
Louise Kotonda

Kind of a self insert but obviously a bit more spicy~

Bio :

Name : Louise Kotonda
Age : 25
Race : Plain old regular human... But magical~
Height : 175cm (5'9)
Weight : 65kg (143 lbs)
Gender : Trans woman (Sorry but i'm not comfortable using the herm tag)
Orientation : Bisexual Male leaning (But all of you awesome female chars don't be scared of approching haha)
Role : Prey leaning Switch

She's the big sister of Thomas_Kotonda and a witch that studied magic in an academy. The kind of magic she use can be found below, but she always need either her magic wand to cast them, or potions she made beforehands. She's also displaying a strong visual and cultural identity which make her a social outcast by choice. Sticking to her aesethetics and personnality, she's always scribbing notes and custom arcanas on her spellbooks whenever she have a flash of inspiration (or whenever an interesting artistic idea come on her mind on her notbook for her personnals projects) come to her mind, which show how dedicated she is to this magic reaserch and her art.

However it doesn't mean she's a bitter girl, she's pretty cheerful and playful woman that like to have fun and is very curious... Sometimes a bit too much for her own good. She's kind and stand her own ground and it makes her quite mischevious too, she like to use magic to prank people. Which tends to get her into troubles, or to make her find funny meals~ but she's still deeply empathic. Since she's Thomas sister she is of french origin and despite her english being good she still have a small french accent.

Despite how pretty she is, Louise wasn't born as a woman, she was born as a man. But she, from a early age, questionned herself in some ways she herself couldn't understand when she was so young and clueless... There was just something... "wrong" about her, something she couldn't get into but she felt it was holding her back, she simply wasn't feeling herself, making her down in her moral a lot without even knowing why. The first instances of idols with questonnable gender identity were the Sefirot of the jewish kabbale she red when she was young, where the 10 entities representing divine intermediate were often gendered but often had male and female parts or changed themself based on their relations to other entities, and they are far from the only trace in classic mythologies of gods and divine being playing with their changer. And being the big sister of Thomas_Kotonda, she saw him going through the same questions as he grew up and assuming and embrassing them in a much more direct and straightforward way, she always admired how careless he was with what other thoughs. And it helped her to get her finger on the identity she didn't though of exploring before, and she decided to change and embrace how she was this whole time and changed, her brother being supportive and helping each others through their own process. She changed herself, thanks to a classic treatment that took time along side using magic to refine and perfect every detail of herself... even as far as the posibility of altering her genitals.

Because yes she learn magic starting by herself at a very young age, her brother influenced her into her identity, but she was the one that showed him the pleasure and fun of witchery~ ! She grew up outside a city in the countryside where her and her brother could learn to read and writes the arcanes, in those places, magic is seen as a great spiritual activies to better connect yourself with the rites and gods of the ancient times and something to find inner peace in the strengh it can give. At first it wasn't this deep tho, she simply though of it as cool and she loved the "freedom" she had in the strengh it gave her, like she dreamed of going through the whole world when she was little, but she was just going out in forest and climbing trees, which she was always scolded for. But when she grew up and she went into the academy of a large city, she discovered a whole other world and culture. A world where the self and inner strengh magic gives you, making you as an outcast and individual more independant towards society and where the esoteric brought the "self caring expression above the status quo" and the soul search of this group of outcast even further. Its not a way to see magic that is the most conventionnal, as some of the more classic magic academicians saw those people as "crank that tarnish this art", but it's a sphere that exist which she felt immediatly extremely closed to and with her experience of being a marginalized person in her home town because of who she is, she was welcome in this world.

