As PredAs Prey
Being PredBeing Prey | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Switch because she's a witch so she still can noms people but more of a prey in my mind. However her alternative forms are a lot more predish |
Soft Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Hard Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Digestion | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Fatality | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Reforming | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Endo | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Oral Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Unbirthing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Cock Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Anal Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Tail Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Breast Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Vampiric Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Soul Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Unconventional Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Cooking | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Never |
Food Related | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Rough | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Gentle | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Sex | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Pain | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | A slight bit of pain can be very nice when mixed with pleasure (during rough sex) or when a fight occur |
Transformation | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Blood | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | No way... |
Scat | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Don't even mention it |
Disposal | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Other forms like bulches, objects or cum are good tho |
Watersports | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Bondage | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Magic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Maybe gender change for her or others, size changing, illusion and some other dark magic. I mean she's a witch... dah~ |
Willing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Unwilling | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Micro/Macro | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Shrinking damn people so she can snack on them like potato chips sounds good to me |
Same Size | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | A bit of size diff with the pred taller than its prey is awesome |
Male Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Female Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Herm Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Human Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Demi Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Fur Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Scaly Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Especially lamia |
Feathered Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Plants | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Animal / Non-morphic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | One of my favorites ! I love being eaten by a big beast, especially a dragon (But sentient and intelligent only !) |
Non-Sentient Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Not very fun either |
Underage Character | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | No never ever... Only knowing there are people here playing underage characters make me sick |
Verbose Posts | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | I'm not a native english speaker so i try my best and 2-4 lines is the minimum for it to be enjoyable |
Breaking 4th Wall | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | I've been really warming up to this recently |
Grab and Gulp | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Group Roleplay | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Whisper | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Pregnancy/Impregnation | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Hunting / Fighting | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
College scenes | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Story based RP | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Romance | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Vorish/Sexual teasing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Post-vore chatting | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | A bit of chat with his prey, to tell them how tasty they were, how they feel inside him or how they make him full, no matter is that's a friend or a simple meal is always really nice (can be linked with relationship or fearplay) |
Full Tour | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Clean only |
Fearplay | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Very active Stomach | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Gassy, churning, loud and sloshing, noisy, mucousy and slimy, massaging, movements when walking and full of half digested food.... |
False hope | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Even fake is okay |
IRL Pictures | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Unwilling/Willing switchs | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Belly Play / Belly Worship | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
NPC Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Mawplay | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Mawplay is awesome ! Making maw a big step, drool and lick tease, showing it to the prey, smeeling and licking their hands/face, salivating over them, teasing with food |
Anal Stuffing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | That's probably a bit weird and lewd, but she loves to get objects, food or people shoved up there... |
Pseudo-Hammerspace | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | I love bulges but i don't like my chars being paralized by their tummy. So she use her magic to make herself bigger inside... (or to lift her belly so its comfy for her). Still love a big tummy to use it as a bed of course <3 |