
"Hello~! Its a pleasure to meet you..er...don't mind my body. Wait, what is it..?! Bwuhh~..!" ~Orphelia trying to have a normal introduction.
This might seem like a bit of obvious advice, but it is advised that you should really do your best to avoid angering folks of the magical varieties, especially witches. They have a tendency to be incredibly spiteful and are likely to take their frustrations out on those around them...even if they don't really deserve it. That's how Orphelia has ended up in her current state, happening to be in the vicinity when a witch was feeling a bit disgruntled. A dullahan's duty is to announce the death of an individual and in doing so usher them on to the next life, similar to other death spirits so seeing any dullahan is a cause for concern but only because they announce when one's time is up and doesn't directly cause their death.
Or at least, that's the idea anyway.
One fateful night, Orphelia rode into a small village on the coast to fulfill her duty but something was amiss in the village and there was a large congregation of people prepared to do away with a troublesome witch that had been plaguing their small community. Orphelia hadn't come for the witch but that didn't stop the beleaguered woman from lashing out at all in the vicinity in order to make her escape...including the innocent dullahan and her faithful steed. Orphelia awoke numerous days later...er...significantly changed. The curse had a peculiar effect on all of its victims but it was unique to each of them and in Orphelia's case...well...she had been fused with her steed.
Yeah. Curses suck.
Orphelia's new form proved to be a remarkable hindrance (and, perversely, a boon) in performing her duties, so much so that the dullahan has temporarily given up the Voice so that she can track down the witch and get this issue resolved. Cause a lewd body pumped full of unfamiliar hormones that has a mind of its own when she isn't connected JUST ISN'T COOL!! Yeah, Orphelia only has absolute control over her body when her head is actually on her shoulders otherwise it can be a bit of an 'argument' to get it to do what she wants it to do. This is obviously a problem that must be rectified if she's ever to return to her deathly duties~!
A peculiar little alt I wanted to try out. Lemme know if interested! Looking for good, descriptive role-play of the lewd and vorish varieties but a bit of warning. Orphelia is pretty innocent and modest (armor not-withstanding), its her body that is perverted so expect her to voice a lot of protests if its doing things she doesn't approve of! Its meant to be silly and kinda funny though, so don't worry too much about it.
More to come as I think of it!