extract form statkrieg social services
m- "so where did you send the milly then i nice home with the swansosn i home"
b- "nah i sent them with the weird oens the ........good the funny name its .... ah the noms"
m-" wiat sorry the nosm the raccoon girl and the wolfess thous two "
b-"what they where weird and bi but theres nothign wrong with that they seemed happy and lovely"
m-"they are they are ..................... just a ltitle ................oh screw it they are crazy ex - specail op types ok they are good aprnets... or ratehr good bad ones , i mean they eat and fuck ... haven't heard the tiem one of thee daugtehrs ate a whole cheerleader team. after being supported and traiend by oen of them.
b"so.......... they are a bad influcne on them"
m"no.........well .........sort of ...........they are good aprents lovign but they let them do so many semi legal things and teach them so may illegial things. i mena take jane she is convted of hacking and at home with a tracker on her leg. her younger sisters is baned form school due to her hunger you see it"
b"oh.......................................crap what do we now thne"
m"give it a week if it she cme back it we will move her to a anthnor family if not report her to the police "
the noms family
mom: calera
Name:calera [ retracted ]
Titles: [retracted ] milf of year
Role: spy
Sex: Female
rank-spy amster
Place of birth:Park Tarent
Abilites: , vore, "the temple", reform, The dark duelist,
personailty: polite, repectful, sudcflust, hungry , protective and manlipative
Cloths: dress unifrom [below ] spy unifrom, suit with waistcoat and corest.
Weapons: break back revouler, webley pistiol, saber, Sword gun. snives ... -494550209 ... -402324801 ... -376003444
tends to be the braisn and control over her wife but somes times get angyr and such and needs wife to hold her back very loving
wife - Molotov ... -127326566
kidn of the muscales and gut in the family always eating but big haert even if they teach things to children such explosives and other things
Name:molotov manson[ retracted ]
Titles: stromtroper, colour sargenet, milf of the year
Sex: Female
Place of birth:Park Tarent
Abilites: , vore, "the temple", reform, rage,
personailty: polite, repectful, sudcflust, hungry , protective and rage and hugry all the time
Cloths: dress unifrom [ above ] combat unifrom, bra and apnties and thongs
aunty [ just aunty no one really knows here names sures weird cuborgs spends half her time in her room tuar of soemkind ]
daughter polly nom
Name:polly nom
Titles: ?
Role: ?
Sex: Female
Place of birth:unknown
Abilites: , vore, "the temple", reform, dance
personailty: polite, repectful, witty and girly , hungry ,
Cloths: cheerleader unifrom [ above ] sexy pj , sexy uniform ... -450700440 ... -385461734 ... -455804682
new dauht cheerleader likes the parnets but nto sure of her role or palce in fmaily
ahtnor daughter jene
Name:calera [ retracted ]
Titles: [retracted ] milf of year
Role: spy
Sex: Female
rank-spy amster
Place of birth:Park Tarent
Abilites: , vore, "the temple", reform, The dark duelist,
personailty: polite, repectful, sudcflust, hungry , protective and manlipative
Cloths: dress unifrom [below ] spy unifrom, suit with waistcoat and corest.
Weapons: break back revouler, webley pistiol, saber, Sword gun. snives ... -454947378 mreo of a hacker and wnated for such - smart, agront but good al round
daughter ... -385467528 gewn a quiet party girl
sara - shark girl pred, quiet , hunter