
A Troy_Mcclure alt list
A Massive WIP, Please Bare With.

The Halls of nexus university are for most denizens of the nexus, the next step in education and the next stage of the circle of life, should one survive the hetic and dangerous high school years, graduating undigested then the next test is doing the exact same thing, however this time away from your parents, and in dodgy accomodation in a faculty that is activley trying to keep the numbers of graduates down, acting as population control as much as it does an institution of education, up wards of 60% of all students who end up at nexus university leave via condom or sewers, perhaps you will be one of them?

Mascots and animals:
While in earlier nexus education the main threat was teachers and your fellow student, ferals often being a rare threat, Nexus university has begun to introduce predatory animals and plants to the faculty campus, hoping to promote vigalance, and to purge the student body of those too stupid, drunk or lazy to avoid predators, of course, students being students, it has become a mission of some frats to feed the female body to the animals for fun or for the slightest provocation.

Luckily however there is, for now, only one such feral beast to be concerned about, and that would be 'Sluggo TheRecycler' a slug creature designed to recycle the female populace into various substances namely cruelty free pearls, sluggo has become something of a university mascot, many a truant, drunk and promiscuous woman have found themselves digested by sluggo and the pearls they became as well as there half destroyed clothing and jewellry being sold at the uni shop, along with his victims sluggo themed jackets, tops, sleeping bags and plushies can also be brought, however while he is cute in his own way, it is important to remember sluggo is a agressive pred, and his body stops its prey from reforming, many girls have tried to take selfies with sluggo only for there pearls to end up in the uni store.

It is hoped that soon the university will have carnivoirous plants in its gardens, so its students can give to nature in a less slimy way if so desired, the responisiblity fot ensuring this happens comes down to one Evangeline_Bloom, head gardener and friend ofthe vore club, and nominal member of the student council, it is hoped she will prove effective in her task, many in the student council expect her to demonstrate her plants apetite when the time comes, while the vore club has made clear, that her failiure to deliver could ensure her digestion, no pressure.

The Student Council:
The governing body of the university the student council in days gone by ruled the university as if it was an independent city state, the rulers of the council, centuries ago called kings and queens, then doges and now presidents, have often had there statues built along the university parks, and for those deposed via digestion, its not uncommon for there remains to end up in hermetic vase's and used as decoration in the council hall, as a reminder of the cost of losing schoolyard politics, however in the modern era the power of the council has deminished and its now more of a joke, beset by factionalism with the cheerleaders, prefects and vore club, desperate for control, all having people on the council, often having those they dislike eaten to replace with yes men, it seems before long the council will be redundant and the factions will have a civil war, much to the chargrin of all female students, certain to be digested wether they take part or not.

The Council Members:
The Council President + Chancellor of the Exchequer: Zanna_Aras-Age 20: studying maths and finance, Maths wiz, no nonsense type of girl, seductive and smart, neutral to the power struggle and will eat anyone she likes or who challenges her financial rulings.
Head Prefect: Emilia_Pendergrass-Age 22: Studying Humanities, serious and unforgiving, your typical rich aristocrat, does not trust the other factions, will punish the slightest infractions.
Head Cheerleader:Stacey_Johnson:22 years old, studying social studies, despite many expecting/ Hoping Mitzi_Sanchez would become queen bee, a humilating end meant stacey clinches top dog position, the council is now alot more insufferable.
Councillor of Vore: Jezebel_Hardy-Age 23: Head of the vore club, a cultist fanatic with a vision few understand a fewer like.
Sports Councillor: Charlie_Evans-Age 22: Neutral, Bubbly,can be a bit shy especially in romantic or awkward situations, athletic and obsessed with girls, also a bit of a paty animal. studying sports.
Events Councillor: Hanna_Lian-Age 21: Half taiwanese, grew up in taipei move to the nexus for university, has a vlogging youtube channel exploring her experiences in the nexus, new to vore.
Head Gardener: Evangeline_Bloom- Aged 21: Alinged with the vore club, friendly to the cheerleaders, technically neutral.

The Basil House:
While technically not a club or faction within the university ecosystem the denizens of the basil house are either the daughters of, or the friends of the affluent and rich of nexus society as such it is not uncommon for them to be courted by the other factions, the basil dorm is well defended, with decent locks, and elevator that needs a code to acsess and being close enough to the authorities that if all else fails, a timely intervention can be mounted, of course this does not mean you cannot sneak in, and many frats and those looking for glory have made it there mission to sneak in and get a rich preppy bitch for themselves, perhaps you will be lucky, or most likely fed to a girl for the arrogance of trying to break in.

