"uh... Hi. Don't mind me."
*long story short, a lot of things have happened to the cripple... ask her about it.. Her face will be familiar if nothing else.*
Name: Natasha Watson
Age: 19
Weight: about 6 stone
Height: 4 foot or so
Appearance: see picture, just so it's obvious... Natasha is missing a leg and one eye.
Casefile: A0346HjE23
The young lady in the photo is a Miss Watson, she appears to be the only survivor of the family living at **********. Pictured with her is lieutenant Simons, who she rather took a shine to when he spent the day with her. He did manage to get the whole story out of her though and she pieced it together as detailed below:
It was approximately 9 in the evening when she heard the noises, they weren't all that loud but, enough to disturb the girl in her sleep. She headed towards the door moments before it was burst open and in her own words `some thing` came through, she never really got much of a look at it, what with it having gouged out the eye she saw it with. Her best description was just a mass of teeth and claws and it was too dark for her to make out any real details.
She fled quite understandably and tried to dive out of the lower floors window. As she was clambering out of the window it snagged her leg and while she was desperately trying to clamber out of the frame it was rather viciously torn off her body, leaving her bloody, and stuck in a shrubbery. At least until help arrived, having heard her screams the nearby neighbours called the police. While they didn't find any trace of her parents save for a few bloody smears and of course they managed to verify her story due to the claw marks across her face where she was now missing an eye and the serrated teeth marks in her leg stump.
She's been put on a course of medication to help her dreams go away, they don't appear to be working and they are likely to up the dosage, despite the fact that it has often caused an inability to sleep, and a developing version of narcoleptic symptoms.
All in all, while I'm not definite, it does look like another attack by the creature that was created in this lap not two months ago, I'd advise having it put down before it escapes again, or at the very least keeping a squad prepared with tracking devices to prevent further people's lives being destroyed for no reason.
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