This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
Nina Amnell
Age: 13
Height; 5 foot 1
Weight: 86 pounds
There isn't much to say about Nina, really. She's 13, dresses normally, no special powers. She's a tad on the squirmy side; she can't sit still for more than a few minutes at a time. Her hoodie was a present from her older sister, and she wears it all the time. That and usually a pair of jeans or shorts, and of course her sneakers.
Family ( Alts played by me, for now. Maybe her family could grow though? *Shrug* )
Sarah_Amnell - Her older sister! She practically worships the older girl, and the cute pink hoodie she wears all over originally belonged to her. It's one of her most precious posessions.
Crystal_Amnell - A cousin, on her father's side. They've never been especially close, but she does like her cousins sense of style.
Thats really all there is to it, so far. More info to come? Maybe..
The following preferences are, well, what she looks for in a predator.
Likes Underage Prey
Willing to overpower a cute little thing like Nina
Assertive predators
You see, Nina is very much a blank slate, and I've got little to no limits on my end. Want to cuddle her as you slurp her down? Go ahead. Want to abuse the hell out of her and then perform dirty AV? Fine, sure. =p The only real preference I have is that she's always going to be prey, she's just not capable of eating other people, and that the player highly prefers females or herms over male characters. Highly. Feel free to PM if you'd like to play.