The lucky denizens of the basil house:
NovaFoxxs daughter ikari (not played by me)-18 years old, studying criminal law and investigation, is part of the unis football team. wants to be a dectective like her dad was, and wants to show people a more loving wholesome variety of vore. well aware her friends mand her may not graduate but willing to enjoy life.
Bridgette_Woods- 21 years old, studying Statistical Analysis with a minor is Sports Health, is on the university football team, girlfreind of ikari. a sports nut studying statistics for job prospects not passion,hopes to survive the whole uni experience and then live a wholesome boring life with her girlfriend. hopes to become at least a semi decent pred, if only for the reputation benefits.
Emily_Armstrong- 20 years old, studying English Literature, part of the chess club, vore curious and constantly trying not to surrender to her urges and get gurgled, a genius hoping to write some books like the ones she loves, suprisingly despite her preyish lean an accomplished pred.
Mia_Ellis- 20 years old, studying Art with a minor in Dance, part of the dance club, an artistic and somewhat ditsy young woman, survivng school via luck and her habit for blanking out and eating anyone that comes too close, trying to be less of a ditz, artistic and after ditching her weird girl get up suprisingly pretty.
Holly_Winters- 20 years old, studying Psycology with a minor in Vore Based Science, daughter of deceased alumni Heather_Winters, sister of former student Desdemona_Winters and current student Sophie_Winters, considered in school to be an apex pred, holly has been something of a terror starting out eating babysitters, then teachers and now in uni, hoping to use her preding skills for something one day, time will tell if she was a big fish in a small pond, and if she will now sink or swim in this ocean. unaware ikari ate her sister Jessica_Winters and invited her to live with her partially of guilt.
Evangeline_Bloom-21 years old, studying Statisitcal Analysis, is part of the gardening club and as mentioned earlier is part of the student council as head gardener, somewhat reluctantly endorsed by the vore club to grow a voracious plant, eva fears what should happen if her good will with the vore club runs out, she is living with ikari because she is cousins with bridgette, she hopes that her new friends can help her navigate a precarious situation, she is also close with Angela_Jones a fellow student of voracious life, above all eva hopes to not end up fertiliser herself.

The Cheerleaders:
Based in the eloquent gerogian style chasity house, the cheerleaders are a elitist, snobbish and bratty club made up of the daughters of nexus elites, apex predators, and the prettiest and fittest girls in the university, to become a cheerleader one simply has to try out, to prove they are phsyically fit, they then have to spend a week as a 'trialcheer' to see if they are a good fit and learn the secrets of the club, they are then interveiwed by a group of cheerleaders about their social background, family wealth and if any of their mothers or grandmothers where cheerleaders, if all goes well after the interveiw, the week stay becomes permanent, however if its decided that the prospective cheerleader is a poor fit, having already learnt some of the cheer secrets, the failed candiate is eaten and dumped out back, there clothes and belongings burned in a ceremony, for those that survive the selection process life as a cheerleader is one of popularity and luxury, being one of the moral back bones of the campus, the cheerleaders act as advocates for good moral values as well as freedom of expression, they annoy the prefects due to there approach of mediating disputes, and piss of the vore club by offering an alternative method of solving problems other than vore byy creating councils to decide what punishment someone faces, be it being tied up, forced to drink far to much alchahol or kiss a teacher, vore is an option but not the only one, like the other factions they have a member on the council and hope to expand there influence.

three cheerleaders of note:
Stacey_Johnson:22 years old, studying social studies, bitchy, seductive and very very entitled, and now the unconsted head of the cheerleaders, rejoice, for parties, bitchiness and hot goss are back!

The Prefects:
Based in peel house the prefects are the offical police, jury and court system of the university campus, once upon a time the prefects were loyal to the council but after years of growing in numbers the prefects are now indpendent, and power hungry, the prefects beleive in mantra of "roses grow, weeds get cut", essentially promoting those who follow the rules or support there ideals, while digesting misfits, and trouble makers, and since the prefects decide on the fly what counts as being a misfit and trouble maker getting on there good side is simply a wise descision, this is why the prefects cant like get along with the cheerleaders, there insecent need to creat rules and rituals and prey based on prestige and class gets in the way of there justice, and while they have better relations with the vore club they find there constant obsession with finding the best way to get the most people eaten unnerving, as such they try to use there powers and influence in the council to maintain control an prevent there rights and pribleges from being chipped away, they also try to sometimes team up with the vore club to hinder the cheerleaders, and the neutrals to hinder the vore club, many of them wish to dissolve the concil and rule the school as a junta, but that will never happen right.

Three Prefects of note:
Emilia_Pendergrass-Age 22: Studying Humanities, serious and unforgiving, your typical rich aristocrat, does not trust the other factions, will punish the slightest infractions.
Rachel_Saunders: 21 years old, studying reporting with a minor in classics, one of the newest prefects and a hard worker, mistrusted due to her past in highschool as head of a punk goth group, rumored to give whoever digests her her figure, works hard to prove herself as a decent prefect and worth keeping undigested, has a weird semi romantic relationship with punk and delinquent Raven_Luarel.

