

Profile image

This is a Vennaya alt!


Current local time in
London, United Kingdom

I usually play between 12am-4am my time, but it does change. Its just those are the times you're more likely to find me online!

Icon art commissioned by me, drawn by the wonderful Megumipan616!

Character Description

Name: Lynnesh
Sex: Female
Species: Succubus (Former Human)
Age: 8543
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 60kg
Sexuality: Pansexual


Once upon a time, a human woman who's name was lost the annuls of time could suffer her urges no longer. In a fit of desperation she resorted to demonic summoning. After drawing the pentagram in chalk, and lighting the candles at each point she performed the summoning ritual. The incantation dripped off her tongue like black velvet, and before she knew it a succubus stood before her. The Succubus was wearing nothing save for her glowing red tattoos, her eyes and hair both a fiery piercing red, her head crowned with large horns and with two large bat-like wings sprouting from her back.
The Succubus gave her a mischevious grin before crouching down next to her. "I know why you've summoned me, i can see it in your eyes. As a Plus, you're pretty cute. Alright - I'll fulfil your request, Mortal".
The woman could barely believe her luck, and a few hours later she was screaming in unbridled lust as she was melted alive inside the succubi's stomach. As she breathed her last, some part of her was sure that the demon was going to digest her soul as well, claiming her entirely...Though, she didn't mind that idea. To her surprise, that didn't happen.
Instead, she woke up in Gehenna, the home plane of the demons. The Succubus was impressed by how much she lusted for what she desired, and so they made her an offer. Without hesitating, she accepted. Within a flash, what little remained of her humanity was flaked away, and a new Succubus, who chose the name of Lynnesh, was born.

Still, that's all ancient history. It all hapened thousands of years ago before even civilisation had begun to take its most basic form. Lynnesh watched with vested interest as humanity and the other races progressed, swapping their clubs for swords and armour and eventually for guns and tanks. She never quite let go of her interest in the race whom she used to belong to and she watched with fascination from the underworld.
It didn't take her long to get used to the life of a succubus. Being a succubus allowed her to unleash her innermost desires and make it her reason for being. It didn't take long for her to have been digested a total of 100 times in all of her summonings, but she was growing bored...
And so, she turned her attention to the other side of the coin and she began only answering summons from morals who wanted her to be doing the digesting, just like the red haired succubus had done for her millena ago.
She instantly took to it. She almost regretted not partaking sooner, before realising with her immortality she could take her time.
Before she knew it, she had eaten and digested well over 100,000 mortals, claiming their souls for herself like the desert after a main course. Ofcourse, she only ever did what her summoner bid her to do, but she was not surprised with how many mortals wanted to end up as little more than Succubus feces, especially as that's exactly where she started.

The year is now 2033. Magic, and thus demonic summoning was all but forgotten, save for a few small cases. For an immortal being like Lynnesh though, the time between summons was barely noticable, and she savoured every single one.
She lived for the pleasure of taking mortal lives at their own requests, whether through sex or through vore, it mattered little for her.
So the only question now is...Will you summon her? Do you have the kind of morbid itch that only a Succubus could scratch, even if it cost you your life?

Likes and dislikes





Want to play with me?

That's great! However, before playing - Please consider these things!

  • Approach out of character, Please!
  • Don't be shy to approach! I'm always happy to talk, whether it be to chat, setup a scene, or play!
  • Please look at my sliders!
  • PUB Messages? PUB Messages! Send one my way ANY time on ANY of my characters and i will endevour to get back to you! Want to set up a scene? Go for it! Want to ask me something? Go for it! Simply want to say hi? Go for it!
  • Want me to play as one of my other alts? Usually, Sure! I might say no, but it's more likely i'll say yes, especially if you have an idea lined up for one of them!
  • Let's have fun!

Okay? Okay! Now, below is a few questions i will almost always ask if you're looking to RP. I'm likely to ask them if you're looking for a scene, so i'll put them here for you to consider aswell!

