
"What the hive will provide." -Mother Dowager addressing a new captive.
The nightmare began on LV-426, Acheron, when a commercial freighter attempted to come to the aid of a distress signal and discovered a derelict alien vessel full of bizarrely large eggs that birthed a terrifying entity with a life ccle seemingly born from a madman's fever dreams.
There was only a single survivor of that first encounter with the lethal alien species that came to be known as xenomorphs and future clashes with the endo-parasitic species proved that this was the norm rather than the exception. Mega-corporations and militarizes alike salivated at the potential applications of such an aggressive species biology and the possibility of 'domesticating' the creatures. It rarely worked out however and in one particular instance it spawned another, equally deadly, threat to plague space and to bring those who believe they are mighty low. Miranda Thompson was the head researcher at a facility that managed to smuggle a trio of xenomorph eggs away for private study about the first two stages of the creature's life cycle and they attempted to learn from the mistakes of others in containing the creatures. Sadly they failed and a xenomorph outbreak quickly decimated the facility's staff while bringing an accompanying surge in the number of skeletal creatures. Miranda hid for as long as she could but eventually she was discovered and brought before the queen to suffer the same fate as the rest of her colleagues though fortune was both with her and against her.
Since she was the last available host on that barren hellhole of a planetoid, it was to be her 'burden' to carry a new queen from the hive to find a large population source to fuel the growth of a new hive. Her nightmarish existence up until that point had broken her mind to the point that she saw being given the egg as a great honor, almost zealous in her desire to see her god-figures prosper but what the hive could not have anticipated far she would take this devotion. Once free from the hive's control and her mind given a chance to recuperate from what it had been put through, Miranda's obsession took on a dangerous new bent and her brilliant, if deranged, mind set to work at combining the alien DNA within her body with her own. Surely if she became one of them, there was no better way to survive what she had come to see as the end of her species. Miranda succeeded in combining her DNA with that of xenomorphs and the pain of the act 'killed' the woman even as her body was wracked with horrifying changes. What awoke after almost a year of slumber only knew itself as the Mother Dowager, the herald of a new species that aggressively preys on anything that comes within her clutches.
Neither human or xenomorph, Mother Dowager is something new that sees anything that has not been born of her womb or shaped by her hand to be part of the hive as a threat to her very existence. And a threat, no matter how much it may remind her of the human Miranda's former life, must be dealt with in one manner or another... To this end the Mother has established hives wherever she goes and seeks out anyone that she can get her claws on with the express purpose of shaping them into a contributing member of her hive. Her biology isn't entirely stable and thus her body prone to drastic changes as it tries to accommodate conflicting desires and primal instincts, meaning that she has confounded those that might try destroy her since any one attack could be rather different from the next. What is known is that she is capable of laying massive eggs containing face-huggers like her xenomorph forbears though they seem...different from the normal specimens on examination. On the other hand, Mother Dowager has demonstrated the ability to personally leave her chaotic genetics inside the bodies of another to produce hybrid offspring like herself.
Perhaps the most terrifying the ability the Dowager has shown is the ability to physically...mold those who fall into her clutches into another member of her hive. The exact specifics of this process is unknown but those few who have observed the process and escaped with their lives have mentioned that it involves coating her victims in the resin her body secretes and shaping the perverse substance into a more pleasing form to the Dowager's warped sensibilities. This means that the Dowager can find a potential use for anyone that she comes across and that her hives have the potential for explosive growth if she ever found a way to subdue a large number of people at a time, something the intelligent monstrosity has been feverishly trying to figure out~!
Members of the Hive
None yet.
More to come as it is thought up~!
This is, admittedly, a bit of a weird alt for me to play but once the idea got into my head...I couldn't shake it! Not really vore-centric but definitely has a variety of 'bad-ends' that can befall those who happen upon the Dowager and I'm definitely going for more of a feel horror than anything else. The Mother Dowager doesn't do romantic or cuddly stuff and attempting to engage in such things with her will end in a decidedly messy manner for the individual who tried to do so.
Despite what is mentioned above, I do not exclusively play the Dowager in a sci-fi setting (though I do prefer it) and she fits almost just as well in a fantasy or modern day one as she does in her dismal future. Thing is...the character is definitely a bit weird and I'm not entirely certain just who would want to play with her so I'm not going to be that proactive in messaging the people I find interesting first since...well...I don't know who might be interested~! Looking for detailed and well-written play, its what I greatly enjoy and what I try to give in return.
Definitive themes of this character would include pregnancy (normal and bizarre), pheromone play, transformations, and (to a degree) snuff. Again...this character is rather far outside of what I normally play but I honestly find her very charming! I do prefer playing with characters who will show the effects of play with the Dowager but I don't demand full out alteration of a profile (even if it is fun to me), even just a mention of it is enough for me because I will record such stuff here even if it isn't 'canon' for someone else. Always looking for actual new hive members though~!