Age: Unknown
Age Appearance: ~late 20s (when in True Form)
Gender: Female (debatable, since dolls are often genderless)
Species: Doll
General Location(s): "Blije Natie", an inter-dimensional giant toy box that is modeled after a city...for dolls and toys. It's a world of an eerie innocence that soon falls flat on it's face when one discovers the most destructive entity in the history of demons sealed within it's depths. Nijntje is the overseer here and communicates with the many dolls who inhabit this realm.
Basic Overview
Nijntje is a living doll that hangs out around a powerful and extremely dangerous dragon bunny named, Helen and (due to the fact that Helen's destructive powers weaken when surrounded by cute things) acts as a sort of portable seal to keep her powers of destruction in check. Being one of the first dolls Helen 'spoke too', Nijntje sees the dragonbunny as a close friend and works as the brains behind Helen's brawn. For this reason, it is not uncommon for Nijntje to (silently) give Helen directions and helpful advice when needed. Nijntje is the only thing in existence that Helen will NOT destroy. Although Nijntje boasts human like intelligence, she does have other powers such as the communication between dolls, and the ability to transform into another form that has yet to be seen by anyone other than Helen. Before Helen was sent to the Blije Natie, It is believed that Nijntje was the original overseer here...
Discovering Nijntje's personality is rather difficult as one doesn't normally expect a doll to have such a thing. First and foremost, Nijntje has seperate personae, each one divided up to fit her two different forms. The personality for her smaller form is largely silent and 'speaks' through body language and actions, this form is often seen as being rather gentle and affectionate. She is also somewhat childish and can be easily spooked by things she deems as scary. When in her true form however, Nijntje sheds this personality for a more mature and cunning demeanor, one who's not above using the voluptuously curvy body she has to tip things into her favor. In this form, she becomes something of a leader, and gains a much stronger constitution for things that would normally scare her smaller form. True!Nijntje also gains the ability to speak and is able to voice her feelings and opinions more thoroughly as opposed to being confined to using only sign and body language to communicate.
Likes: Dolls and toys, the color pink, Helen
Dislikes: Scary things (Small!Nijntje), Puppeteers (Both)
Super Bomberman 5 - Music Box - Normal Theme (Small form)
Grief Syndrome - Gertrud's Stage - Normal Theme (True form)
Super Bomberman 5 - Extreme Chaos - Battle Theme (Shared)
Alternate Form
- Seen below is the true form of Nijntje, the form she took before Helen the Dragonbunny came into her world and required her to be 'cute and cuddly' to keep her destructive power sealed.

True Nijntje: Otherwise known as Nijntje's "original" form, this is what Nij appeared as when Helen wasn't sealed in the Blije Natie. This form holds alot more magical power than the 'plush' form of Nij and thus is considered far more dangerous to face in combat than her smaller, more compact form.
+ Unique Traits? +
Doll Superiority: A trait that allows Nijntje to control dolls and toy based monsters who are capable of independent thought. While it's not exactly a form of puppetry, it's simply a type of natural "charisma" that the doll/toy monsters are attracted to and obey. Think of it as being similar to a pack mind, in which Nijntje is the "alpha doll" and the rest are below her and follow her orders. Her smaller form has little control of this and as a result many of the stronger puppets don't often adhere to her orders in that smaller form.
Combat Abilities (Shared)
Endless Toyspace: Nijntje has the ability to access a form of hammerspace known as the Endless Toybox, in which she pull forth toy weapons...that actually hurt. Anything from Toy Bazooka's that launch magical mini-nukes to Spinning Tops of death. If it's a toy, Nij has it in her arsenal waiting to use it to bring the pain. Her main weapon however, seems to be a variety of toy hammers.
Latent Attributes (for Small!Nijntje)
Moe~: A simple form of charm that causes those who gaze upon her to think she's 'adorable' or 'cute'. Only good for making, normally hostile people, nice and approachable.
Calming Aura: Due to her rather cute and harmless appearance, Nijntje has a calming effect to those around her. Those effected by fright, distress or madness will often find themselves soothed or calmed down to a degree if they simply have Nij nearby. This is apparently what plays the most in keeping Helen's power in check and the dragonbunny sealed away.
Latent Attributes (Shared)
Blissful Psyche: Nijntje's mind, or whatever functions as her mind, is filled with things that are just as cute and fluffy as she is. While it's not impossible to read her thoughts, it's difficult to corrupt them and the mind they originate from. Any attempt to taint her thought processes will usually end in failure as the sheer amount of pink fluffy goodness that oozes from it drowns out the bad mojo trying to weasel it's way in.
Ailment Vaccine: Due to the fact that Nij is essentially an inorganic being, she's immune to the effects and ailments that normally cause discomfort and illness in organic beings. Disease and poisons are among the few things that don't seem to effect Nij's body.
Favored Finishers
- Coming Soon -
Notable Encounters (any kind, really)
Usagi_Yurimuri Met at random, after the bunny girl tried to possess her, Nij's natural cute aura seemed to distract Usagi from contining onward with her intentions.
Magical_Mindy: Met the magician at random and, after lulling her with a coiled massage curtosy of her bunnynaga form, coaxed Nijntje into letting Mindy keep her.
Vore Traits, Kinks, Other fetish-y mess
Indigestible Matter: Nij's body and the stuffing inside her body are comprised of a special property that seems to be hard to digest or might not be digested at all. As a result, the predator who devoured Nij may experience indigestion, stomach cramps or even bloating hours after they've finished their meal of Nijntje. This eventually subsides once the stuffing is effectively digested and passed from the system. This trait seems to increase in strength when Nijntje is in her true form, this being due to how she has more stuffing in her body than her smaller form.
Doll Mother: Despite being a doll, Nij has a trait that allows her to become pregnant if she gains genetic material from the user. The end result will most result in her stuffing budding off with this material and creating an independent doll within her. She eventually releases the doll as a small plush child that's in the form of the one who gave Nij the genetic material neccasary for creating this plush child. This can also apply to if she eats someone and wishes to reform them.
OOC Notes/Junk
+ Anything here can be found on my alts profile
Circle_of_Jermod, and most of my preferances are about the same for this character as they are for my other ones. Nijntje is split between pred and prey. Her original form is mostly prey (although can be pred) while her true form is largely pred.
+ Not entirely finished, but still finished enough to be available for RP.
+ A cute living doll of the
Circle_of_Jermod, of course~