As stated, those groups were in a lot of link with the underground cultural sphere of her city and its how she went into this, going out using magic to exchange occult knowledge to do spiritual soul search or trance rituals under psychedelics to materialized deeper their internal feelings into true piece of magic/non magic art. While going at raves happening in metro tunnels networks or in the middle of the forest while doing magic duels to test their powers and grow stronger or climbing up cranes or construction site for the thrill of it to express themself on their strengh given by their art. They are both social and cultural outcast that dwells around abandonned building at night to express their art and independance and zt the same time occultist doing rituals of mystical comtemplation to find the origins of magic and the divine.
She noticed how those two cultures (the one from the countryside of her childhood and teens to her later life) and visions weren't so far from each others, as she recognized paterns in the rituals of trance using some form of psychedelics of different forms and dose that both those worlds had and how they wanted to search for their spiritually and deeper closer to the divine knowledges. But one for a ordered goal, and another for a expressive chaotic one.
And those ideas showed themself a lot in her personnal art she tried to create, her plan is to become a full on multi medium artist to live through her expression (she already have a few EPs and very small games under her belt) in which she'll use magic to transcend their nature and aesethetic forms. But also researching deeper in the mystic science magic is to get closer to its origins.

Those experiences in this field made her grew even more adventurous and curious that she was before, always wanting to discover and learn more, her interest in traveling the world by herself haven't died out. And it made her more empathic too, with the amount of her friend (that she saw like a second family) from this "world" with bad and difficult social situation, she tried to do her best to be there for them.

The kind of spells and potions she use :
- Gender change
- Size change
- Species change (turn into slime, centaur, lamia...)
- Paralysation
- Illusion / Sensory manipulation (and creation of psychedelic potions for her own pleasure~)
- Demon/Entity summoning
- Opening portals to other worlds
- Telekinesis (she use her magic wang to move things around)
- Waterbreathing
- Stomach healing
- Aphrodisiac
- Magic binding
- Dark elemental spells for Combat purpose
- Art magic (such as drawing with her wand in mid air, Infusing spells into her creations or controlling drawings from afar to eat people)


Her place on the vore spectrum :
She's a switch appreciating both end of spectrum, her magic makes her strong and she can beat people or shrink them to gump them down. And she's become a strong predator when she use her alternative formsbut she find more enjoyement in being prey herself. She speak about herself strongly but if you manadged to take her magic wand off of her hand and potions off of her belt, now all she can do is wiggle and squirm harmlessly in your grasp as you have your taste her self body.

Too bad for her she was caught by Rhassa who took Louise as his unwilling wife... and she's not sure how to feel about it


Her interest in transformation got to her to try shapeshifting, especially since she had a master little brother that could give her private lessons. She's not as good as him, but she always wanted to work to create herself a few animal forms. To turn into them she either need her wand or have prepared a potions beforehand

She though snakes as gracious, magnificent but scary and deadly predators and she was admiring them and wanting her form to be one as well. This form is semi giant and could easily swallow people whole as her head is slightly smaller than an average human adult torso.


Another form she use a lot when she wanna enjoy a travel or a walk in a forest is her mare form

Settings :

She fit the best in a modern fantasy setting where modern life and magic and monsters meats in a mundane way and people are aware of magic, this looks like a odd spiritual and esoteric science that not everyone want, or can get into. And she's studying magic at a specialized academy, especially potions crafting which she looooove~.
Where you find her : At her local pool, cinema, lake (she like to fish), forests, hot spring, at bars mountains where she can do rock climbing, museum, dojo (she try to get into martial arts but spoiler she isn't very good and get her ass kicked) and library. Also dwells in abandonned building and construction sites (either to party, explore, or shoot a short movie with her friends) skate parks, Game clubs...

The Big bad witch :
Louise is the typical medieval witch that live in the forest and that scares the passing merchant. So the local king send a solo / band of witch hunters to get rid of the problem.

Apothecary :
Louise hold a little potion shop where people come by and she's always happy to get rid of their every problems.

Dungeon Crawling :
Louise, alone or with her friends, goes through dungeons to get gold and golry like any good adventurer ! But falling in a trap where a monster much stronger that her await can happen faster she might think

Magic college :
I mean there's a lot of cool possibilities that could come from a Magic college like a Bad Bully, Summoning class going wrong, Escapism or Predatory classes, Club activities or a teacher with a very specific view on teaching... Lots of cool stuff

Magical girl :
Maybe she made a contract with an entity to gain her magican powers in exchange that now she must go out at night to defend the Nexus against the big monstrous preds !

Princess :
Would love to play her as a princess, one that get herself kidnapped by dragons or ones that get to pick her meals among anyone in the kingdom...

