((Quick FYI: The picture is very accurate except for one thing, Mambasa has a sheath for her cock and a sac where her mound would otherwise be. She has no female sex!
Also! Player is not BASHKO and this character in the image belongs to BASKO! Link to BASHKO's tumblr here.))
Beautiful. Dangerous. Peculiar...Mambasa is all of these things and more, but its those first three that most people realize first when first laying odds upon this rather unusual naga. Her entire body is a contrast of colors that would have made it impossible to hide in any natural environment and yet only a foolish predator would be stupid enough to mess with Mambasa without being prepared for the naga's lethal body. Her lower, reptilian, half is made up entirely of black scales that shimmer hypnotically in the light while the scales underneath are a smoky grey. However, this all stops where snake gives way to woman since Mambasa's skin is pale enough to make ivory look swarthy. Except for her arms first glance it looks like she's wearing long latex gloves all the way up to her shoulders, but closer one can make out the extremely fine scales that cover and protect her limbs while still allowing her sensation through them. Then there's the odd patch of deep, almost electric blue flesh that stands out as vividly against her pale skin as her skin does against her black skills. Primarily her nipples although her shaft has the same eye-catching color once it has slipped out of it's sheath! This color also defines her long, surprisingly thick tongue and eye color as well, her black lips emphasizing the unusual color quite nicely! The naga's silky hair is the same shimmering black of her scales and hangs down past her shoulders but let's be one is looking at her hair or eyes. No, they're probably looking at her heavy, swollen breasts that ensure she can never slither fully on her belly. Such bountiful mounds are unusual on a naga, to say the least, and sag on her chest as proof of their all-natural nature; the nipples almost pointing downward.
Or maybe their eyes are on her expansive hips that compliment the curve of her chest perfectly, cutting an alluring hourglass figure that has lured more then a few to a heady fate as fat on the naga's body. It's thick and meaty enough to grab hold of or be grabbed by and just won't quit! Especially with the seductive slithering motion of Mambasa.
Or perhaps their eyes are on the slit in front that hides her shaft and sac? It's certainly a sight to behold after all and most people wonder what it looks like once it slips free from it's hiding spot for a bit of fun and any case, most aren't looking at her face for long!
So there's a decent enough description of Mambasa, but what are the more personal details about her? Well Mambasa is a relatively uncommon type of naga, an off-shoot from that has taken on the deadliness of the black mamba snake species and as such have grown into a sadistic, capricious civilization that cares not for the consequences of their actions since they rely on their own deadly personal might to deter repercussions from ever happening. In Gehwr city, the disappearance of someone was the same as acknowledging they had been killed by one of the many nagas that lived there and as such as a case not to be investigated. Even other nagas weren't safe from larger specimen of their own kind, especially if they proved resilient to poison that all naga of that city sported in one manner or another. Here, humans, demis, and anthros had to watch their backs at all times or fall prey to the reptilian inhabitants or, worse, be captured and forced into one of many arenas to fight for the 'honor' of being the main course of some high-born naga's banquet. It was a naga eat naga world in Gehwr city and Mambasa thrived! She sampled almost every race within the city, but her favorite by far was her own kind! They were challenging and fierce, capable of laying her out with a single first. Turns out, if you eat enough your own poisonous kind then you develop a resistance...then an outright immunity to their lethal venom. Which makes it easy to enjoy your favorite food considering Mambasa is quite large for one of her kind.
Eventually her predations grew too heavy though and she was forced out of the city. Lucky for her, she ended up in the park! What? Expecting some grand tale of revenge, love, and redemption? Sorry, Mambasa loves what she does and has no intentions of every changing. She's a glutton and that isn't going to change, just what she enjoys eating the most. She's cruel and petty, taking offense at the smallest things so long as it gives her an excuse to suck down a new victim! In a word, she's a bully! What's worse, she's a bully that has never been on the bullied side of things, so her confidence is boundless as is the lengths she'll go to. Mercy is only a thing if you can offer her something she really wants and even then, she'll likely go back on her word anyway. What? You were expecting honor? She was thrown out of a city of predators for eating too many of her own kind!
As for that body of hers...well...lethal is a good way to describe it. Her saliva and other fluids carries a mild version of her poison that causes arousal and numbness when absorbed through the skin with outright paralysis if swallowed. This does in fact mean Mambasa is a very messy kisser, specifically to subject people to her saliva's effect and enjoys getting her cock sucked or just hitting potential prey with her seed to disorient them before moving in for the kill. Her actual fangs are folded back up against the roof of her mouth in protective sheathes to flick out whenever she goes for a killing bite...and it is very likely to be a killing bite. Mambasa's venom is highly lethal, even to beings many times her size, and even if it doesn't kill it's going to affect the victim severely. Paralysis, uncontrollable arousal, breathing problems...there's a whole mess of symptoms really, her venom is really that bad and it works fast. It's why she saves her bite for the final moments and doesn't open with it, she loves to 'savor' her meal's fighting and pleading for as long as she can and biting them ends the fun rather quickly. So, aside from her poisonous bite and drug-like bodily fluids, she's not dangerous...right?
Unlike many venomous snakes and nagas, Mambasa is fully capable (and even enjoys) constricting her prey with her body! This isn't a natural ability though but rather one she worked at and developed to add another deadly natural weapon to her arsenal in case of particularly resilient prey. Plus she'd be forced to admit to a fondness for squeezing the life out of her victims, just to relent at the last moment and begin again just to feel them going limp in her power over and over again... What's worse, do to her hobby of devouring venomous nagas for her own pleasure...she's immune to her own venom and highly resistant to other venoms as well, which makes her very dangerous to animals or people who rely on poison to deter predators from devouring them.
As for why type of person she prefers to eat...she likes people with some meat on them. Not down right fat or obese, but she loves chubby and pudgy prey for their taste and just how much they fill her up. She'll even be a little nicer to them...unless they start crying or something, then she'll ridicule them to no end before stuffing them down her gullet.
OOC Stuff: Feel free to whisper me, I'm much nicer then Mambasa and I don't mind chatting at all! Fair warning, I do tend to prefer females and hermaphrodites to males but that doesn't mean I won't play with them...just that I'll be picky. When it comes to prey, Mambasa adores feasting on other nagas the most and, after that, almost anything is fair game! She wants to sample every kind of being she can get her mitts on and there's a first time for damn near everything! She'll usually play around with her prey first too, but not always.
When it comes to role-play I adore big, lurid posts that drip with detail and sauciness. I've also been on a bit of a perma-vore kick lately too, so if you want a character to receive their final kick-off Mambasa is happy to oblige and add them to a, sadly, for now quite empty list of her permanent victims!

A picture of Mambasa subduing prey! Poor(?) soul...