
Missy Preston is just one of those girls that everything went right for but still ended up turning out poorly, though that is a bit of an exaggeration considering that she isn't a truly awful person..just a massive brat with a golden heart underneath of it all. Missy grew up in the well known Preston family that made their fortunes in supplying a variety of restaurants and fast food places with quality ingredients that quietly supported laws and legislation to make predation not only legal but accepted...they're still kind of working on that second part. What this means is that Missy grew up in a wealthy household that could afford a good education for their daughter but alsp incidentally instilled an attitude of superiority towards everyone and everything else that isn't quite true.
Yet anyway. Maybe once Missy gets older and gets into her family's business she might be in a place to be atop the social and predatory ladder but right now she's a cute teenager with a big superiority concept that recently developed a sexy, thick figure that makes her the object of lust (and hunger) for her classmates and friends. You can imagine the effect this had on her ego to suddenly find herself as one of the centers of attention for her school's social circles especially considering how defeated she felt at being over-looked for early bloomers at first. So you have girl with money, influence, and a sexy look for the first time combined with an eagerness to flaunt all of the above to get the attention she thinks she deserves. Honestly, it might be a small miracle she's as decent a person as she is actually! Being a bit of a brat and tsundere actually is getting out of that lightly!
So Missy flaunts what she's got but is still embarrassed enough of her soft looks that she'll admonish people that pay attention to them. She'll treat her friends to a shopping trip just because they deserve it, but talk about how grateful they should be the entire time. She'll even help a confused predator get out of trouble and brag about her own prowess despite being a 'virgin' in that regard. So there is a heart of gold underneath that slutty brat exterior, one just has to be patient enough to go looking for it~!
A fun mess-around alt! I plan on being bratty and all tsun OOC too so don't be surprised if I come off as such when talking, the truth is I like to talk and chat with most people but it helps me stay in Missy's mindset which is normally pretty foreign to me! I like verbose role-play with people who make an effort to use proper grammer and puncuation but I don't demand perfection. I'm not perfect myself but I need to know there is at least an effort.
If I had to say, Mizzy thinks she is one hundred percent predator but she's close to eighty percent prey and twenty percent predator on her best day. When she is prey, don't expect her to be willing (at all!). Sexual stuff is, obviously, fine (see slutty look above) but feel free to talk about what you enjoy with me! I don't mind chatting before getting into scenes just as much as I like just getting into the thick of things.