
Mary found herself the object of BullishBarry's desire, and after agreeing to play a game of Witch Slots (a la Arabella LeDoux) her body was destroyed, body and soul, little more than the shit and pudge for the sexy bull.~ (PERMA, 12/24/2021)
"What's it like being a dentist that exclusively works for predators? It's . . ." Mary inhales for a moment
Never knowing when one is going to try and chow down. Some do, and its intense . . . Using me like some kind of toy and sucking me down.
I can afford to repair or replace my reformers, of course, but the thought a pred might claim me for their own is . . .
Well, it's why I work in this industry.~" She set about washing her hands. It seemed the entire time she was talking about it, she was teasing herself a bit too hard.
Mary recognizes that doing oral work for preds is important. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it, as the saying goes, so who better than a dirty girl to do the deed.~
Dice game: Roll a 1d10. When that number gets crossed out, landing on it again shorts the reformer and she's gone.
Bonus: My pred can have a little d20. As a treat. Rolling a 20 bypasses the system and is a perma.
Quick Stats:
Name: Mary Parker
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Alias: None
Age: 26
Height: 5' 6"
Occupation: Dentist
Author's note: Mary is a dice-based perma/temp-prey only.