Name: Nimevere Azreal 94th
Title: the Ever-Hungry, Despoiler of Virtue
Type: Succubus (The mean call her a 'succu-butt')
Official Function: Diabolic Secretary
"This is the doom-fortress of Mephistopheles, he's currently busy with several clients at the moment. I'm sorry but is there something that I can help you with?"
The stories about the fires of the afterlives for those that have been particularly naughty have tantalized the imaginations of mortals for centuries, since many are intensely curious about just what happens to them after they die. And why wouldn't they be? Dying is an eventuality for them, not just a possibility so the curiosity definitely has a solid foundation but few would expect a saucy little number like Nimevere to come from the fiery pit of their worst nightmares...maybe from some [i]other[/i] dreams though~! She wears a smart pair of glasses and dresses in an ill-fitting button up blouse and fine black skirt, each of which is strained to the breaking point to contain her caramel-colored flesh. Her dress shirt dips into a dizzily low neck-line that exposes twin heaving mounds of breast flesh practically surging out of their black and red lacy bra cup each time she breathes in. That mouth-watering cleavage is usually enough to distract from the deceptively small bat wings that sprout from her lower back through tailored holes in the back of her blouse. A short, smart black skirt stretches across her wide, fertile hips and that traffic-stopping derriere that could practically act as a shelf with how plump it is. That raw sex appeal continues to flow down into long, rounded legs sheathed in sheer pantyhose and a pair of black and red pumps that prop her up and can almost distract from the signs of her diabolic heritage. Such as the aforementioned wings, her pointed ears, or her bright yellow eyes that can pierce the soul. It's like someone took the traditional image of an office worker and mixed it with a succubus~!
So how did a sex-bomb like Nimevere end up working as a glorified pencil-pusher in the afterlife's hellish bureaucracy? Well there comes a time in every devil's life where they get tired of the never-ending struggle to damn mortals to a well-deserved fate in the Pit and the...[i]attentions[/i] of various irate holy men and women that they want to settle down and actually contribute to the great celestial struggles! Little known fact is that the success rate for succubus in tempting mortals isn't quite as high as the propaganda would make you think and a lot of them are dispatched to the mortal realm just to get them out of the way until they mature enough to make themselves useful. Nimevere found that she actually had a lot of talent for such things and was the arch-typical 'early bloomer' among her brothers and sisters and quickly attained a meteoric rise in power to upper middle-management. Now she's got an entire department of succubi under her designer heel and she's been put in charge of a very troublesome place that has, thus far, failed to provide the projected return on souls that Old Scratch has been expecting. If she can wrangle this 'Nexus' place back into line and get the flow of souls going again, like they're supposed to without all this 'reforming' business than she's a sure-fire selection for the next available promotion~!
And to this end, she's even been imbued with some additional infernal mojo so that she has the authority to do some bargain making of her own. After all, nothing gets a mortal into the Big Fire Below like a signed and notarized contract bequeathing said soul right to where it is [i]supposed[/i] to go...
Okie-dokie, here's the skinny...I really like the concept behind Nimevere...but don't really have an idea in mind for what sort of scenes I want her to get involved with. She swings all ways when it comes to predator/prey and dom/sub though I do tend to lean towards the sub/prey side of things. Aside from that, I'm open to talking about ideas and stuff so don't be shy~!

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