Image... not sure what to use... Think of Kill Bill and the master in it... That is about all I can think of.. Just Max is much nicer
Tower, it is a wizards tower set up in a way that might not make sense for defence though maybe it is cause
No one can enter unless they have permission. So that is it..
Entry is protected by a spell password, changes every month unless Max expects danger, then it changes every week
Inside the entry hall is the golem protectors, goes to the main hall that has stairs going up.
the next floor is the studies where the library is as well. Zack studies here often, and has his lectures here as well.
the next floor is the spell casting rooms where spells of lowere grade are casted.
the next floor is where Zack and guests would sleep... Also is where the food golem is along with kitchen.
last floor is max's private room, where no one gets to enter, so it is his room and a kitchen up there..
there is a secondary buildign where alchemy is taught by Max as well Alchemy if used right can help others. It cures diseases,
and is an easy way to earn a few bucks with a motar, a bottle and the right ingredients.
Max is a powerful wizard, In a post apcolyptic world the wizard rose during the 4th century. Mastering magic as much as he can...
Mage_Zack is his student during the 7th century. Making great strides in gaining magic powers and such. Already a great healer and elementalist. But he has not started going deeper yet... Max figuring he needs to build his mind up before being able to cast greater spells
Elemental spells (up to level 5) Magic note1
Healing spells
currently numerous and up to major there are too few creatures he cannot help to list the ones he can help.
most of these will be creature that regardless of how they are hurt would pass away before he could help.
Druid magic.
plant control
Tree control
Forest control
minor transformation
major transformation
Summoning, Minor and moderate
Major Transformations
Land drake
false dragon (Land Drake and Wyvern combined)
Magic Note
Magic comes in different levels, though they are broken up into 5 levels
there are minor local spells... Like fireball, ignite, flamethrower.
But then there are the upscale that can effect a village.. Such as a bigger fireball, tempest that turns into
a tornado.
Then next are ones that effect cities...
Then continents that can be effected by a spell.. Level 5 is where most mages stop since the next level is just too much power
as on Mage_Zack Magic is effected by the mind, so a stable mind is needed for magic, Then next is intellegents level
The higher it is the more powers spells are along side with the more mana at hand for the mage
improving this magic goes into the studies of Science, Math, and even History. The more vast one's knowledge the better
As PredAs Prey
Being PredBeing Prey | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | So I will just say that the master wizard is open to anything... Well just about anything. if its marked then it is no. but if not then we can plan |
Digestion | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Max would rather have fun as prey and as the predator digestion doesn't seem to offer this its... just a bit mortifying for him so he rather not do this. |
Fatality | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Probably not going to do this via vore methods sorry to say... If there is an enemy he is more likely to use one of his spells to turn the enemy into ash. |
Vampiric Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Vampires are repugnant and one of the dark creatures that Max hunts. And has a fair bit of experience killing |