There are a lot of odd things out there. There are a LOT of things that people really don't understand. There are things that are considered myths and legends or, on occasion, part of common religions. So... what happens when something very like an angel is found on any world where they're commonly considered agents of the god(s) of all that is Good?
Well, that depends a LOT on the setting.
Mirathi, for example, wound up kidnapped and fought over by any number of establishments, slowly starving as she was fought over by them. But, then, she was NEW to the world, and could only feed on a very limited range of emotions. Peace, on the other hand, has no such problem. But, then, she's been here a LOT longer.
A being of the same sort as Mirathi, Peace has all the common features of the species. She, too, sports the shimmering wings made of energy, shifting in color based on her mood and feeding habits. Her hair and eyes both mimic this as well, constantly changing, though her own basic shades are cooler than Mirathi's, often various blues and purples.
Unlike Mira, though, Peace isn't quite so limited, or naive. She can actually speak, which is a significant advantage, and she actually knows how to do other things, like dress herself, and converse with people. It may not seem like much, but it makes a HUGE difference. Of course, it also helps that she has a few centuries more experience in dealing with humanity... and a different diet.
Again, unlike Mira, Peace isn't so limited. While Mirathi can only feed on affection and its derivatives, Peace can actually safely feed on just about any emotion. She has learned, over the years, how to control herself, and her emotions, to a very impressive degree. Of course, this control has its own benefits in other areas, as well.
Standing at five feet nine inches, Peace isn't terribly imposing in terms of height or build. She's fairly average, overall, sporting a fairly average C-cup chest and some rather appealing curves. Her hair is worn long, coming down to the bottom of her butt, and constantly shifts colors subtly. Her attire typically consists of jeans, a simple shirt, a jacket, and some comfortable sneakers or, on rare occasion, boots, though anything she wears has to have vents in the back, at least, if not entirely leave her shoulders exposed. Those wings may not be physical, but they DO have their own space requirements, and covering them up for an extended period is... unpleasant. Most of the time though, she's in the same skinny jeans, with a simple black and purple t-shirt and a comfortable, well-worn jacket, often unzipped, with simple Converse sneakers on her feet. (Red, as it happens)
As far as her personality goes, Peace is typically fairly quiet and subdued. She seems... well, at peace with her situation. She's not loud, or even very obvious(beyond, well, glowy wings), in most situations, and seems to prefer to keep to herself. However.... well, let's just say she's earned her name in more ways than one.
Want to learn more? Feel free to ask her any time. Please don't PM me ICly. Alt is by