Time attack. Three successes in a row causes the sister to cum releasing half their total cum and giving their foe a huge cum paunch that gives them a -2 to all their rolls until they roll a nat 15 or higher.
Cockslap: The sister slaps her foe in the face with her cock dealing 1HP damage and giving her foe a -2 to their next roll from the humiliation, meanwhile the sister generates an extra 10 Cum.
Have some!: The sister gives her foe a cumshot hitting them with sticky cum and giving them a decaying -4 to their rolls while using up 40 Cum.
Drink it all!: The sister shoves her cock down her foe's throat and fires off a huge torrent of cum into their belly giving them a permanent -1 to their rolls until they roll a nat 12 or higher and using up 80 Cum.
Save some for me: The sister shoots some cum into her own mouth and drinks it restoring 2 HP this can be used in addition to a "Have Some!" or "Drink it all!" attack as long as the sister has an extra 30 cum which is consumed.
Stay inside!: While cockvoring someone either of the twins can roll to keep them inside their cocks, there foes only take 1HP damage on those turns but the sister generates an extra 20 Cum and gets a +1 to their next "Stay inside!" roll.
Team Attacks:
Special Tag Team Bonus: Whenever the sisters fight together they both gain +1 to their rolls and generate and extra 5 Cum per round.
Spit Roasting!: Marie and Lisa set themselves up to spit roast their foe, one taking their mouth and the other their ass or pussy. Their foe gets a -2 to resist a consecutive "Spit Roasting!" attack and the sisters gain a stacking +2 to performing the next spit roast attack. After five successes the sisters both cum and unload all their cum into their foe more or less turning them into a big cum baloon giving them a permanent -5 to their rolls unless they roll a natural 20.
Eat something Sister!: One of the sisters gets the other to feed them their foe giving the sister who is performing the vore attack a +5 on their roll and giving the foe a -2 on their roll to resist the vore attack.
Vore attacks:
Oral Vore: Hold>>Swallow>>Throat taking 1 constriction damage>>Enters stomach taking 3 HP damage a turn must roll a 16 or higher to escape. 4 Stages
Cock Vore: Hold>> Foe begins getting enguled by her cock >>Totally engulfed by her cock and takes 4 HP damage per turn in her sac, must roll a 13 or higher to escape. 3 Stages
Anal Vore: Hold>>Anal Vore begins >> Inside the large intestine >> Enters first part of small intestine >> Enters second part of small instestine >> Enters the stomach and takes 3HP damage per turn and must roll a 16 or higher to begin escaping. 6 Stages