  1. How Verbose are you? I'm always on the lookout for partners that are confident in their writing! Generally, I will post anywhere between 20-100 lines per post, taking anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes to write a reply! Obviously, i don't ask this extreme from my partners, but if you can atleast post 15-20 lines, or even a little less, then that's awesome! Feel free to ask on this one though, sometimes a character or a scene idea is so good that i will pass on this requirement! But again, more is always better! But quality over quantity!
  2. How do you prefer your Digestion? I want to say i'm pretty flexible on this, but i have more experience with some and less with others! Personally, i prefer Painless/Pleasurable yet Graphic/Semi-Graphic digestion! What does this mean? Basically - Flesh melting off to reveal bone underneath, limbs melting off and stuff like that, all the while the prey either feels no pain or is even getting pleasure from it! Again though, i'm fairly flexible on this so if that's not your thing, then we can talk about what we both might enjoy! (Brownie points from me if you like crushing during digestion! >:3)
  3. How do you prefer your Disposal? I'll admit, this has become a big thing for me, a borderline requirement i'd say! Personally, aslong as it's not vague or glossed over, most things can work! But i LOVE fairly descriptive disposal, including bone and skull disposal alongside the scat! (This doesn't mean scatplay! Look at my sliders you doofus!). Doesn't hurt to ask, but please keep in mind that this is one of my favorite parts about a scene after digestion, so it's hard for me to go without this!

I think that's about it! Otherwise, whisper away!

OOC Notices

OOC approaches in whisper only please! I like to ask a few questions before an RP about the general theme, direction and setting of a scene before we begin as to prevent it from spinning out of control half way through, Thanks! IC approaches will usually be met with me being OOC UNLESS im in the public RP room (which is rare). Otherwise feel free to approach me any time!

If i don't reply back; i'm sorry! I'm usually logged on throught the day but i may have gone out/fallen asleep if i don't reply in good time. Don't worry! if you message me i will message you back if you're still online when i notice it!
If you'd like to set up an RP with me and i don't reply like this, please feel free to send me a PUB message! I check them regularaly!

I'm really friendly! Don't be nervous about approaching me for an RP if you want, or even just to chat! Also, PLEASE read my prefferences before we begin an RP. I want us both to enjoy it :).


I now have an alt list! Click here!