The Vore Club:
Based in Prion House, the vore club is on the outside just a group of vore advocates who want to improve the uni's comittment to its mission of ensuring only the best graduate, however behind closed doors things get weird, it is said the vore club are seeking a mysterious goal....the highscore,a challenge to get the most people eaten as quickly as possible, of course the highest score would be everyone, but how? well there could be several ways, with some members getting the head gardner to grow a plant to this end, and when they say everyone they mean it, for they themselves once the deed is done seek t join the highscore, of course the prefects and cheerleaders hinder them, but soon they will be nothing but a memory and part of the score themselves.

Three vore club members of note:
Jezebel_Hardy:23 years old, Studying vore studies, Head of the vore club and Minister of Vore on the student council, one of the leaders of the more fanatic cult like faction of the vore club and the driving force behind the high score concept, hoping to turn the whole club into a cult to sacrafice the university to fuel her obsession and delusions.
Amy_Thomas:20 years old, studying social studies, elitist, privleiged and vore obsessed, loves to manipulate people into eating eachover and loves to eat her sexual partners.

The libary:

Full of books, for all subjects, a truly massive building full of alley ways and quite corners, as such it is a place predators go to hunt, though technically its one of the only places your not allowed to do so, but that rule is broken so many times a day most people have forgotten its existence, the libarian is tasked with enforcing the rule but without being a council meber they dont have much hope, another part of the libary is its moving walls, turning a wheel on one end of the shelf wall will cause it to close in on the other, preds use it to pin and crush the life out of its prey, but in theory its possible to close the shelfs with several tons of force, turning the girl within then into a nice slush, several tik tok challenges have been built around it, would you like to try your luck?

The libariran: Mary_Kuchs Age:21, studious and shy, uses the libarian position to study her maths degree without paying for books, to shy and scared to enforce the rules, just trying to survive and graduate.

Folks who dont quite fit the mold of the groups above.

Raven_Luarel: age 20, studying Music theory, a punk and rebel constantly at risk of being eaten by the prefects, she has a crush and on off relationship with Rachel_Saunders, might be alive only because of rachels intervention.
Anna_Lidelmann:age 20, studying journalism, a curious individual who could be a prize winning journalist one day, providing she survives uni, already on the literal shit list of the vore club
Cassie_Greene: Age 20, Studying english lit. a girl next door type hoping to use uni to become a top predator despite never eating someone before.

The Never Graduating:
Here are the girls of nexus university who where expelled, or dissapeared, going to a club to never return or just really unlucky, either way there story ended.
Rose_Marley:(2002-2023), Age 21, thought she got an easy prey, but turned out to be the one churned away.
Chloe_Kustner:(2004-2023),Age 19, Went Clubbing and never left, suspected to have been cocked vored trying to find a sugar daddy
Sophie_Winters: (2002-2023),Age 21, Left her sister Holly_Winters place and supposedly went home, only for her phone to be found in the club abandoned, she has not come into class, and has been struck off the register as 'persumed devoured'.
Ella_Gardner- (2004-2024),Age 19 spent the new years housekeeping for an alumni event, only to be devoured and her reformer turned off.
Hannah_Williams-(2003-2024) Age 21, Has the dubious honour of being the first student council president to accidentally cast her self in a vorno.
Grace_Lauren:(2002-2024) 21 years old, head cheerleader, she fell in love, he fell out of love, so she went up his cock and jizz came out!
Mitzi_Sanchez:(2003-2024) 19 years old, cheerleader, was so close to becoming head cheerleader, so close, but a stupid race meant this rising star is now an orgasm
Edith_Mavis-(2004-2024) 19 years old, studying Psycology with a minor in English Lit. was forced to play a game of voracious spin the bottle against her will, became the first loser, and became someones first victim.
Sienna_Dawson:2003_2024) 20 years old, Studying Fitness, former vore club member fizzled to mush in as the second victim of a voracious spin the bottle game
Angela_Jones:(2002-2024) Age 21 Studying biology and zooology with a minor in voracious botany, Missing....
Annabelle_Kustner:(2001-2024) Age 23, Studying Business, never returned for classes in the new academic year, persumed to have died in the interim
Phoebe_Whitepaw: (2003-2024) 21 Years old, Studying crimonolgy and criminal justice, was last seen on patrol, its hard to imagine who ate such a specimen, but the uni is pretty sure phoebe is gone for good.
Lyvia_Miller-(2003-2025) 22 years old, studying film, another president deposed, this time by a king, heres hoping her replacement proves longer lived