
... Lord_Plague stabs you in the heart before you can take a peek.... (( working on it ))

Known in former life as Plagus, he took the name Plague on order of his C'tan Masters as he would bring the plague of death upon thoes they wished to feast upon. Having Recently found its self stranded on this pathetic Mudball of a dimension it is unable to return to where it belongs due to the fact that what brought it here was a banishing spell of a meaty one, now he searches for a way back, and collecting souls for his masters on the way.

The infection which was covering his leg has now spread upward and now covers his entire body.. seemingly free of the control of the Necromancer for the moment.. maybe its for the best that he isn't the necromancer would of had a powerful tool if he had somehow managed to get control of the necron lord, (( The_Infection ))