
A Profile made just for those who would love to live with a 6 inch cutie, of course the main Image will be My personal use of course others will be added but only to request from other players but for now, lets start with one...

The Girl you see who was somehow placed in a lightbulb is Yuri, why is she in a lightbulb? who knows but she doesn't mind it that is till things get a little bright but of course no one would plug it in with a 6 inch girl in there... except that one person who wanted to see if a light would act like a X-ray to a micro, totally does nooot.

So what's Yuri's deal exactly? well she likes going to fun, new places, swim in cups or bowls, slurping food when no one is watching and going down into dart, wet and very squishy places just to chill or even live.