Appereance :

Louise is a young lady with a nice body, despite being not born as a woman, she manadge to change herself through magic to give herself a very passable feminine appearance in both shapes and face, having nowadays some nice curves and a C cup bust with a pretty face. Her hairs are deeply black and slightly curly and forming into clear straid that are well formed but indenpantly always looks a bit messy. Her eyes are coming with dark rings under them often making her look tired or depressed. Obviously her style come off quite a bit, tho in a modern world of sorcery, those kind of clothes aren't this weird. She often weird corsets, lace, leather, black clothes with belt, ripped looking clothes, boots and she rarely drop her witch hats which which she change with her style but that still follow her everywhere.

"Yeah just in case that wasn't obvious enough i'm kind of a dork... But a cool one okay ?"

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"I'm always hunting for new and exciting indregients for my potions"

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"Hey stop staring at me like that... I know that all of you guys are such perverts..."

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"But lucky for you, i got nothing to hide~ Outside of this potion you now got to drink... Side effects ? Absolutely nothing, trust me~"

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"And believe me you don't wanna know about the secret of the reciepe. Why ? H-Hmm... A real witch never reveal her secrets~"

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"Sometimes i need to have a few sides jobs here and there to get money... Especially at my best friend old style tavern where she have fun toying with me !"

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"... but hanging out with her after work is something i wouldn't trade for anything"

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"I must admit some asian aesthetic are interest to explore too"

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"Is that really a surprise someone like me is tattooed ?"

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"My favorite date location~"

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"Now bow before me peasents ! Okay that was in a photography studio but you got to admit it's so cool"

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Switch because she's a witch so she still can noms people but more of a prey in my mind. However her alternative forms are a lot more predish
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Tail Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Never/Dislike Never
Food Related Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Pain Always/Love
Never/Dislike A slight bit of pain can be very nice when mixed with pleasure (during rough sex) or when a fight occur
Transformation Always/Love
Blood Always/Love
Never/Dislike No way...
Scat Always/Love
Never/Dislike Don't even mention it
Disposal Always/Love
Never/Dislike Other forms like bulches, objects or cum are good tho
Watersports Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Magic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Maybe gender change for her or others, size changing, illusion and some other dark magic. I mean she's a witch... dah~
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Never/Dislike Shrinking damn people so she can snack on them like potato chips sounds good to me
Same Size Always/Love
Never/Dislike A bit of size diff with the pred taller than its prey is awesome
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Especially lamia
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Never/Dislike One of my favorites ! I love being eaten by a big beast, especially a dragon (But sentient and intelligent only !)
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not very fun either
Underage Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike No never ever... Only knowing there are people here playing underage characters make me sick
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike I'm not a native english speaker so i try my best and 2-4 lines is the minimum for it to be enjoyable
Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
Never/Dislike I've been really warming up to this recently
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Pregnancy/Impregnation Always/Love
Hunting / Fighting Always/Love
College scenes Always/Love
Story based RP Always/Love
Romance Always/Love
Vorish/Sexual teasing Always/Love
Post-vore chatting Always/Love
Never/Dislike A bit of chat with his prey, to tell them how tasty they were, how they feel inside him or how they make him full, no matter is that's a friend or a simple meal is always really nice (can be linked with relationship or fearplay)
Full Tour Always/Love
Never/Dislike Clean only
Fearplay Always/Love
Very active Stomach Always/Love
Never/Dislike Gassy, churning, loud and sloshing, noisy, mucousy and slimy, massaging, movements when walking and full of half digested food....
False hope Always/Love
Never/Dislike Even fake is okay
IRL Pictures Always/Love
Unwilling/Willing switchs Always/Love
Belly Play / Belly Worship Always/Love
NPC Vore Always/Love
Mawplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike Mawplay is awesome ! Making maw a big step, drool and lick tease, showing it to the prey, smeeling and licking their hands/face, salivating over them, teasing with food
Anal Stuffing Always/Love
Never/Dislike That's probably a bit weird and lewd, but she loves to get objects, food or people shoved up there...
Pseudo-Hammerspace Always/Love
Never/Dislike I love bulges but i don't like my chars being paralized by their tummy. So she use her magic to make herself bigger inside... (or to lift her belly so its comfy for her).
Still love a big tummy to use it as a bed of course <3