Name: Maria Zoraida
Age: 25
Height: 6'0"
Weight: *pulls out wand*
Species: Witch
Occupation: Librarian/Model
Status: Single
Younger Sister:
More Younger Sister: Wendy (Looking for someone to make her)
Youngest Sister:
None Yet
Bio: Maria is the Eldest of a family of Four Witch sisters and because of that she handles being the teacher and part time parent figure to the younger sisters working with Sarah in teaching both Wendy and Brittney in they're magical arts.
Maria to pay the bills for they're home works many jobs as a part time model with minor but still growing fame, and also works as a simple Librarian, she enjoys how some people recognise her form magazines.
She is mostly a calm woman most of the time but likes her jobs using her model business to be a sort of out of reach woman for most people, which she will never truly use, she only plays and toys with boys and men never leading them on, as her true love lies in her family ties as she loves her sisters showing as she isn't afraid of a little sibling incest half the time.
As for her magical skills she being the eldest usually has the best skills her skills with a broom is so good, that she can actually stand on her broom when flying unlike her siblings who have to sit.