Disclaimer: I have permission to use these pictures. More importantly, while these characters LOOK like characters from certain games/series, they are NOT the same people. They have different names and personalities. Do not whisper or approach me asking if I'll play them as Tifa, Sakura, Jill, Samus, Peach, and April respectfully. I will ignore you if you do this, thus you are warned!
So just who are they? The Pawprint Posse is a band of women burglars and thieves who specialize in doing the impossible jobs that no one else wants to take! Their unique methods of infiltration have allowed them to amass quite the massive store of artwork and documents, just as it's allowed them to be caught by angry guards(and hungry predators!) just to try again the next night with new knowledge of the mark! That's right, what they can't get through skill they steal through attrition! At the end of the day they'll always get their prize one way or another and run off into the sunset laughing.
But they also work out of the headquarters of one guy, one guy that all of them (in their own ways) are very fond of. While they don't work
for Conn. they certainly obey what he tells them to do with varying levels of promptness. Despite this, he isn't the only they dally with (and have his blessing to as well) so they can usually be found wondering around the Park or nearby city/town on their own business.
Members of the Posse:
Selene: Selene is the one who is the most unusual out of the entire lot, with
red catsuit matched by pink (naturally at that!) hair with vivid sea green eyes that would have been unusual on anyone else. But she's also pale, the opposite of Monique's sun-kissed body, it looks like Selene has hardly spent longer then a day letting the sun see her well-padded body in her entire life. Only a fool would let her exaggerated curves distract them from the solid muscle of her arms and thighs, the marks of muscle hidden beneath that soft exterior. It fits her personality too, when one looks at her they expect someone more like Valentina...up until Selene begins to loudly laugh or call out someone else on a slight. She's energetic and almost tom-boyish, preferring to got to sports games, arcades, or just work out during her off time to the more 'relaxing' activities of the others that are just trying to unwind between jobs. One could almost call her an adrenaline junkie, she
lives for new thrills and thus adores her new found ability to shrink down and experience the world in a whole new way. Of all the other girls she's the most 'fond' of Bethany, but not in a best friends sort of way as well as Aurora who's a soothing presence on this vibrant girl. It's actually the shy Valentina that Selene dislikes the most, finding her too weak and soft.
Conn she treats like an equal though, figuring she's more of an 'alpha-female' then the others and thus deserves to be treated as such. Sex-wise she's the most...bizarre, preferring to shrink herself down for the act and use her entire body for it, though she'll grudgingly concede to more normal sex. Predators will find she tastes like mint, at odds with her...pink appearance.
Bethany: Bethany is the more...risque one of the posse. She's not ashamed of her voluptuous body or how her
light blue catsuit emphasizes her jaw-dropping figure. The brunette simply loves the attention she gets when she saunters into a rave or dance club (her favorite haunts) and every eye locks on her creamy cleavage or latex-coated legs with jealousy or lust on the brain. And while she's rather promiscuous, sex isn't
always on her mind, she likes some quiet time to herself as well. Usually this takes the form of lounging about
Conn's home with a good fashion magazine or pulp romance novel. She sees her 'master' more like the ideal boyfriend that she's
forced to share with the other posse members then as an actual master, a peculiar attitude among the posse. Unfortunately she doesn't get along to well with Monique because of the latter's superior attitude towards her, sparks often flying between the two when Bethany comes back from a late night party or when the posse is out together as a group. How ever she's quite fond of the shy Valentina and Aurora, finding it fun to embarrass and tease the former while the later has actually written some of her favorite romance novels. All about Conn and herself (Aurora that is), of course. Of the group Bethany is considered the 'Face'. The one who deals with buyers and contractors. In addition, her favorite method of sex is actually to slip a person's cock (if they have one) between her large breasts for a good rubbing, while predators lucky enough to swallow her down would notice she tastes like chocolate, probably the result of some kind of body lotion!
Valentina: (Tifa) Valentina is the only one who looks uncomfortable in her
black catsuit, her cheeks almost always a little pink at the way the black latex pushes her large breasts (larger then the others even, except for Dawn) together in a mouth-watering cleavage. She's always twiddling her fingers nervously or brushing back her long black hair whenever it gets in front of her eyes and is quick to retreat from people who are too aggressive (verbally or physically) with her. Thus she's often found in libraries, quiet parks, or secluded places with some natural beauty to them where there are few other people to notice or tease her about her raunchy outfit. Despite this, she's quite intelligent and is a prodigy with a computer the likes of which doesn't just pop out of a school but had to be natural talent. Anything from finding information to disabling security grids, she's done it all and will likely end up doing it again. Valentina is also the one who looks the most ill-at-ease on a job until a challenge arises, then she's almost happy to have the distraction. Of all the girls she likes Bethany the most but looks up to Monique from all of the classy stories the later has told her, putting her in an awkward position when the two start to fight. As for
Conn...well it's a bit odd. She likes him, obviously, but she can't help flushing as red as a tomato when he's around and can barely get a word out unless directly asked a question. The brunette asks like an embarrassed high-school crush around him, which may also explain why she's more...'traditional' when it comes to sex and prefers it the old fashion way. Tastes like strawberries, thanks to a special body cream from her master.