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lynnesh is a predator! Tiny possibility of her being played as prey for the right scenes!
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vastly preferred if Vore is involved in an RP.
Hard Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I will generally only do this when i'm in the mood for it and only with the right partner. Ask me!
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Whats the point of eating/ being eaten if the meal doesn't melt?
My go to is Painless/Pleasurable yet Graphic digestion. But feel free to ask!
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This, in my mind atleast, doesn't mean Permavore. This Slider means death as a part of the scene, not as a part of a profile.
Such a great way to end a scene and adds a lot of intimacy and finality to a scene.
Required almost - I think it's hotter if the prey doesn't come back!
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I generally don't consider any scenes i do canon so if a character dies in a scene, then it doesn't mean that they canonically died. I'll never ask anyone to stop playing a character just because their character happened to die in one scene.
I prefer that reformation isn't mentioned at all in a scene, and prefer worlds where reformation isn't something that is a thing.
Endo Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eh, Pretty boring to be honest. If you have a good idea though, feel free to shoot it my way! Answer will still likely be no, however.
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Food for the food hole!
Unbirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
While i like the concept of it, i vastly prefer Oral vore by a country mile. But who knows? Maybe i'll be in the mood for it sometimes, ask me!
Cock Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All my characters are female, and after trying it as prey i find that i'm not the biggest fan of it. There might be a few select cases where i will, but generally this will be a no.
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tail Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Breast Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nope. This being said though i do like the idea of oral vore resulting in the prey becoming breast milk!
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interest me and i might bite, *might*.
Stretchy Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Love big bellies either through vore, cum inflation or pregnancy :3
Realistic Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vore isn't exactly Realistic, but i don't want it to be too cartoony.
Cooking Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Very, Very rarely i will do this.
Food Related Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nope. The only food should be the prey and nothing more.
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Maybe a little rough but i generally prefer it being gentle. Sex though can be as rough as you like, generally.
Gentle Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gentle much preferred for Vore and sex.
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I've actually grown rather tired of this. There might be some sexual teasing during or before vore but not full on sex unless i ask for it. Sex with ferals/animals? Great, but depends on the character.
Pain Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pain isn't really something i'm looking for. Painless/Pleasurable digestion is greatly preferred.
Transformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Not something i generally want to include in scenes...But who knows? Ask!
Blood Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Generally only for Hard vore, and even then nothing overly excessive.
Scat Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Great! Especially for disposal!
Scat play? Eh, not really
Disposal Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Disposal in basically all its forms is great for me and is a near requirement these days for me. My favorite? Bones+Poop+Skull written with a decent amount of detail :D
Watersports Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As its normally defined? No.
However, Watersports does have additional definitions that encompass other fluids such as milk, in which case then...Sure!
Bondage Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nah. Not my thing.
Magic Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I think it breaks the flow sometimes, especially if its not something that was discussed while setting up the scene. PM me during or before a scene if you're unsure.
Willing Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Love it! My characters are generally always Willing.
Unwilling Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Not really my thing. Consent is the key to a good time!
Might be willing to try it in rare cases where i find the character or setting especially interesting, but generally not.
Predding on unwilling characters? Very unlikely but i have seen a few characters i might be willing to try it with!
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Macro prey? Great, i've been warming up to it a lot and considering how rarely i update these sliders, i might even love it by now!
Micro stuff in general? Ehhhhhh....Maaaaybe? Maybe Micro Preds? Maaaaaaybe?
Micro Prey and/or Macro Preds? Nah, not generally - Kinda Boring tbh.
Same Size Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No male characters for anything vore related for me, sorry.
For sex? Basically ferals/animals only. However, i'm here for the vore, so if i'm looking for a scene with a male character then i will approach you. That's not to say i'm not gonna chat with you!
Female Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For Vore and/or Sex. Girls are delicious! Could even do some F/F pregnancy if you wanted! But, again, i'm mostly here for the vore side of things.
Herm Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eh Generally not. Really, Really depends on the character though.
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Humans are great! (No males, please, as mentioned in my male slider)
Demi Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Girls with animal ears and tails!
Fur Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nope. Sorry.
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Massive feral male dragons with a breeding tool the size of a car? Great! (For sex RPs) Anything other than that? Sorry, nope.
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Harpies/Angels? Maybe! Otherwise, nope.
Plants Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EH, generally nope but maybe. Ask, i guess?
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Love Bestiality! (Not for Vore)
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
^^^ See above! Otherwise, Nope.
