
Omoisouryo is a Great Earl ranked Ashura uses intense Psionics through his Asura Eye. The Asura Eye is only attainable to those who have completely opened their Psyche Eye (a mental vector that allows for the usage of psionics) but, in addition to this, the user placed all of their negative energies through the Psyche Eye, corrupting it into something twisted all the while granting immense psychic capabilities. Omoisouryo, however, took this a step further when he used the power of his Asura Eye and channeled it to his regular eyes. The act took his sight from him, but now with the Asura Eye linked to two other outlets, he has thrice the amount of power than any psionic user could have in their entire lifetime. Essentially, without the use of his regular eyes and with his Asura Eye being constantly open, Omoisouryo is a cyclops.

A psychic monk kinda guy from the Circle_of_Jermod. Not done, blah blah blah.