
Profile Revamp underway!

Note from Player: My internet is really unreliable (a 4g connection from a cheapo smartphone tethered to my computer) so if I vanish, please don't take it personally. I'll try to pick up where we've left off, but as a result of this, I have a lot of backlogged RPs to finish. I appreciate your understanding ^^;

Welcome!(The Small Intro)
This is the profile of Emma Rosevale, if you didn't already know that. She's a six foot, one inch tall human-cow, or as most refer to her, a Cowgirl. She currently resides at her own farm, which bears her own name, the Rosevale Farm.Click Here to jump to the basic summary of Emma.

Emma's Tale (Not to be confused with Emma's tail) Emma was born a human girl, on a small ranch a few miles away from Nexus Park. She grew up there on the ranch, learning quite a lot about animals, and animal husbandry. When she was in her teens, the family ranch was quickly running out of money, thanks to the discovery of a much more lucrative way of milk production: Cowgirls. These women were very bovine-like in build, and even had hooved feet instead of normal human feet. Determined to not let the family farm go under, Emma did a lot of research about these "Cowgirls" and quickly found out about a research program at a local University. They were using cross breeding, but on a level never before tested. They were treating subjects with a mixture hormone treatments and "DNA fusing". Intrigued, Emma signed up. The project was under the supervision of a young biology major, and he was already confident about results thus far. Taking this into account, he was looking to perfect the treatment to create, not these half-human, half-cow creatures, but to simply 'tweak' the human form to be more or less 'productive'. Foregoing her better judgement, Emma volunteered to be subject to the newest treatment the project had created. This of course was on the heels of a kick back against the program by the University, claiming what the students were doing was simply 'immoral'. In fact, Emma would be the first, and only to receive the treatment before the project was abandoned altogether. Not even the project leader was interested in the results, mainly due to the fact that if there were any, it was so subtle that it was not worth noting. Emma returned home, dejected, and sore from the prodding. Her family moved away a few weeks later, having finally been forced into selling the farm. Emma was too depressed to see the place go, so she lingered on. When the buyers finally came, much to Emma's supprise, they picked back up where her folks had left off. Only these people were in the market of raising the cross bred half-human half-cow girls. Emma managed to convince them to allow her to work on the ranch, citing her previous experience working as both a farm hand and a breeder.

Weeks later, Emma started noticing something strange. It first seemed like nothing, but every time she drank the milk from these "Cowgirls" she felt strange. One day when she woke up to do the morning chores, her breasts were feeling particularly tender. Much to her dismay, when she squeezed her nipples she was rewarded with a squirt of milk. Not only that, but oddly enough, the milk from her sore tits tasted far better than what she would get from the "Cowgirls" She decided to hide it the best she could, but as time went on, the teen's modest C cups were quickly ballooning into DDs, and every morning they would be a little bit bigger, and have a little more milk in them. By the time Emma could squeeze out almost two full milk bottles from her breasts, she began noticing other changes. At first she thought it was just her imagination, or maybe she just had a zit in one of the most embarrassing places. However, like her breasts, the bump that appeared above her slit only grew as time went on. It was quickly becoming clear as each day passed she was growing a dick. This was much less obvious, but cause much more trouble than her breasts had. Not only did she start giving off a musk once she had worked up a sweat out in the field, but the cowgirls were looking at her with lustful gazes, almost as if they knew what she was hiding in her panties... almost as if they wanted her to whip it out and breed them like the bulls do. Eventually, she gave in to those stares, her cock now much larger, and sporting a set of balls large enough to put some of the studs they used on the farm to shame. Needless to say, she was very discreet about it, and the cowgirl swore she would keep quiet about it... until new arrived that the same cowgirl was pregnant. Oddly enough the cowgirl in question had never been bred before, and was mostly kept around for her milk. Of course the owners were perplexed at this surprise pregnancy, but welcomed the influx of milk.
Shortly after the calf was born Emma started growing horns, which marked the stabilizing of her body's changing. Despite the changes having stopped, Emma would be nearly unrecognizable by anyone who knew her previously, now sporting a rack that could produce gallons of creamy milk a day, and a package that had cum potent enough to knock of a half-human half-cow girl. The owner's wife happened to walk in on Emma one morning as she was milking herself. The woman being none too shocked at the scene came over and took a drink right from the tap, and nearly fell over. The calf that Emma had with the cowgirl grew up quickly, nursing off it's mother's milk. It also began maturing rapidly, at a frightening pace. Only a few months old, and the calf had a body comparable to the cowgirls, only, she was much more human-like, more akin to Emma than any of the cowgirls. It quickly came to light just what Emma was becoming, and the owner, realizing this, put her to work as the prized stud, and dairy cow at their farm.
After a few years, all of the half-human half-cowgirls had been replaced by cowgirls of the same calibre as Emma. However the owner, despite making a fortune of the cowgirls, and their milk, was growing weary of the life of a breeder, and Emma happily purchased the place back from the owner, and thusly, Rosevale Farms was born.

Emma is a cowgirl, meaning she looks human, but has a few bovine-like features. She used to be a human but was transformed into what she is today by a discontinued genetics program at a local University. Age:23
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 200lbs
Breast size: 40EE Milk production: 4 gallons a day.
Cock Length: 13" Cock Diameter: 3" Cum production: 2 gallons per orgasm.
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Eye color: Blue

About the Farm
((A special thanks to
Maiya_Averlane for providing the basis for some of these ideas)) Rosevale farm's has several major products that it provides to the public for revenue. -Rosevale Farm's Skin moisturizer: A special lotion that has pure cowgirl cream added in. It hydrates, and softens skin, and starts to renew the skin at the cellular level. -Rosevale Farm's Cowgirls: Yes, Rosevale Farm is willing to sell cowgirls off to individuals, for a price -Rosevale Farm's Ice cream: Every ice cream starts with milk, so make it Rosevale, and be glad you did. (All 31 flavors available at the creamery located on Rosevale Farm) -Rosevale Farm's Milk Shakes: Quite a different experience than just regular ice cream, see list below for more details.

Rosevale Farm's Milk Shake List (and effects)

MooShake: The premier milkshake of Rosevale. This shake has been specially crafted using Emma's milk to produce the richest, creamiest milkshake you'll ever have. So good you'll beg for mooore! (Transforms whoever drinks it into a cowgirl, which also has the side effect of making the drinker slightly more timid, and more receptive to breeding. Warning, this drink works on males too, and will transform them into a herm.)

BullShake: The exclusive milkshake of Rosevale. This shake uses the same pure cream base of the MooShake, but will have you feeling like a stud, instead of a dud! (Boosts the drinker's virility, increasing testes and penis size considerably. If drank by a female, it will also have the same effect as the MooShake in addition to the previously stated effects)

Emma's fetish list(No profile is complete without one!)

Inflation (preferably by cum)
Urethra Sex with a herm (IE: Either she slides her cock into the other herm's cockslit or vice versa.)

Emma's new canon list

Emma just couldn't help herself. The prospect of gaining that huge round belly, and much larger tits was too much. She had to stuff her friend, Kimiko_Suzuki, into her womb~
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Magic Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Underage Character Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Quick Posts Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love