Underage Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Slightly underage is okay but no lower than that please. Lowest i will go would probably be 15 or 16 and even 15 is a stretch, a very extreme stretch that i'm unlikely to agree to.
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I love lots of lewd sticky detail and descriptive scenes. expect about a mid to large paragraph; it's not uncommon for me to go over the word limit and have to split up the posts - If i had to give it an estimate, i'd say i write anywhere between 20-100 lines depending on my partner. At the same time i expect atleast a small paragraph from my partner because otherwise i usually don't have much to work with, and it's not very enjoyable for me.
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Due to the length of my posts, and the effort i put in to them, it could take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour for me to write a post depending on length. Read above for what i look for in a partner regarding post verbosity - Sorry, but i'm not here to roleplay with a twitter account, if you catch my drift.
Evolving Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I consider everything that happens to my characters to be non-canon. This way, if they die in a scene then i can continue to play them. Anything Canon will be marked, but you won't find it on my RP profile.
Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nope. Not this Character. Only time i'll break the 4th wall is if im chatting and i speak as my character as a joke, but that is very rare, very, very rare. We're the people playing the characters, not the characters themselves, and it can get awkward if those two mix.
Staying In Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please use OOC bubbles to talk out of character, (( Like this )) during an RP. Thanks :D
Multi-Session Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is pretty much a necessity for me. I've only met a few people that have been able to finish a single RP with me in a single night, again, considering the size of my posts.
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
One off sessions? Its honestly very, very rare that someone can play with that much text and still be able to finish in one night, as mentioned above only one person to date has been able to write that fast. So basically, Unless you're J RR Tolken then i'm sure it'll be multi-session
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sometimes. Generally only with friends though as its hard to re-organise to continue with people you haven't know for long.
Vore game Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
An actual GAME? Generally not.
Dice Rolls, cards etc? Rarely, and only really with people i've RP'd with several times in the past if they wanted to do something like this.
Lets just say its far from my go-to.
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Whisper me anything!
Pregnancy and Impregnation Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
What it says on the Tin.
Beastiality Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For Sex-Only RP's with feral animals. Does not include Furries/Anthros.
Lactation/Milking Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Something i like. Milky Milky!
Egg Laying Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dragon knocked up my character in a Sex-Only RP? She'll lay their eggs if you want!
Death by Massive Cock Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Basically - Think Dragon cock the size of a small house. Yup, that'll probably kill someone if it gets in!
Bone remains Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As a part of scat? Loved!
Birth Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For Sex/Impregnation RP's i find it difficult to go without.
Cum Inflation Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Another thing for Sex RP's that i like.
Casual Sex/Vore/Snuff Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Loved! Acting like eating people is a "Normal" thing is great! Also casual fatal digestion is great! "Oh you want to digest me in that grumbling stomach of yours? Alright! ...I hope i make good fertilizer for your garden!"
Painless Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Digestion will almost ALWAYS be painless/pleasurable, i don't like pain. At most? A bit of discomfort, maybe a little tingling or a tiny bit of pain but only really for people who can't go without it.
Crushing/Snapping Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Do like it when a pred squeezes their belly and snaps a few bones or finishes off their prey! :D
Graphic/Messy Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I LOVE Graphic digestion! Again, Do prefer it to be painless/pleasurable though!
Vorgies Always/Love
Incest Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Can pique my interest from time to time!
Anal Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eh, not really my thing. The Vagina is right there!
Masturbation through digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pred/Prey getting off on being digested/digesting someone. Brownie points from me if it's both! Doesn't really fit casual vore though, but that's an edge case.
Public Scenes/Settings Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A scene set in a crowded shopping mall? In a public pool? Bus stop? The bus itself? So many possibilities!
NPC/Support Characters Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Can be very useful!
Permavore Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ok so here's the thing; i have a very weird view on Permavore. I find the idea greatly arousing BUT i hate, hate, hate it in practice in some scenarios. I love it when someone has a "list" of throw away characters or if someone adds/makes a character on to said list for permavore like in the case of my friend that me and them made a character together specifically designed for a permavore RP between us and we never intended for others to use, but i absolutely despise the idea of permavoring a character and then the player deleting that character for good. I don't want to ruin or have my enjoyment ruined by a character getting deleted and then other people being unable to RP with that character as a partner in the future as a result of permavore.

In other words; I hate perma vore on unique built up characters but if it's "In-scene perma" (see fatality slider) or a list of throw away characters available for perma then it's fine.
Message me about this if you're unsure. But again, very weird relationship with permavore.
Vorish Teasing Always/Love
Never/Dislike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Teasing the Prey about their fate, before or during Vore.
Bones/Bones in Belly Always/Love
Bone Disposal/Play Always/Love
Never/Dislike Full bones as part of disposal, usually alongside scat. Play could mean using bones as dildos etc.
Pleasurable Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Loved!
Trophy keeping Always/Love