T-tara-sempai... I can't miss another class... please don't eat me... mph...
Mina is the girl on the left in the above picture. A pretty little blond nekomimi, she's lived in Japan for most of her life, and right next door to her Sempai, the lovely(and ravenous) wolfgirl on the right. Having moved to Japan at age six, she wound up right next door to the lovely wolfess, met her soon after moving in, and wound up in her belly soon after, thinking it sounded interesting.
From there, well, the two have been inseparable, often because Mina is inside Tara. If Tara's feeling hungry enough, or frisky enough, Mina's her first target, and at least once a week Tara winds up going to class with a bloated belly. Fortunately for both of them, there's no need for Tara to do her kohai in to have a good meal! They both have life insurance, and a surprising other ability, letting them absorb each other(just a bit) when either of them noms the other. Mina's not often predatory, but she's still in school because she's gotten to see through Tara's eyes in class, and feel her thought process. Really, she could probably be advanced a year, but that prospect makes her nervous too!
Fourteen years old and standing a mere four and a half feet tall, Mina's a quiet, fairly timid thing. She prefers solitude or very little company, and silence, to large crowds, and really is fairly withdrawn. She's not exactly antisocial, but she just doesn't like the parties and shows everyone else does. She prefers a good book, or hanging out in a large, comfy tree, or just a soft place to snooze. Soft, dry, warm places are her favorites, but the warmth of Tara's belly is one reason she doesn't fuss TOO much about her Sempai's eating habits... that, and the fact that they really, really like each other.
So that's her in a nutshell. She's most likely to be played with Tara, but PM us if you want to play, too. Not ICly, please.