Name: Sim Sala Bim.
Age: ???
Height: Five foot'seven inches.
Weight: Ever-increasing.
Race: Majin
Title: The Gummy Terror
Hobbies: Feeding. Sweets. Candy. Sleeping. Sometimes fighting.
A...not friendly, but not hostile majin that has appeared, one that doesn't seem to have a connection to the Majin race spawned by Mister Buu. There's quite a few theories as to how she came about, but what is known is that a pair of wizards named Sim and Sala were involved in shaping her current form before..an unfortunate end came upon them. Or maybe that was the plan all along because Bim doesn't seem to hold any malice towards them and even adopted their name into her own after their demise. Sim Sala Bim roams Universe 6 at her own whims, seeming like a majin that has yet to absorb the evil intent and manners of the mortals around her. Or maybe she is simply a more docile mirror of the terrifying Majin Buu.
Cause she's still ruthless and borderline sadistic, but the effort it would take to actually be malicious seems to require provocation to draw it out of her. When it happens though...there's rarely more than crumbs and candy wrappers left in her wake.
Notable Skills
Flight: Definitely capable of it. Doesn't do it often though because she doesn't often need to.
Candy Beam: The worst fear of anyone who encounters a majin, Bim is capable of using magic to transform people into other objects or even food. Mostly food. Primarily food. Candy really.
Go Go Gum: Bim's capable of literally pulling off pieces of herself and using them to entangle her enemies or prey. Unfortunately for those who get snared, this can quickly lead to absorption..
Ki Manipulation: Unsurprising considering she's a majin, but she's actually learned to harness her skill with ki and is quite the capable fighter before taking into account her majin abilities.
Magic: Uh oh...yes, Bim knows how to do magic, she learned it from Sim and Sala. How much? Uknown. What can she do with it? Unknown. Be...concerned.
SugarySweetAlts production. I've wanted to make a majin for a long time, finally decided to do it. Yes she has an antenna. Yes, you can see it in the picture above. No, she is not a bio-android. Pings on Bim too.