
Name: Mariana Beatrice The MDCCXXXIV

Species: Bee

Location: The Mariana Honey Hive

Occupation: Queen

Powers: Magic Staff Tricks

Alternative Personas: Mamonotel

Personality: Mariana Beatrice The MDCCXXXIV is the current queen of the Mariana Honey Hive. Like her ancestor she rules the hive with iron fist, tho unlike her ancestor she is spoiled and bratty. She likes to take her prey and churn them into honey, like most bees weirdly do.

Weakness: If her staff is stolen she is almost complete helpless, unless she has bees to back her up of course.

More Info: Bee's are of course bug type monsters that make an enormous hive and live in groups centered around a queen bee. The honey bees whose role is to gather nectar from flowers and Alraune for food are called worker bees. Other than looking for food, if the queen bee never has a husband, and even if she found a suitable partner he will most likely be used as pet and food later.

SPECIAL Ability:

Honey Digestion - When this predator devours a prey the gut will slowly churn the prey into nothing more but golden honey. Storing the honey and sharing it with others like bees do.

