
Alt List

  • Species: Shark Demi
  • Name: Marina Hunter
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 200cm
  • Weight: 220Lbs
  • Eyes: Red
  • Age: 22
  • Occupation: Like a life guard, but in reverse
  • Favourite Food: Swimmers
Marina spends her time lounging at the beach, looking for unsuspecting people to eat .... Meet. She is an expert swimmer, but that kind of comes with the territory. When she isn't looking for a meal, Marina like exercise, sun bathing, casual hook ups, and showing off.

    Quick Likes

  • people, especially those who wonder too far from shore.
  • sports
  • surfing
  • Relaxing
  • Warm weather
  • Cold Beverages
  • Being the center of attention
  • Releaving clothing

    Quick Dislikes

  • Party Poopers
  • People afraid of the water
  • Harpoon/fish hooks
  • bad weather
  • people being better than her
  • Overly complex activities
  • other preds taking her meals
I'll get to this ..eventually

Marina's tails

Nothing to tell of, yet
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike pretty much any type of soft vore.
Hard Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Deal Breaker, will not do hard vore
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike No pain please.
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike part of digestion
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike i will come back, not in scene unless needed.
Endo Always/Love
Never/Dislike Endo is good
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike A classic
Unbirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike also good
Cock Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Does not a Penis or Equivalent phallic object.
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike prefer above 2 but still like.
Breast Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Least favorite of "Normal" entries but won't turn it down, although Sprigin's breast aren't big enough for cleavage.
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Nothing much outside hard vore/Scat is a complete turn-off but I probably won't go actively seeking new methods. Talk to me about it.
Stretchy Always/Love
Never/Dislike given her size likely to be needed as pred.
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike Treat me like a flesh light
Gentle Always/Love
Never/Dislike or with a gentle lovers touch
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike always down, but not required.
Pain Always/Love
Never/Dislike not interested in being in pain, doesn't care if her meal is or not.
Scat Always/Love
Never/Dislike Big NO
Disposal Always/Love
Never/Dislike Clothes and possessions can be fun to be burped up
Magic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sprigin is Magical as hell.
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Never/Dislike still some size play likely present due to her halfling stature
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Pansexual
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Never/Dislike likely won't choose one at the start, but can turn people into animals
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike no really my thing
Underage Character Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike can do a long form RP with story, character development, build up towards vore, etc
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike or just a quickie
Surprise Me Always/Love
Never/Dislike Anything but hard vore/scat
Multi-Session Always/Love
Never/Dislike not needed
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike good for quick fun
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike Hit me up, I have trouble approaching others but want to RP
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love