
Name: -- (Was: Judith Savage)
A.K.A: -- (one of many "Alternate Timeline" Judiths whom Bluebelly has devoured.)
Species: --
Gender: --
Occupation: Bluebelly nutrients
Interests: --
Current Status: Reduced to nutrients, absorbed and useless remnants expelled.

Habitat: Pudge
Danger Types: --


Power: -


The Time Stumble and Demise of Judith.

While the events prior to Judith's acquiring the device are unclear, A wrist-worn Time Travel
Device was given to her and she had emerged in present day with a goal of trying to put an end
to a monstrous killer that had caused a disastrous calamity.

At the time she arrived to the earliest-known point of contact, She encountered Bluebelly,
whom had defeated her outright and taken her Time Travel device, utilizing it some time after
having consuming her. After bluebelly managed to travel back once, he encountered Judith
again at the same point in time, having been ported back into his previous body and mind.

He went to many lengths to learn as much as he could from Judith after having understood how
the device functioned, going back and forth many times to get as much information as he could
to mitigate the threat of disaster in spite of Judith's insistence that the disaster couldn't be
stopped with conventional means.

Due to Judith's hostile attitude and persistent nature, Bluebelly found his efforts to convince
Judith of a better alternative to be exhausting and impossible as Judith's personality clung to
being prone to violence and especially intimidation, prompting Blue to have an idea. He went
back in time, captured Judith and imprisoned her for nearly a week. He then travelled back in
time again with Judith in tow just for the sake of awaiting another impending arrival of her
time-travelling self.

The Imprisoned Judith was shown to her younger self by Bluebelly and freed, only for blue to
Devour her in front of her previous self as a demonstration of what he could do to her if she
crossed him in order to keep Judith compliant, entirely digesting and laying an egg of the
imprisoned to ensure Judith clearly understood the depth of danger she was in. As the
surviving, younger version was let away with her life, the original simply ended up being filler
for the much larger Yashi.