Aurora: Aurora is the quiet one of the group, but not like the stammering Valentina who just can't seem to get a word out. The blond just doesn't like making much noise, usually seen running her latex-covered hands over her
dark blue catsuit and stockings as if fascinated with the feel of it all. She's also the most introverted of them preferring to stay home practicing her art then to go out for wild parties or secluded parks. Despite this she seems quite popular, getting lots of mail from admirers that she always reads for inspiration for her next novel. Which is what she spends most of her time doing, either writing, panting, or attempting the odd sculpture or two though they all usually share a subject. Aurora is absolutely smitten with
Conn and isn't afraid to show it in her artwork, even the fakes she makes usually have a pawprint somewhere discreet as a calling card of the posse and
Conn. Of all the girls she finds Monique's company the best, admiring the other girl's taste in art and advice on the finer points of what she works on while figuring Selene to be nothing but dumb muscle to avoid. Her relationship with
Conn is obvious, she's almost worshipful of him and it's only because he asked her to play nice that she's able to accept that he eats and screws the other members of the posse. When it comes to sex, Aurora has an intense oral fixation that many have benefited from, just as they benefit from her sweet taste of candy, courtesy of her latex corset though it's long since sunken into her honeyed flesh.
Monique: Monique is the dazzling brunette in the
yellow catsuit, with a light tan that marks her as a frequent sun worshiper during her long bouts of leisure time. None of the other girls know how she fell for
Conn, but each regret that she did since she's a bit of a bully and bitch to almost all of them, considering them less then worthy rivals for her master's affection. She seems the type one would expect to see at high society galas or foreign balls, bedecked in lavish amounts of jewels and holding her superiority over everyone present. They wouldn't be too off mark either, she's quick to point out that she'd be going to more high society events if she wasn't so busy these days with the posse's heists and robberies. Of the five she's the most difficult to approach, just as likely to laugh at a suitor as she is to ignore them completely as if she hadn't even noticed them in the first place. But then she's also the one who's the most receptive to a polite and well-mannered person, finding them a 'welcome distraction from the uncouth peasants' even if they are one themselves. She's fond of many arts and that's actually what one of the things is she brings to the table for the posse, helping Aurora in the creation of realistic forgeries that can fool most people long enough for them all to escape with the loot. Her real asset though is her connections to people in high places. Of the other members of the posse, she's the most 'fond' of Selene, who she doesn't view as a rival but more of a...bodyguard. For herself and Conn. The others could disappear tomorrow and she'd never notice.
Conn's a different matter, she's always rather quiet and respectful around him, like how one traditionally thinks a 'slave' would behave. Maybe that's why she does it, but she's a loving sub for him. When it comes to sex, surprisingly, Monique favors anal sex above all other forms, a guilty pleasure of hers that she tries not to show. Predators lucky enough to swallow her down would notice she tastes like glazed cinnamon (or a cinnamon roll), probably the result of a body oil!
Dawn: Dawn is the stunning blond in the
pink leotard, rather then a catsuit, who always seems confused about how she got somewhere and why she's there. In short, she's a bit of an air-headed bimbo, but the rest of the Posse and
Conn don't seem to hold that against her. Whereas the others enjoy getting away from the Posse, and other people, from time to time for some time to themselves, Dawn seems to thrive on attention and always seeks to insert herself into the busiest location she can find whenever she has an ounce of free time. From 'dance' clubs to well-populated beaches, Dawn can be found flaunting her natural assets and giggling proudly at all the stares she'll be getting from. Oftentimes she'll be seen hanging around with Bethany, providing an odd counterpoint to the more lascivious woman. Where Bethany is seductive and alluring, Dawn is simply sexy and unknowing about her own appeal to others. Bethany is a bit more refined and graceful in her seductions while Dawn's approach is more raw and basic...but despite the fact most people assume the two would be at the other's throat half of the time, they get along quite well. Her role in the group is a simple one, but on that often leads to her being captured or detained. To put it simply, she's the decoy. When a guard needs distracted, executive befuddled while another steals his keycard, or anything else, it's Dawn that's sent in to do the job because she's so good at it. The bubbly blond also has a fondness for each member of the Posse and doesn't particularly dislike any of them, it's just not in her nature to get angry. It's her opinion of
Conn that's a bit mystifying, she doesn't seem to have the same overt feeling of love that the others have, but seems to have joined for something akin to 'if he has so many other girls, he must be doing something right or have great equipment!' and so far she hasn't been disappointed either, growing a more loving fondness for the anthro-man. Perhaps one of the reasons Dawn is so happy is she likes having multiple sexual partners at a time, something in abundance in the Posse. Any predator lucky enough to swallow the buxom blond down will find she tastes of cotton candy, likely the result of her extensive beauty regime.
Pawprints: The sign that the posse belongs to
Conn, each of the girls has a pawprint tattooed on each of their buttocks though these are far from normal markings. Because of these stamps, the girls are capable of reforming after being devoured or vored in other fashions, allowing them to play with other predators besides
Conn. As well these pawprints allow them to shrink down to the size of micros, as can be seen from the pictures of them in action.
The pawprints also let
Conn tell where they are at, kinda like a tracking bug.
OOC Disclaimer: I use different type colors for different members of the Posse. If multiple members are in a scene, I'll usually do smaller posts from one girl then switch colors and do another post for the other, so things don't get confused about who's doing what. Though that makes it a little hard to tell between Bethany and Aurora.
On multiple characters normally I'll only play two members of the posse at once. Three only if I'm feeling up to it and for special people. All five at once? VERY unlikely to happen because it'd simply be too difficult for me to do.
The first post means a lot to me since it gives me an idea of what kind of player you are or what to expect in the future in case you are beginning to fade off because of sleep or something. Or it lets me know there's nothing to look forward to, in which case I usually hit the ignore button if someone insists upon playing after I've said 'no'. I sometimes disappear without warning it's because RL has a habit of messing with me. If I can, I'll drop a PUB explaining why (If possible) and apologizing.
I adore detailed play, my proverbial bread and butter. If it's not well-written, verbose play then my attention tends to wander and I get bored. Obviously not good things!))
The Posse on a daring rescue mission to retrieve Dawn after a mission went bad: