Its really soft, cuddly. Its innards are soft too. It's totally a plush. thus innards quite different then creatures that actually digest. It also feeds on clothing, rather then flesh, so victims usually come out nude.
Its paws are generally used to cuddle, sometimes force the cuddlers against its belly. They generally feel soft, but its been known that its hard to get out. Its general intentions arnt bad unless the others hate being nude and such.
Forms has female attributes, including its sex and tailhole. They however dont work as its a plushy.
Owner: None yet.
Acciosaires(Worn etc): PLushy collar.
Plushdragon Main form (Blue Text)
- Height: 3ft
- Length: 5ft
- Her cupsize is 34 B
- Weight: 20 LBS. Oh come on, a plushy weighting tons? D:
- Tail Length(Does not include length said earlier, only the tails.): 3 ft
Shes pretty silent, as far as seemingly being alife seems, but dont underestimate. Beyond this cute plush, there is a sensible soul cursed to it.
Passives and actives |
- Softness(P) - Plushies are very soft!
- Strong(P) - Yet, it can be very strong
- Cuddly(P) - Perfect for cuddling
- Soft insides(P) - Everything is fluffy. This includes its belly. Its like a cozy fluffy prison.
- Plush fly(A) - It has wings. Its light, So it can fly!
- Plushify(A) - When eaten, it may decide to turn you into a plushy.
- Absorb(SA) - Can be used after plushify, but clothed creatured will lose clothes.
- Tight grip(A) - Its strong. Doesnt mean it will tightly grasp you against its body.
- Tease(A) - When purple form, it indicates its probally gonna tease, someway or another.
- Stuffing breath(A) - Similar to a fire breath. Etxept, just when spiders do it, things get sticky. This may stuck you.
P=Passive, A=Active, SA=Special active