A gluttonous tomboy of a vampire~! Belly size subject to change based off local feeding conditions!
"Hey, don't take the above statement at face value! ...I usually have a bit of a gut." -Maryse Tremble
The vampire~! A terrifying creature that draws to mind one of several different images from the horrifyingly ugly creature that lurks in the shadows and feasts off small rodents until it can find larger prey, the suave foreigner that lures in their victims with raw sexual charisma, to sparkly...y'know what, let's not talk about the last one. Want to know the thing all of those stereotypes have in common? Not a single one of them applies to Maryse, except for the foreigner part considering her French accent, and she honestly couldn't give a single hoot about maintaining them either to the ire of her more traditional sire who actually owns a spooky castle. She, of course, teases him relentlessly about the fact that said castle is a popular tourist attraction these days and he can barely get any peace and quiet while she goes relatively unmolested by curious mortals by just acting like one. She owns a loft in a somewhat nice part of town, has no trouble getting gigs with bands due to some natural talent and skill at playing guitar, and lives a happy life of indulgence with most of her neighbors assuming her late hours have to do with her life-style rather than the fact the sun would barbecue her~!
The fact is that while vampires are a serious danger to the people around them, Maryse is a bit too...well...lazy to be much of a threat to anyone. When not out clubbing or playing a gig, Maryse sneaks into blood banks to steal some good ol' fashioned nutrition because hunting down live prey is a bit of a hassle. Of course the taste sucks (ha!) and she would hardly turn down a chance at easy prey but this glutton is more interested in the feeding itself, not some so called 'thrill of the hunt'. As a result, her figure is a bit softer than most people would expect and her belly, breasts, and rump have all been nicely padded by her exhaustive feeding habits but her gluttony isn't just restricted to food either~! Admittedly Maryse can enjoy the company of other people, but most wouldn't go so far as to call her a 'slut' since again...a bit on the lazy side.